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Birthday: 12/31


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Ariana can be any age from 5 to 18 years old, but I prefer between 13-16. She has the habit of getting into trouble quite often. She is short and thin, has pale skin, blue eyes, and black curly hair. She often wears dresses and skirts. Very often, Ari is a troubled teen, or a very confused orphan. She's always up for adventures.

Aimee Desrosiers (In Les Miserables RPs):

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.(You should be at least slightly familiar with Enjolras, Grantaire and Les Miserables before deciding to RP as them. You should also be slightly familiar with Aaron Tveit and George Blagden. Please note that this profile is in place ONLY for Les Misérables RP, or for an RP paired with Aaron Tveit or George Blagden.)

Eye Color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Born: 1812
Current: 1832
Age: 20
Job: a member of Les Amis de l'ABC. She is a student of literature, and frequently documents the meetings at Musain.
Personality: She's a strong woman who fights for what she believes in. She's brave, caring, and compassionate. But she's a bit of a pessimist, and can sometimes be skeptical of things. She has a lot of doubts, but when she's sure of something, she goes with it. She grew up on the streets, so she knows how to take care of herself. She has a little bit of a gambling problem, and likes to drink.

Aimee is a normal 20 year old French woman, with the exception that she has joined ranks with her friends, starting a revolution. She grew up on the streets. Her family was very poor, and her parents both died when she was young. She was left to take care of herself. She believes in love, but she is afraid of it. Any time she had loved somebody, she lost them in one way or another, so she is afraid to love again. She's a tough girl, and a fighter, and she won't let anybody mess with her. She can stand up for herself. She has managed to find a way to survive while remaining virtuous and pure, besides her gambling and drinking problems. She likes to have a good time, and sometimes has issues with responsibilities. She often shirks her duties. She's a free spirit, and does whatever she wants, however and whenever she wants. She can have a bit of an attitude problem at times, but she is a good person. She has a little bit in common with each of her friends. She has off days where she is sometimes hard to get along with, but on most days, she's quite the opposite.


Aimee Desrosiers (for an Acting RP):

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Eye Color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Born: 1990
Age: 21-22
Job: She was hired as an actress, cast as a member of the Friends of the ABC. She's new to acting, and is thankful for the opportunity. She looks up to George and Aaron, and hopes they can teach her well. Occasionally, she gets help from Samantha and Eddie, too.
Personality: She's a strong woman who fights for what she believes in. She's brave, caring, and compassionate. But she's a bit of a pessimist, and can sometimes be skeptical of things. She has a lot of doubts, but when she's sure of something, she goes with it. She grew up on the streets, so she knows how to take care of herself. She has a little bit of a gambling problem, and likes to drink.
Bio: Aimee is a normal 22 year old French woman, with the exception that she has achieved her lifelong goal to pursue acting. She grew up on the streets. Her family was very poor, and her parents both died when she was young. She was left to take care of herself, alone in a Paris orphanage. She read a lot of books and practiced singing growing up, never really having many friends in the orphanage. Her older brother located her when she was ten, and adopted her. He passed away two years later, and she was back in the orphanage. During her stay with him, she went to a private school and studied acting, and continued to study it in secret after her return to the orphanage. She was adopted at 13, and emancipated herself at 16. She moved to England and met George (She's only a year younger than him). They became friends immediately, and he helped her pursue her acting career, and he landed her the role in Les Miserables, by Grantaire's side. She's currently enrolled in acting school, and juggling her Les Miserables career. She believes in love, but she is afraid of it. Any time she had loved somebody, she lost them in one way or another, so she is afraid to love again. She's a tough girl, and a fighter, and she won't let anybody mess with her. She can stand up for herself. She has managed to find a way to survive while remaining virtuous and pure, besides her gambling and drinking problems. She likes to have a good time, and sometimes has issues with responsibilities. She often shirks her duties. She's a free spirit, and does whatever she wants, however and whenever she wants. She can have a bit of an attitude problem at times, but she is a good person. She has a little bit in common with each of her friends. She has off days where she is sometimes hard to get along with, but on most days, she's quite the opposite.

