
my name is max but i prefer austin

i am 1_

i can be a jerk but im nice.

thats about it im not exactly into rewriting this crap at all ;l soo bye


Haaaaaaai! This is Angela writing a lil' somthin for MAXYY! xP Well, what can i say? He's super cool, funny, and FUN! He was one of my first friends on gaia, and our friendship has grown IMMENSLEY! Fail. Anyways, if you're some stalker (which i bet you are) i know you'd love to be friends with max.
Feb. 16, 2011 <3

Hello stalkers of Max! This boy right here, is UH-mazing. He is SUCH a great friend. Super sweet, kind, and very funny. <3 You all wish you had a friend like Max, but you don't, so that's why you gotta add him. Trust me, you won't be sorry. Gotta love Max, cause if you don't... well... I don't blame you for confusing your jealousy as hate, cause who doesn't love this guy? Love ya hun. <3
- I Be Joy

This be Lily hackin my bff Maxy xD He's nice, sweet, and sooo funny lol. Ive known him for quite a while now ;D This is the type of guy u be wantin to know and if ya dont then sucks for u caz ur missin out on an awesome guy. xD im ALWAYS talkin to him whether its texting or gaia xD. Only he can call me Duckie :3 Dont mess w/ him caz if u hurt him i hurt you. Well, thats it I guess xD Lov ya Maxy <3

-Lily (7/12/11)