
Yep! This is my profile.

My alias is Arrien- shorthand name being Arri, but really, it's only two letters shorter. xD Unless you're trying to express familiarity, there's no distinction or reason to bother.

I had my fifteen minutes of e-fame when I was a moderator, from January 2005 through October 2007. I am very happily retired from the job and enjoying the site without pressure. I'm mostly a Breedables whore these days, though it used to be Barton Town and Life Issues.

If you want to actually get to know me... well. I'm a D&D nerd, and that was predestined when my parents met at a game. I declare them happily the most awesome parents in the world. I have one older sister, and a billion cats. I live on the bottom floor of my parents' house, where I happily doodle on the walls and sink my life into silly pursuits. I play video games incessantly, and have been teaching myself how to program and design them.

I'm currently a third-year college student, studying international studies and foreign languages, and enjoying myself thoroughly. I draw a little, write a lot, sing when no one's listening, and dance like a buffoon to the radio. I love performing, but lack skill and experience. I consider myself intellectual and stupid, and like life best when I'm philosophical. I love religious concepts and flexible spiritualism, and while I'm usually pretty hesitant to bare my soul, I have odd ideas of what is "shallow" and thereby discussable material.

That's about all I feel like writing for now. Much love to all my friends, and a warm hello to everyone else!


Viewing 12 of 34 friends


Thoughts and Ramblings

Lesse... yeah. I think the title says it all.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Heliodor Hasturien

Report | 07/22/2016 9:57 am

Heliodor Hasturien

Miss you Arri crying

Report | 08/25/2012 8:35 am


Happy birthday, hon. I sincerely hope everything's going alright for you. Miss you lots! ;; heart

Report | 08/24/2010 1:28 am


Late happy birthday <3

Report | 08/22/2010 12:16 pm


oh s**t she's a gold digga

just thought you should know *****

Report | 08/19/2010 9:02 pm


Only a little, darling. <3
Heliodor Hasturien

Report | 08/07/2010 10:09 am

Heliodor Hasturien

Yeah, I'll PM you!
Heliodor Hasturien

Report | 08/04/2010 12:18 am

Heliodor Hasturien

Hey hey. I randomly felt like signing on and changing my avatar (this is Risth / Lady Adamant!) and of course I looked at your profile first thing. I hope you're doing well, miss & love ya xoxo Risth
Heliodor Hasturien

Report | 01/03/2010 10:28 pm

Heliodor Hasturien

Oh s**t wow! So you run Fa'e now! Well, that's great! I am really surprised the shop is up and running! (I just checked it...) - I thought it was gonna stagnate, to be honest. (Though weirdly I had a dream about Fa'e recently...please don't ask me why, I have no idea seriously waaat.) Wow so I'm really glad the shop survived. Lu, eh? No kidding? How random! Haha oh man...but I see the shop has some new artists now like Cere and all, that's awesome...everyone can still get their arts now. A bittersweet memory! Congrats on finishing your degree!! I'm no where near mine unfortunately. I don't know what'll happen with me in that respect, really. Health problems get so...boring after a while, you know? Blech! I was bummed I didn't get to meet with you this past summer. My family is sort of...psychotic? I guess computer death never helps. I miss you!, so I hope things continue to go well for you... (You know what made me sign on here? Out of boredom I went to tektek (I forgot the name of it, even!) to see what new items Gaia had made in the past...uhh...five months? Five months+? Lol. Anyway I was like OOH I LIKE THAT @ one of them, and thought, I think I had that item...I should put it on my avatar, for kicks...wait, hold on...what was my username again? s**t, what was my PASSWORD again? - I had to reset it, crap, LOL. And it turns out I didn't even have that item at all...so I just put some other, likewise cool, stuff on my avatar, and, I had a profile comment from you, so I read it and replied and - that's my crazy story, hahaha.) I couldn't even remember what email I had with this account, so when I tried to reset my password, I was putting in all the email addresses I had and getting password reset confirmations from like every other account I have except this one XD ...BUT I REMEMBERED randomly, thank god o(TヘTo) くぅ
Heliodor Hasturien

Report | 01/03/2010 10:08 pm

Heliodor Hasturien

Hi bb! How are you holding up? I hope things are going well for you. Get this, I was in the hospital with H1N1 flu this semester, fun times. I don't go on the internet much anymore; I got a new computer for Xmas though since my other one fried itself (graphics card because of my gaming). Yeah I'm just sort of floating in space these days. Like I said, don't use the computer much. I'm guessing B/C is still alive and well, as always! I often think of you, tbh, and hope you're doing good on here. Cheers na~.
Heliodor Hasturien

Report | 01/03/2010 10:03 pm

Heliodor Hasturien

Hi, I hope you're doing well on Gaia, and having a good time! xoxo Risth


"Well, what are you waiting for?!"
"I don't know. Something amazing, I guess."

Me too, kid.