This RP takes place during the filming for the 2012 Les Miserables musical. Aimee is new to the acting world, finally landing a role, thanks to her buddy, George Blagden, who plays the drunkard, Grantaire. She gets along well with the cast, becoming very close with Aaron Tveit, who plays Enjolras. After noticing that she's having a bit of trouble with her character, Aaron and George take it upon themselves to privately tutor her in acting, and stand in as vocal coaches as well. They believe she has great talent, but she needs some guidance, and definitely some good friends. Perhaps one of them has a special interest in her? Maybe the other feels more like a father figure.... Who knows? Let's find out!

You don't have to play both Aaron and George. You can pick one or the other, though both would be quite interesting....


Les Miserables Information:

The Friends of the ABC

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Enjolras (Aaron Tveit)the leader of Les Amis de l'ABC (the Friends of the ABC), a group of students dedicated to political change in France. In the original French, the name of the group is a pun on Les Amis de l'abaissé, the friends of the oppressed, "that is to say, the people", writes Hugo. "They wished to elevate the people. It was a pun which we should do wrong to smile at."[1] As he and his friends engage in political debate, Enjolras expresses complete faith in the future in a lengthy speech beginning with the question: "Citizens, where are we going?" His answer is: "Citizens, the nineteenth century is great, but the twentieth century will be happy.... We can almost say, there will be no more events. We shall be happy.... [T]he human race will be delivered, relieved, and consoled."

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Grantaire (George Blagden) An alcohol drinker with little interest in revolution. Despite his pessimism, he eventually declares himself a believer in the Republic, and dies alongside Enjolras.

Marius Pontmercy (Eddie Redmayne) A young law student loosely associated with the Friends of the ABC. He shares the political principles of his father and has a tempestuous relationship with his royalist grandfather, Monsieur Gillenormand. He falls in love with Cosette and fights on the barricades when he believes Valjean has taken her to London. After he and Cosette marry, he recognizes Thénardier as a swindler and pays him to leave France.

Bahorel (Iwan Lewis)A dandy and an idler from a peasant background, who is known well around the student cafés of Paris.

Combeferre (Killian Donnelly)A medical student who is described as representing the philosophy of the revolution.

Courfeyrac (Fra Fee)The centre of the Friends. He is honourable and warm, and is Marius' closest companion.

Feuilly (Gabriel Vick)An orphaned fan maker who taught himself to read and write. He is the only member of the Friends who is not a student but a workingman.

Jean "Jehan" Prouvaire (Alistair Brammer) A Romantic with knowledge of Italian, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, and an interest in the Middle Ages.

Joly (Hugh Skinner)A student of medicine who has unusual theories about health. He is a hypochondriac and is described as the happiest of the Friends.

Lesgle (also Lègle, Laigle, L'Aigle [The Eagle] or Bossuet)The oldest member of the group and the son of a man who was granted a dukedom by Louis XVIII after helping him into a carriage. Considered notoriously unlucky, Lesgle started balding aged twenty-five. It is Lesgle who introduces Marius to the Friends.

Gavroche (Daniel Huttlestone)The unloved middle child and eldest son of the Thénardiers. He lives on his own as a street urchin and sleeps inside an elephant statue outside the Bastille. He briefly takes care of his two younger brothers, unaware they are related to him. He takes part in the barricades and is killed while collecting bullets from dead National Guardsmen.

Eponine (Samantha Barks/Natalya Angel Wallace)The Thénardiers' elder daughter. As a child, she is pampered and spoiled by her parents, but ends up a street urchin when she reaches adolescence. She participates in her father's crimes and begging schemes to obtain money. She is blindly in love with Marius. At Marius' request, she finds Valjean and Cosette's house for him and sadly leads him there. She also prevents her father, Patron-Minette, and Brujon from robbing the house during one of Marius' visits there to see Cosette. After disguising herself as a boy, she manipulates Marius into going to the barricades, hoping that she and Marius will die there together. Wanting to die before Marius, she reaches out her hand to stop a soldier from shooting at him; she is mortally wounded as the bullet goes through her hand and her back. As she is dying, she confesses all this to Marius, and gives him a letter from Cosette. Her final request to Marius is that once she has passed, he will kiss her on the forehead. He fulfills her request not because of romantic feelings on his part, but out of pity for her hard life.

