About this nikka;

Simple as this;
I'm Aren.
Age is 16.
Hmu losers.

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I'm purdy ******** badass & i know it. if you ask me (joke), hahah, but no really.
I am very much so a "Jack of all Trades" but i'd really like to be good at one thing. Interests include, but are not limited to... Being a TOTAL nerd whenever I can. Thats right. I play Magic the Gathering with my bff, Justin. I sit outside and swing swords around pretending I am an elvish warrior who is one of the last descendants of his race, the Predori. I'm not just a regular teenager, I'M AREN! I do stupid stuff unexpectedly, I don't think before he talks most of the time, which makes everything worse...I sometimes laugh when something is not funny. Yeah, I ******** up but I'm only human but I'm man enough to face the mistakes. I am about 5'5-5'6" yes, I know I'm short. I am a Pro Gamer, I Fight For A Living. I LOVE soccer also. I LOVE Parkour. I Love ALL music. I Love haters, they make you stronger. I play the guitar, skatevoarding, piano, and I sing. I work out when I get a chance, and I can kill two stones with one bird d: I do give too many chances and people tend to take advantage of me. But hey, i can just sit back, laugh, and say ******** 'em. I don't trust many people that easily, you have to earn it from me. I definitely speak my mind and I'm a straight up person. I really don't care what people have to say or think about me its my life and I chose to live it this way Traveling and meeting new people are great. I'm not afraid to cry, I have emotions like the rest of people. Eminem is very amazing, I am actually on Year 11, and add me if you like. I don't hold a grudge against people. Wanna know more about me? Don't be scared, talk to me. I come from a spanish and british family. i would call myself an outgoing person, but i'm sure we're all pretty hyper in our own ways. let me describe myself, or at least, what I know about myself: I get along with many people. I'm honest. If I like you, i'll tell you. i can be naive. I get entertained by really stupid things that most people don't get entertained by. I fidget a lot, you'll always see my flip my hair and tap my pencil in class. i tap my feet. i love crowds. I dont like a particular type of girl, I generally go for the blondes though. I enjoy thrilling things, liek everyone else I guess. My favorite color is green. I've got so many kinds of skateboards. I find it hard to save up money. i don't like when people cancel on me. If we're having finals, you better be there! i like art, i'm considering becoming a graphic designer. I am selfish at times, doesn't mean I'm a douche. I love getting new skateboards. I live at home with my parents, no, my parents didn't break up yet, they're still together hopefully they never break up. I live with my brother and sister. I have a guinea pig, his name is Lewford. i watch a lot of movies. I don't like when people pretend they know me. I always wanted to learn my dad's side of the family, Honduran.. I like people. People tend to get obsessed with me. I'm judgmental. i like to eat, but i dont gain my weight; that's what high metabolism is, right? xD I like to do sweet things for people i like. If i like a girl, ill give her flowers. I'm a sweetheart when it comes to my girlfriends. I treat them like gold. <3 I usually walk too fast for people. I love to spend a lote of time with my friends. I am up to do anything that looks fun. Hmu if you're interested in talking to me. Later.