You're not alone

I hear that you slipped again.
I'm here because I know that you need a friend.

You know that accidents can happen and it's okay
We all fall off the wagon sometimes


Ascalain's avatar

Listen to me


So I'm a 22 year old bum, that lives in a box under a bridge with my very trusty is his name. But he can't fish very well....afraid of water, terrible sad!


Okay, so I'm kidding, I am a 22 year old bum, though. But I like being a bum, and when I'm not being a bum, well, I work a job to pay for college and my dog. His name is cal, he can swim very well, and he just celebrated his first birthday!!! He and I share a very small apartment we fondly call....the hobbit hole, cause dude, you need to be three feet tall to live in it. smile

So drop by the hobbit hole, and visit!


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Under the Oak Tree

well, this started as a place to work on my new story line. But well, some s**t hit the fan and I think I'm going to need to vent in a slightly different way.
