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IntimateAmbitions Report | 01/19/2008 10:32 pm
koreanfaerie Report | 01/17/2008 7:32 pm
its on my sig and i sent u a invite ^^ u can check your guild list
koreanfaerie Report | 01/16/2008 10:29 pm
its ok i mean there is like 30 other ppl too.....noone T.T
koreanfaerie Report | 01/16/2008 6:32 am
yeah i need to get a pic of it XD michelle wants to see it too

hey remember my guild....User Image its open...but noones is there
koreanfaerie Report | 01/14/2008 9:27 pm
User Imagei would still love hero just the way he is ninja

lol yeah thats why i love them so much they can really pimp off the cross XD

i got jaejoong earring its look bettah on me than really does XD
koreanfaerie Report | 01/12/2008 10:45 pm
lol omg yeah ....god is a funny guy

omg u found my dirty little porn XD

iono i seen it in i took it XD

its not dbsk jaejoong wont go ghey cuz he gots meh ;D
koreanfaerie Report | 01/12/2008 5:21 pm
haha i go to a christian school...kinda hot asians but they act GHEY T_____T

and that a effing annoying ...why do god give the good looks them >.<

hahaha yeah i know stalker is badness

omg yeah i need to send back my player soon =.=

omg im really sick of people asking me about relationships and bf problems =.=

im going emo eeyore now XD
koreanfaerie Report | 01/10/2008 10:46 pm
dw i dont make deals about bdays ^^

omg wait u got a comp that players other region dvds

i got a dvd player like that but its doesnt work so this weekend i have to send it to hongkong for fixing

omg i wanna be on the swim team >.< im waiting for our school to have conditioning and tryouts ^^

omg boyfriends XD my friend like this boy so much she stalks him....and we have to follow =.= and when he turn around she hits us >D

lol yeah the guy thinks shes crazy XD she told him she like him...but now she like stalking him too

we tell her not too but she drag us with her

omg damn im sick of everyone trying and asking me is that your bf ....or u should go out with him

i wanna be single !!! boys are overated...... i only want my jaejoong ^^ XD kidding

but yeah im sick with boyfriends subject its pissing me off
koreanfaerie Report | 01/08/2008 8:05 pm
hey hey hey i care >D

wow that sucks i had a bad day too i was late for school then my frewen spread rumor saying i was kick out of school XD

then like no special bday thing like everyone else T________T teachers only care about the preppy nice white girls instead of asian ppl XP
IntimateAmbitions Report | 01/07/2008 5:24 pm
internet is amazing XD