The Rest
Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman) (also known as Monsieur Madeleine, Ultime Fauchelevent, Monsieur Leblanc, and Urbain Fabre) – The protagonist of the novel. Convicted for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his sister's seven starving children and sent to prison for five years, he is paroled from prison nineteen years later (after four unsuccessful escape attempts added twelve years and fighting back during the second escape attempt added two extra years). Rejected by society for being a former convict, he encounters Bishop Myriel, who turns his life around by showing him mercy and encouraging him to become a new man. While sitting and pondering what Bishop Myriel had said, he puts his shoe on a forty-sou piece dropped by a young wanderer. Valjean threatens the boy with his stick when the boy attempts to rouse Valjean from his reverie and recover his money. He tells a passing priest his name, and the name of the boy, and this allows the police to charge him with armed robbery – a sentence that, if he were caught again, would return him to prison for life. He assumes a new identity (Monsieur Madeleine) in order to pursue an honest life. He introduces new manufacturing techniques and eventually builds two factories and becomes one of the richest men in the area. By popular acclaim he is made mayor. He confronts Javert over Fantine's punishment, turns himself in to the police to save another man from prison for life, and rescues Cosette from the Thénardiers. Discovered by Javert in Paris because of his generosity to the poor, he evades capture for the next several years in a convent. He saves Marius from imprisonment and probable death at the barricade, reveals his true identity to Marius and Cosette after their wedding, and is reunited with them just before his death, having kept his promise to the bishop and to Fantine, the image of whom is the last thing he sees before dying.

Inspector Javert (Russell Crowe)A fanatic police inspector in pursuit to recapture Valjean. Born in the prisons to a convict father and a fortune teller mother, he renounces both of them and starts working as a guard in the prison, including one stint as the overseer for the chain gang of which Valjean is part (and here witnesses firsthand Valjean's enormous strength and just what he looks like). Eventually he joins the police force in the small town identified only as M____-sur-M__. He arrests Fantine and butts heads with Valjean/Madeleine, who orders him to release Fantine. Valjean dismisses Javert in front of his squad and Javert, seeking revenge, reports to the Police Inspector that he has discovered Jean Valjean. He is told that he must be incorrect, as a man mistakenly believed to be Jean Valjean was just arrested. He requests of M. Madeline that he be dismissed in disgrace, for he cannot be less harsh on himself than on others. When the real Jean Valjean turns himself in, Javert is promoted to the Paris police force where he arrests Valjean and sends him back to prison. After Valjean escapes again, Javert attempts one more arrest in vain. He then almost recaptures Valjean at Gorbeau house when he arrests the Thénardiers and Patron-Minette. Later, while working undercover behind the barricade, his identity is discovered. Valjean pretends to execute Javert, but releases him. When Javert next encounters Valjean emerging from the sewers, he allows him to make a brief visit home and then walks off instead of arresting him. Javert cannot reconcile his devotion to the law with his recognition that the lawful course is immoral. He takes his own life by jumping into the Seine.

Fantine (Anne Hathaway)A beautiful Parisian grisette abandoned with a small child by her lover Félix Tholomyès. Fantine leaves her daughter Cosette in the care of the Thénardiers, innkeepers in the village of Montfermeil. Mme. Thénardier spoils her own daughters and abuses Cosette. Fantine finds work at Monsieur Madeleine's factory. Illiterate, she has others write letters to the Thénardiers on her behalf. A female supervisor discovers that she is an unwed mother and dismisses her. To meet the Thénardiers' repeated demands for money, she sells her hair and two front teeth, and turns to prostitution. She becomes ill. Valjean learns of her plight when Javert arrests her for attacking a man who called her insulting names and threw snow down her back, and sends her to a hospital. As Javert confronts Valjean in her hospital room, because her illness has made her so weak, she dies of shock after Javert reveals that Valjean is a convict and hasn't brought her daughter Cosette to her (after the doctor encouraged that incorrect belief that Jean Valjean's recent absence was because he was bringing her daughter to her).

