

Viewing 10 of 15 comments.


Report | 03/25/2008 9:25 am




Report | 03/24/2008 2:31 am


Happy Easter to you too girl,

Well ya. Everything's going good for the most part.. you know, nothing's perfect. But i'm content, its all good. Yup, thats right. Pics still up. When i take it donw, than thats bad >.<

Um, i dunno i guess i don't really have anything to say. Hes good, im good, were good, ... i think. :[ well im tired, going to bed now, so gnight!

but LOL, saw your comment on my journal. Your gonna make him cry XP

Report | 03/18/2008 2:29 pm


Ah, ******** you!

I screwed up the damn s**t now too.

Don't talk to me, User Image

Report | 03/18/2008 2:28 pm


Hey lol. I see you've given up on the whole colour thing, aha.

Lol, no not avoiding anything, just didn't really have anything to say. Well, what do you want to know about?

Lmao, im not that crazy, not anymore. But thanx, i was just being stupid in thatpic.

Report | 03/17/2008 3:31 pm


LMAO! XD ******** girl, after years, your still ******** crazy.

Report | 03/16/2008 3:21 pm


Hey girl!

So i talked to Brendan. And the ******** a*****e has a girlfriend. I didn't even know, he never told me. Mind you it was only a couple of days ago, um the 12th? But still, i can not believe he didn't tell me. Were mad tight, he said i would have gotten mad. But why would i? I mean, God, now im pissed! >.< Whatever, well ima talk to you later girl. Ciao love.

Report | 03/14/2008 9:10 pm


Thanx hon!

I love it now, it is me, isn't it?

I just added more to it again, lol XD

But i like it just the same, hm. Alright, i'll talk to Brendan for you. Although, i don't think he likes me much anymore, lmao. Whatever, guess we'll find out.

Hm, i can't remember what else it what you said.

Well gotta sleep night!

Report | 03/13/2008 9:09 pm


Lmao! OMG, our threesome. The fun we had. I can't believe i forgot bout that. We were mad tight, the three of us that is. And i did love him, you guys were good together. Hon, what happenned? Im so sorry i wasnt there for you girl, ever since you moved we've been a little distant you know. I didn't even know bout your breakup.

But none the less, Brendan is gone. Not the best friend one, the 'hott' one-- as you say. Um, we had a fling, kinda thing going one. But it was nothing. Hes single right now, lol. User Image Want me to remind him bout you? Lol. But im happy now with Frankie, you know? Yes, he is a cutie. I love him to death,

FRANCE?! Omg, lol. Right, the whole Punta Cana thing right? You were so sad, i remember. Im sorry, anyways! XP

Im gonna get to sleep now, so ily and ill talk to you later than! Buh-bye.

Report | 03/13/2008 11:45 am


Ya, for sure well hang.

I can definately tell your not on much, 6 comments lol XP

Thats ok me niether, just recently.

Um, ya thanx for the congrats than. Weve been doing alriht lately. Were in Tier 2, for both 17 and 16 U though! Were in Kingston, for 17.

Oh the one we had in Kingston lmao XD

Um, the boy is Frankie.

Hes my babe, um ya the introduction may be kinda difficult. In person, atleast.

Ya im not feeling well right now, so i think ima head over to bed than.

And well definately chat more.

Ciao love User Image

PS. How's JOhn and all, you two still on?

Report | 06/03/2007 11:29 am


Hey, its been so long whats up! biggrin biggrin biggrin


"Yeah, i love him. It scares me to know that i care for him so much. Than i think more, and it saddens me to know, he doesn't love me back. Yeah, say im stupid, and call me an idiot, but i'm in love with him still..."