Number Eight

AttemptedPerfection's avatar

Last Login: 03/28/2019 1:09 pm

Registered: 06/18/2006

Gender: Female

Location: In my head.

Birthday: 08/02

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Of Freedom in the United States of America.

I would put more blame on the people and the media. The media who has from the very beginning refused their responsibility as the people's watchdog and the average joes who have sat by and let it happen. The United States can not live up to the ideal of America without accountability of the government by the people. In this respect, the blame falls on our shoulders, yours and mine because America was founded on the belief that the common citizen should have the power to voice their complaints and have them heard by their leaders. When we don't do that we throw out the ideal of America. We're asking what our country can do for us when it is absolutely PIVOTAL to our country's direction that we do all we can for our country. We have freedoms, but that doesn't mean they can't be taken away from us. You care about freedom of the press? Then the press needs to take a stand on Journalistic Ethics, not personal politics. You care about freedom of religion? Then respect and respect alike and fight not only for your beliefs but the beliefs of others. You care about freedom of speech? Then raise your voice against those who would take it away and back it up with the actions you take! You care about freedom to bear arms? SHOOT THE MO FOS WHO SAY OTHERWISE!!! On second thought... freedom of speech should probably cover that one too. In any event, the point is this: The freedoms we enjoy are ours only so long as we guard them closely."

Wish List



Hello, I've recently deleted everything formerly in my profile and will be filling stuff in for a while to come. For now, its going to be simple because really, it was all icons and crap that doesn't matter to me anymore.

I'm the kind of person who's into one thing very obsessively for short periods of time. Therefore, nothing on my profile can be actually counted on as accurate. Like the Kabuto Yakushi theme. Kind of over it. Just too lazy to change it. Not really much of a 'narutard' anymore. I do still like the manga.

I love writing, though. Always have, always will. I put some of my stuff up here to show off. Read it. Tell me what you think. I do love to have my ego stroked XD.

I really really REALLY like pineapple too. Mmmm abacaxi. (Portuguese, fools).

I see things in black and white. Not literally, figuratively. I either very much like something, or I hate it to my very core.

Things that I like
-Doctor Who
-LOST (I run a LOST guild, check it out, link in the sig.)
-Dracula (The book, READ FOOL!)
-Dracula (the 1931 film. The two are VERY different and I like them BOTH)
-Dwight Frye
-Andrew Divoff
-all of my RP characters smile Viktor and Perry most of all.

Things that I utterly despise
-The feeling I get when I've thought about something for so long that even I'm sick of it.
-Kids, anyone under 12 and that age will keep rising with my little sister's.
-Abortion. Its murder, end of story.
-RPers lacking originality and skill
-arguments that end with me being correct and the other person just completely ignoring that fact because it doesn't fit in with the lies they've been fed all their lives.

This is Bob
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My Bob.


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I'm that bored


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Foxydelic Report | 08/24/2009 8:31 pm
may I hug bob?
Got Scots Report | 08/01/2009 10:13 pm
Dude, Happy Birthday!
Got Scots Report | 05/30/2009 6:54 pm
Hey, Number 8! How are you! Haven't heard from you in a while. Join/create any exciting RPs lately?
Got Scots Report | 03/30/2009 7:25 pm
Uh, sorry. Don't know if that link I posted actually works:
Got Scots Report | 03/30/2009 7:24 pm
[To be read in the awkward voice of Faraday.] You should uh probably read this uh because well, um, you see, I uh, this--it's uh--a really cool story um... written by me, I guess and uh it's for a Latin project and well, let's just say--I--need all the help I can get. Heh.
Got Scots Report | 03/01/2009 6:30 am
Hahaha nice, I'll have to look for him too. I just like the Luke and Sylar relationship--like with Luke having Sylar as his mentor, will Luke turn evil because of Sylar or will Sylar turn a little bit nicer because of Luke's presence? It's interesting.
Got Scots Report | 02/28/2009 7:39 am
Oh YES. You have made my day. Those two are my favourites--even though I don't really watch the show anymore. *youtubes videos of Sylar and Luke*
Got Scots Report | 02/26/2009 12:00 pm
I sure hope you're still watching Heroes, because my teacher told me that Sylar has a wee little sidekick now... do you happen to know the kid's name?
Got Scots Report | 02/11/2009 7:23 pm
Got Scots Report | 02/09/2009 6:13 pm
Have you been watching the Office? The Michael roast episode was HILARIOUS. When Toby was about to get up and speak and Michael told him to sit down, I was like, "NUMBAAAAA EIGHTTTT!!"


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The Wedge Under the Claw

There is no poverty greater than
A hand without a pen.
Though you starve to death,
Thirst to death,
Bleed to death.
Die to death.
Lie in death and without end
you'll understand, perhaps, the pen.
That conveys what the mouth won't speak,
Feel what the hand can't touch,
and know worlds the eye has never seen.
Perhaps facing eternity.

Obtain the pen and pen
the world.
Where time stands still
and influence shatters.
Fill the world with nothing,
Empty it with mass.
Steal the cat's pajamas
and paint the sky with fish.

When super submarines fly free
and the sparrow exacts tyranny.
When the pen makes every lie the truth.
It is then of a single use.
To turn the collection upside-out.
Just ONCE define the action and
Do everything that you would NEVER do.

Contraos Sifting Jenna

Its chaotic how much I feel I'm controlled!
Because I know that I don't know although
by whom I can't be sure.
It could be him or her of it or that or them!

I know I'm slipping
don't remind me!
In my mind we're always at it.
Who? Don't ask! Don't tell! Don't chance it!
I'm sure I might as well be dancing
as I write. I paint a picture of the thing thats so consuming that I haven't left substantial room for me!

Or whatever, whomever, whichever, that ever was to be.

Because I'm just a replication
or a fractured composition.
There was never a beginning
just a copying and pasting.
Even now I hear it whirring.
I'm so perfect in my glaring fallacy.

And its worse that I can't tell you.
I don't want your explanation
your solution. (Though you're very kind to give it.)

I want answers! Not distractions!
Not a feeling. I've been programmed to react quite well to that.
Look where I am! Just look at me.
This is your fault!
You're the physician of my terror.
You're the nightmare.
I'm the puppet and the master.

Or a robot droning on because I haven't yet collapsed!
I'm overdue! Its just too late and I regret my ultimatum.
I have cried and I have scoffed until I find myself in fracture.

Who are you? I think I've been you.
We were always close together.
So I never knew the difference until now this giant moment
When I'm to choose my destiny out of a sock.

What am I choosing?
Every step ensures a loss that I can't live with,
even fathom and right now I'd like to hide under a rock.

Or a mountain.
NO don't say that.
And why not?
Its just too risky!
But if I don't I'll never know.
Know what?
Know something!
Yes! Its chaotic how much I feel I'm controlled!
Got Scots


Lost ?!

I don't DO shoes. I DO zOMG.

I saw that.