.: :. ArianaTheLadyMavet .: :.

ArianaTheLadyMavet's avatar

.: :. Signature .: :.

Remember youth as you pass by,
As you was once, so once was I,
As I am now, you soon will be,
Prepare to die and follow me.


.: :. A Little About Me .: :.

Well, I'm a sixteen year old, self-proclaimed writer. I love watching t.v. and listening to music. I happen to love role playing (one of my friends got me hooked a long time ago.) I have a list of potential husbands (lol) among them are John Cena, Jeff Hardy, Jensen Ackles, Stuart Townsend, Paul Walker, and John Leguizamo (Yea, I know, it's not gonna happen >.>)

Well, if you wanna know more then just contact me at BulletsAndOctaneFan@hotmail.com. And if you would like to read some of my fanfictions then visit www.quizilla.com/users/BulletsAndOctane . I'm currently writing a POTC fanfiction but I have some of my original work that I will post ^^

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paper xd2 Report | 04/28/2008 2:44 pm
paper xd2
dean2468 Report | 03/21/2008 7:25 pm
hey amela
Paper xD Report | 03/16/2008 3:34 pm
Paper xD
hey amela
paper xd2 Report | 08/06/2007 7:04 pm
paper xd2
Paper xD Report | 08/01/2007 7:29 pm
Paper xD
Spade ZZZ Report | 07/28/2007 6:43 pm
Spade ZZZ
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