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So.. maybe if I approach the vocals in our next song like this, then.. *looks up* O-Oh! I'm sorry. You weren't waiting her long, were you? *smiles* Hello, my name is Désiré. Oh, right. You already know that. *laughs quietly, clearly embarrassed by his words* How are you this fine day? I'm sorry that you had to travel so far to see me for this interview and so late at night, too. Really I should have come to you. Thank you so very much for your time. *his smile becomes a bit more sheepish* Please, feel free to sit down. Are you hungry? Thirsty? I-I really don't have too much to offer in this suite, but I could quickly run out to a store and get something. I.. um.. did not have the chance to pick up this week's groceries yet. What? The interview? O-Oh, right.. I'm just babbling... Ah ha... I'm sorry.

I'll start at the beginning, then, if you don't mind. *slowly lowers himself into an armchair and leans back, relaxing himself before continuing* Well... Let's see. I grew up in a fairly large family in France. *pauses for a moment before laughing* No, my accent is long gone for the most part. Sometimes it sneaks its way into my voice, but after living in the United States, Chicago in particular, for so long, I seem to have lost most of my French roots. Désiré is a stage name that I chose in hope to staying true to my French heritage. It's... It's not as if I believe that I should be desired or anything like that. I just.. um.. *lowers his voice and mumbles* ..I thought that it sounded... cool.. *clears his throat*

Anyway.. My family consisted of the normal members of a household, though I had a few more siblings than most by today's standards. Mother and Father worked hard to care for all of us. Father worked while Mother stayed home with the 'kids.' My sisters, Alice and Adéle, stayed in the house while my brothers, Adam and Guy, and I worked from an early age. Times were hard, but somehow we managed. We were happy because we had each other. Sure, my siblings and I would bicker every now and then like all brothers and sisters do, but it was a necessity to get along with each other. After all, being poor meant a small living place and with our close quarters, family members became roommates. The company was nice, but I did not really appreciate it until I... Well, I just wish that I could turn back time.

Since then, I... lost contact with my family. What? Did they approve of my career choice? Ah... I... *looks away* I'm really not sure. I would like to think that they're watching over me, but I know that I can never see them again. Not even in death... *closes his eye and takes a deep breath* Yes... I believe in heaven and hell... God and the devil... That's why I... *shakes his head and forces a smile* I'm sorry, what was the next question?

Do Aldéric and I rehearse our lines before speaking in public? Are you referring to the fact that we often finish each other's sentences? *laughs* No, no, we have known each other for years. Sometimes he knows what I'm thinking before I speak. It's almost disturbing that he understands me better than I do, but thats what happens when you have a best friend.

Oh man.. This is embarrassing to admit, but I was especially immature and reckless back then. Aldéric and I... ha.. we did some crazy things. I'm not terrible sure that I should name some of our actions, but... *presses a hand against one of his cheeks and sighs* Okay, I'll.. I'll tell a short story. Back then, though we were adults, we acted very much like children. During a winter day when the sun feared exposure and hid behind heavy clouds, Aldéric and I were on knight duty. There had been word of a possible assassination attack on the queen. Now, back then, messages such as this were passed on by word of mouth and were often exaggerated. Think.. the game telephone, only instead of whispering into the person's ear next to you, you're traveling miles to deliver a message you thought you might of heard. There was no way to tell if the threat was legitimate or not, but we still needed to be cautious.

That did not happen. Aldéric and I soon grew bored. I pelted him with snowballs. He got his revenge by knocking me to the ground and burying me beneath a deep mound of snow. Little did I know that Aldéric left me there to freeze soon after. It was all in good humor; he did realize that frostbite did not faze me since my body was.. very much immune to it, same with his. He would come to fetch me later. At least, he would have if not for an unexpected, though highly anticipated and unwelcome guest visiting the kingdom that day.

