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Arthur Blackwell

Arthur Blackwell's avatar

Last Login: 12/29/2016 9:39 pm

Registered: 09/18/2008

Gender: Male

Birthday: 03/14/1991

Information File

Name: Arthur Blackwell

Titles(s): Rouge of Dusk’s Shadow, Downtown Boy, Theatre Master, Friend of Children, Sassy Chef

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Nationality: Avonion (Avonnon, Plains Province)

Blood Type: AB

Height: 5’6

Weigh: 126 lbs.

Family: Adelaide Blackwell (Mother, Unknown) & Christopher Blackwell (Father: Deceased)

Occupation: Performer, Thief, Guardian

Hobbies: Star gazing, Cooking, Travel, Reading, Writing, Acting, Magic, & Flirting.

Familiar: Ishtar the Cat

Divine Allegiance: Celestial Goddess, Luna

Temperance: Calm and collected, Arthur comes across as decisive, persistent, witty, and quite bold. He seems to enjoy teasing others, by giving people nicknames, and teasing them about their quirks. After years of travelling around the world with an entertainment troupe, Arthur has gained much knowledge about the world as a whole, and control over illusions and various other tricks. He can usually be seen playing with the local children, working in his office, and flirting with various women around the town. Because of his rampant flirting, he has a wide spread reputation amongst women in various provinces. Although, he flirts with many women, Arthur is mostly, smitten with his childhood, whom he can never get out of his mind. Arthur is quite comfortable with the person he is, already having an established mindset and personality that changes and develops very little over the course of his adventures. He has a tendency to not tell people his plans ahead of time, and looks a bit shady, because of this. Growing up as a merchant’s son, Arthur came to neither trust nor favour nobles, mostly because of the shady activities he witnessed, and their tendency to worry only about themselves. He also tends to take things into his own hands because he feels he has to. Despite being the master of the theatre troupe, he also leads a double life as a phantom thief, who steals from corrupt nobles, using the stolen goods to finance the theatre and take in refugees and others who were affected by the actions of the corrupt. He also has no qualms about killing, but only if he necessarily has too. He has been caught by Marina once, and sees his reasons for what they are, thus she has offered and helped him occasionally when she feels like it.

Strengths/Abilities: Quick speed, able to see spiritual energy, Sharpened intuition, high dexterity & intelligence,& illusions.

Weaknesses: His special illusions from the arcane release slowly drain him of his, spirit energy, thus he has to be careful of their overuse otherwise he passes out from mental exhaustion.

Fighting Style: Arthur's fighting style seems to be inspired by the martial art of Bartitsu, where practitioners are taught to use canes and umbrellas as a weapon in addition to various hand-to-hand techniques.

Weapon biggrin reams of Dusk, An enchanted cane with a sword inside. The cane is solid and lightweight, which allows the user to blind side the enemy. As it is blessed by Luna, the cane is capable of acting as a medium for arcane release, and arcane climax abilities, imbued upon it by the goddess.

Arcane Release: The user produces illusions from the mind. As illusions are made, it drains the spirit energy of the user per illusion created, thus the wielder has to be careful in its use. However, with a focused enough mind, the back draw is minimized and even more solid illusions to the point where they can be physically touched as if real.

Arcane Climax: The user creates a giant physical phantom, which appears as a woman with long white hair, and wearing a flowing black dress with a cloak. Both the cloak and dress have Celtic designs on it, in silver. It also wears light chest guard of silver, as well as a silver bracer on each arm. Additionally, she wears boots and a chained headband with a crescent moon on it. The phantom carries a staff and appears with a cauldron. The cauldron spews forth a fog, which creates various illusions, which can disorientate, and potentially cause the enemy to go insane. The phantom can also attack opponents with the staff, or with a magic spell. This form drains the user’s spirit energy quickly, thus rendering the user immobile, as well as masking the user extremely tired, thus the phantom will dissipate when the user passes out. Therefore it is a last attack measure of desperation. The phantom is said to be a reflection of Luna herself, coming to deliver divine judgement, using the wielder as a medium to channel her. But this is unclear as, even Arthur doesn't really know if it's her or a manifestation of his own sins.


“It’s Showtime!”

“Shows over, folks.”

"Like hell if I take a curtain call here…"

“So let me get this straight, you want me to steal the Arenea Magistrate’s daughter… without any real reason. If I remember right, the magistrate is a very kind woman, who takes care of her people and her family. I’d rather flirt with her, than steal from her.”

“The reason your focus is off, is because you aren't seeing it. Close-range combat is like flirting with a beautiful woman, and do you know what the most important thing is when you’re trying to steal someone’s heart?”

“Ishtar, you’re too jealous at times you know. I mean, you know that no matter what happens you’ll always be my number one till the end, my pretty little kitty.”

“Aww, I always wanted to hold hands with you too Marina.”

“Don’t worry mate, I'll make sure your gravestone reads 'Here lies the world's biggest wanker.”

“Sunshine, you may think me a dandy and a fool, but your no better, you treat your men like dogs to be trained, and you’re so boyish, I don’t know whether to bathe with you in the same spring or not."

“I'm a performer, well versed in magic, albeit mostly illusions. I'm also handy with a blade. However, on the stage or on the battlefield, I hope I can be of help to you.”

“Little Shrine maiden, I'm not some ordinary thief. I only steal the finest of riches, and purest of hearts. Blessed by the moon, I am the Phantom thief, Blackquill.”

“Taking your life is just another part of my job. I'm just doing right by the world and taking one less b*****d out of it, along with the riches reaped along with them, to make it a better place.”

“You can call me a criminal all you want, I already recognize it for what it is. Murder is wrong, no matter what reason. One day, when the time comes, my life will too come to an end for what I've done, but until then I will continue doing the work that no one else will, and stain my hands.”

“Dear maiden, you’re absolutely ravishing when you smile, and it’s what made me drew me to ask you to have a little drink with me. “

“Madame, your smile is simply a gift of the goddesses; will you allow me the chance to sweep you off your feet, at the ball tonight?”

“You fill out that dress quite nicely sunshine, too bad you don’t look like this more often, otherwise I’d fall you.”


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BARIQUKI Report | 11/10/2016 12:59 pm
BARIQUKI Report | 04/10/2016 11:02 am
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug
BARIQUKI Report | 03/04/2016 2:43 am
heart emotion_hug emotion_bigheart
BARIQUKI Report | 03/04/2016 2:42 am
heart emotion_hug emotion_bigheart
Raven Wind KuroNeko-Chan Report | 02/25/2016 9:13 am
Your Patronage is Much Appreciated!
Please Feel Free To Come Again.
You are a very nice Customer!

Meow Mew Meow!!!

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BARIQUKI Report | 02/25/2016 5:08 am
BARIQUKI Report | 03/22/2014 4:39 pm
BARIQUKI Report | 02/09/2014 10:10 pm
hey whats up miss talking to u
BARIQUKI Report | 11/04/2013 10:49 am
crying it's cool that you forget about this place, i wanting to quit gaia but i don't want to lose my friends tho crying
BARIQUKI Report | 09/26/2013 11:02 am
me too
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