Aurelia Crescent

Aurelia Crescent's avatar

Last Login: 03/30/2010 6:00 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/12


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Enrai Fubuki Report | 11/04/2009 8:19 am
Enrai Fubuki
((And cue the pitiful boyfriend!))

"Meep meep!"

The white puff of a bird kept ruffling its feathers on top of the teen's head, all the while twittering its native language. Enrai had to place a hand and press down gently over its head to keep its noise level down.

"K-keep quiet, you! You're not making this easier..." he muttered under his breath. It was cold out this autumn evening and puffs of frozen air came out of his lips every few breaths. At least the moon was out..but it didn't make the November chill any easier to handle.

Funny...seeing as he could be the most aloof guy to notice such a thing.

He waved a hand to cast out a small input of crystals to create a pale glowing Crystal Fairy to lead him to his destination. Hopefully he would find what he was expecting to see.
Neill Candide Moire Report | 10/27/2009 11:15 am
Neill Candide Moire
^^ I'm doing okay!

*sniffles a bit*

...but I dunno how Deme-kun's doing. Sometimes it worries m-m-me.
Neill Candide Moire Report | 10/06/2009 7:32 pm
Neill Candide Moire
Trick or T-t-t-treat, Relly-chan!

*Offers candy* You can s-s-s-share with Rai-kun! ^.^
Hills of Green Report | 09/07/2009 10:56 am
Hills of Green
"Orin's back!!"
She happily said blushing softly
MadameKiwi Report | 09/07/2009 9:36 am
*still in pj's, might have 4 points again, ewwww*

Dawwww, I'll snuggle you when I see you next :3
MadameKiwi Report | 09/07/2009 9:24 am
8D heart

I be has'ing a draft. Like my coat? ;D
Hills of Green Report | 09/06/2009 5:55 pm
Hills of Green
The bird just happily chirped as Aurelia pet him
"He's adorable!! He likes to be pet too i see!!"
She said with a small giggle
Hills of Green Report | 09/02/2009 1:59 pm
Hills of Green
Cole giggled and nodded
"so! I shall name it Enrai Jr.!"
She looked at the bird and giggled some as it chirped happily
Enrai Fubuki Report | 08/31/2009 6:24 pm
Enrai Fubuki
((Neill, I know you read my comments! You haven't done it yet, have you?! FOR SHAME, ANGEL BOY MY a**))

Enrai felt his shoulders tense up. This time would've shown up anyways, but he felt it was all too soon. He seemed so content just being loved and trying to love Aurelia in return. He had willingly let his own spirit stop running away in order to merge with hers. He wanted to let her know that he wanted to open up to her in any way. He wanted to know her, and now the time had come for her to invite him to do the same.

It was the deep fact of his true self hiding under his frostbitten aura, under his glasslike shell, under his white hair bang that he kept growing out for the past two years now, that made him feel cautious. Love accepted anything, right?

He kept his voice from cracking too easily, and with one fell swoop, uncovered what was underneath. Not to scare her, but to show her.

"It's...nothing much. Don't laugh, okay?"

His other eye was still contact, but it was very faded, grayed from a past he yearned to forget and bury behind a curtain that he pulled up in front of his only audience tonight. The moon was his only witness.

"I got this in an accident...before I got disowned from my parents."
Hills of Green Report | 08/26/2009 2:45 pm
Hills of Green
She smiled and pulled out the beautiful snow white bird
"I found is under a bush, and I cleaned it up!!"
She looked happily at the bird
"I want to name it Yuki Enrai!! Cause of he's white like snow, and he reminds me of Nii-Chan!"

It sounds like this

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

What do we have here?

(Currently: Nothing.)


~Aurelia Crescent~


Age: 17 (Just turned it)

Eye Color: Amber

Hair color/style: Midnight blue, tousled and short (For a girl)

Distinguishing Features: has a magnetic aura

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 118 lbs.

Blood Type: B

Origin: American

Hobbies: Sketching, playing video games

Family: Deceased

Favorite Things: Long coats, Grand Theft Auto games, strawberries

Likes: The color blue, hats, racing games, cats, the moon

Dislikes: Chocolate, dresses, ribbons, abstract art, cold weather

Subjects (Excel): European History, Art, PE

Subjects (Not So Good At): Math, English

~Loves: Enrai Fubuki~

Friends: Enrai Fubuki
Demetrius Sangrey
Neill Candide Moire

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^ actually got this rofl

Thanks Maddie! :3

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