Needless to say, I made a fool of myself that day. When I heard someone waling nearby, I threw my hand up, forcing it through the snow. The leg it grabbed felt like any other. Ah.. not that I go around grabbing legs or anything. I's just that given human anatomy... *waves his hands a bit* That's not relevant. In the end, it was the assassin I grabbed, not Aldéric. It... did not end well.

Oh, I'm sorry, you're not interested in stories that old. *frown lines crease his forehead* Fiction? But it's not... But.. Well, yes, I'm telling it as if I were really that old because... *his frown grows larger* A vampire? Yes, I am. Oh... You don't want me to bring the band's image into this because the interview is about us as people. Humans. Oh.. I'm.. I'm sincerely sorry.

My relationship with the band... That's another good question. We have become a sort of small family since we have all lost contact with our blood relatives. Samael would hate to hear me say this, but he is like a son to me. Physically, by typical measurement, we are only three years apart, but I cannot help but worry and watch over him quickly. Every decision and move he makes matters. He is a very bright boy, but like most teenagers.. well.. he takes unneeded risks.

Evelyn would be the... mother. She's... She's... well... She's Evelyn. I... um... Why are you asking me if she and Samael are a couple? I don't.. I don't think I have a right to say... *tugs at his shirt collar* Samael or Evelyn will tell you. One said yes and the other said no? O-Oh... I'm sorry...

Um.. *clears his throat* As previously stated, Aldéric and I are very close, like brothers. He's hilarious. Everything in life can be compared to sweets with him. Strangely enough, after sharing several conversations with Aldéric, I have come to understand his logic. I... really don't know where I would be without him. He has done so much for me and I'm not sure how I could ever repay him. If you have a chance to talk to our drummer, I would. Aldéric will probably be more than happy to share a conversation and I am sure that he would enjoy the company.

To sum up what I could talk endlessly about, I love our band. Every single member has a place within my heart. If anything were to ever happen to them, I... *turns away again and ahead at nothing in particular, his gaze distant* I don't know what I'd... Let's... not think about that, okay? *turns back around and smiles*

Thank you very much for your time today. *stands* If you ever need anything else, feel free to stop by. Or call me so I can meet you somewhere. Anything is fine with me. *his smile grows softer* Have a pleasant evening.


Our Most Recent Albums

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Current Playlist

Nice Guys Finish Last- Green Day
Don't Do Sadness/Blue Wind- Spring Awakening
Hum Along- Ludo
Hollow Bastion- Kingdom Hearts
Your Guardian Angel- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
I Found A Way- Alkaline Trio
Do You Wanna Know?- Alkaline Trio
Hero/Heroine- Boys Like Girls
Love Story- Taylor Swift
Panic Attack- Dream Theater


[[This is a role-playing account]]


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Lyrical Remembrance

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Caelie Cue

Report | 05/30/2009 5:29 pm

Caelie Cue

Don't...please don't apologize, Des.
Caelie Cue

Report | 05/25/2009 5:01 pm

Caelie Cue

...O-oh...*rubs at her face, looking away* Sorry...
Caelie Cue

Report | 05/24/2009 8:02 pm

Caelie Cue

...*looks up at him, blushing faintly*
Caelie Cue

Report | 05/24/2009 7:50 pm

Caelie Cue

*smiles softly*

...Thank you...
Caelie Cue

Report | 05/24/2009 7:47 pm

Caelie Cue

That's sweet, Des. Really.
Caelie Cue

Report | 05/24/2009 7:36 pm

Caelie Cue

Haha...says you...
Caelie Cue

Report | 05/24/2009 7:30 pm

Caelie Cue

...Yeah, well...I guess I just don't get asked out very much. No big deal..
Caelie Cue

Report | 05/24/2009 7:23 pm

Caelie Cue

Oh...I'm single, yeah...
Caelie Cue

Report | 05/24/2009 7:18 pm

Caelie Cue

.....Oh....*hides her smile from him with her hand*
Caelie Cue

Report | 05/24/2009 7:11 pm

Caelie Cue

.....And.....are you?