Shingetsutan Tsukihime Opening


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Arcueid Brunestud

Arcueid Brunstud's avatar

Last Login: 11/24/2007 4:27 am

Registered: 11/03/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Japan.

Her History~

Main heroine of Tsukihime. She is a vampire known as the "True Ancestor". The True Ancestors can be considered as the superior being of this planet with super strength, knowledge, and immortality. Even thought they can drink blood, they can take regular food in its place and have no problem. But when True Ancestors have learned the taste of blood, they lose their consciousness and begins killing everything in sight. The True Ancestors in this state is classified as "Fallen". Arcueid is a True Ancestor who was brought up to hunt these fallen Vampires. She is referred to as the Princess, and her power is much stronger than the others. However what happens if she "falls"? The result was that all True Ancestors were killed by her. After she regained her consciousness, her only objective was to kill the one that made her fall, vampire Roa. For hundreds of years, Arcueid has been fighting a lonely battle with Roa.

This battle finally comes to an end when she meets Shiki. Their encounter was an incredible one though; she got sliced into 17 pieces by the reversed Shiki. For that reason, she uses up most of her powers to heal herself which leaves her wide open to her enemy's attack. What she decides to do is to have Shiki work with her. Shiki, not knowing why he did that and feeling so bad, had no other choice but to agree. With the help of Shiki's power, they were able to completely destroy Roa.


Dear Admins:

Moira keeps harrassing me on the towns, what do I do?!


"I'll make you take responsibility for killing me!"