
I write poems and i draw anime. the most important thing to me is my friends and the people close to me. I want to live my life and i try not to regret thing i do but it is hard sometimes. Sometimes i want to be like the girl for the animes and the mangas i read because then maybe i could be braver and stronger. I want to learn about everything. Here are somethings about me. I am not a feared of the dark but i hate it, I am a super clucks, i am a good friend, i want to know a little about everything and i want to become an animator, Also i am a trying very hard to become more outgoing and to not regret the things i do because if your always in your past then you will just regret not liveing your future to. so please check out my journal and please comment because i want to know if they are good and tell me if you like them or not its fine if you hate it just tell me please and thank you


Ask_me's poem book

I like to write poems so I am going to us this book for them ok. I write my poems about a shadow and a girl. I don't know who this shadow is and I am not the girl. please tell me what you think thanks! Some will not be shadow poems ok thanks!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/27/2011 5:40 am


Happy birthday! biggrin

Report | 07/07/2010 3:10 pm


Yeah, this is Caitlyn...I don't remember who this is though. And I have another friend on here, but I don't know who it is. Do you know a 'Shala livid'?
Country Annie

Report | 05/17/2010 8:14 pm

Country Annie

Hey whats been happenin lately?
Country Annie

Report | 04/30/2010 12:55 pm

Country Annie

I'VE BEEN HACKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please donate!!!!!

Thank You!!!!!!!!!
Country Annie

Report | 10/19/2009 1:39 pm

Country Annie

Hey! Haven't talk to you in a while.
Well, i haven't been on for a long long time anyways.
So, whats up?
Country Annie

Report | 07/24/2009 8:54 am

Country Annie

oh cool
well our computer is slow!!!!!!!
i hate it but luckly we have two
but i cant plAY gaia on the other one
that sucks lol
Country Annie

Report | 06/18/2009 11:56 am

Country Annie

yeah i need to get on more often but ive been so busy lately
So watcha been doin lately
Country Annie

Report | 06/10/2009 12:09 pm

Country Annie

hey wats up
sorry havnt talked to you in awhile

Report | 01/25/2009 3:53 pm


i know the feeling

oh i saw nick last night i just didn't know what to

do i freaked my heart stopped and i just went home i

didnt know what to do

Report | 01/22/2009 10:01 am


i know im sorry he is but i hope it gets better


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