Cosette (Amanda Seyfried/Isabelle Allen)The illegitimate daughter of Fantine and Tholomyès. From approximately the age of three to the age of eight, she is beaten and forced to work as a drudge for the Thénardiers. After her mother Fantine dies, Valjean ransoms Cosette from the Thénardiers and cares for her as if she were his daughter. Nuns in a Paris convent educate her. She grows up to become very beautiful. She falls in love with Marius Pontmercy and marries him near the novel's conclusion.

Madame Thenardier (Helena Bonham Carter)(also known as the Jondrettes, M. Fabantou, M. Thénard. Some translations identify her as the Thenardiess) – Husband and wife, parents of five children: two daughters, Éponine and Azelma, and three sons, Gavroche and two unnamed younger sons. As innkeepers, they abuse Cosette as a child and extract payment from Fantine for her support, until Valjean takes Cosette away. They become bankrupt and relocate under the name Jondrette to a house in Paris called the Gorbeau house, living in the room next to Marius. The husband associates with a criminal group called "the Patron-Minette", and conspires to rob Valjean until he is thwarted by Marius. Javert arrests the couple. The wife dies in prison. Her husband attempts to blackmail Marius with his knowledge of Valjean's past, but Marius pays him to leave the country. He becomes a slave trader in the United States.

Thenardier (Sacha Baron Cohen)(also known as the Jondrettes, M. Fabantou, M. Thénard. Some translations identify her as the Thenardiess) – Husband and wife, parents of five children: two daughters, Éponine and Azelma, and three sons, Gavroche and two unnamed younger sons. As innkeepers, they abuse Cosette as a child and extract payment from Fantine for her support, until Valjean takes Cosette away. They become bankrupt and relocate under the name Jondrette to a house in Paris called the Gorbeau house, living in the room next to Marius. The husband associates with a criminal group called "the Patron-Minette", and conspires to rob Valjean until he is thwarted by Marius. Javert arrests the couple. The wife dies in prison. Her husband attempts to blackmail Marius with his knowledge of Valjean's past, but Marius pays him to leave the country. He becomes a slave trader in the United States.

The Barricades:

During the funeral of General Lamarque (June 5, 1832), a popular defender of the people, Enjolras and the rest of the Friends of the ABC join the popular revolt against the monarchy and build a barricade outside of a wine shop in the Rue de la Chanverrerie. Enjolras is the leader of the group manning the barricade. After one of their number shoots an innocent citizen, Enjolras promptly executes him. It's mentioned that the executed revolutionary was in reality Claquesous, a member of the Patron-Minette, and that he had been hired to stir up chaos amongst the revolutionaries. Shooting this man causes a dramatic shift in Enjolras' demeanor; he turns fatalistic with regards to his own impending death. He says, "Compelled to do what I have done, but abhorring it, I have judged myself also.... It will come, citizens, that day when all shall be concord... and it is so that it may come that we are going to die." [3] This is the first point during the June Rebellion at which the Friends of the ABC acknowledge that they will likely die.
The students mourn the death of Mabeuf and plan what to do with Javert. They decide to keep him as a hostage. Enjolras sends five men away from the barricade, realizing that those at the barricade will die. Valjean arrives at the barricade. Enjolras orders Javert's execution; Valjean leads Javert away, and sets him free instead.
When the barricade falls, Enjolras retreats into the wine shop. He alone is left untouched by bullets and wounds. Grantaire, awakening from a drunken stupor, asks to be shot with Enjolras. The soldiers execute them both and Enjolras is pierced by eight bullets.

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powermetal Report | 05/05/2013 10:19 am
Takes your comment virginity heart


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Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men.
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart,
echoes the beating of the drums,
there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes!
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