
AscendantExplorer's avatar

Gender: Male


A relic of a forgotten age
Holding meaning in words
Intention in heart
Not beset with mirth
But encroaching like a battle
The meaning is in the fight
The joy is the light
Sitting at the end of time
When our hands clasp
And separation ceases


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Priggle Report | 12/20/2023 12:20 am
Wisherr Report | 11/11/2023 8:03 am
You're cute heart
airtag Report | 09/08/2023 7:42 pm
your avatar looks like my room
Daidenie Report | 04/05/2023 6:25 pm
You are so sweet heart heart
Daidenie Report | 04/05/2023 7:33 am
"cool avi"
Red Lantern Razor Report | 02/22/2023 7:53 pm
Red Lantern Razor
If you get bitten by a house, what will you turn into on the next full moon?
His Yandere Report | 02/16/2023 3:27 pm
His Yandere
Cool Avi~!
Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong Report | 01/01/2023 1:59 am
Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong
gaia_angelleft Happy New Year! gaia_angelright
Kelly Breakdown Report | 08/10/2021 9:59 pm
Kelly Breakdown
Have you tried blocking crazy lady?
Kelly Breakdown Report | 08/04/2021 6:42 pm
Kelly Breakdown
omg rofl


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