Do you see this? Thats me.

Avalon Solders's avatar

Birthday: 06/04

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What do you know about me?

Hey, you, with the face.

My name is.. Well, I'm not going to tell you my real name, but please, go ahead and call me Alex, or Avalon. Either/or works haha.

So, first off, I am pretty bad a** haha! I'm not mean unless you decide to pick a fight with me or my friends, but other than that I'm pretty laid back and happy go lucky. Emotions are near impossible for me to express, so I tend to just choose an emotion and go with it for a while, and so far the emotion has been Happy and Hopeful, so let's just hope that doesn't change! XD

I love videogames, drawing, singing and watching anime. If you have any of these to recommend, don't hesitate to tell me. I need recommendations cause my list is running low!

My favorite characters are Link, Princess Zelda, the 4 Links, Shadow Link, Jack Frost, Nicolas St. North, E. Aster Bunnymund, and Sanderson Mansnooze. smile



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Aqua Reach Report | 06/17/2013 8:07 pm
Aqua Reach

Just kidding. T'sall cool. XD cool
Aqua Reach Report | 10/06/2012 10:55 pm
Aqua Reach
'Ey, I got somethin' for yuh. (I buy gifts to friends. Don't think of it like... yeah.) So.... Yeah. Whenever we're online at the same time, I want to give you something.
' ^ '
Aqua Reach Report | 05/13/2012 12:13 pm
Aqua Reach
I seriously wasn't expecting to be on your profile. XDD
Thanks, troll. cool
Aqua Reach Report | 05/11/2012 5:02 pm
Aqua Reach
Wasuuuuppp!!!!! surprised
Aqua Reach Report | 04/12/2012 7:13 pm
Aqua Reach
Again, it's not your fault. You even said so yourself. It's that freaking idiot who decided to ban you.

Does anyone expect anyone to know? It's not your average teenager who has experience in being banned daily.
Aqua Reach Report | 04/12/2012 6:17 pm
Aqua Reach
'Ey. Over think this. How can you feel selfish, and how could you feel guilty and responsible for us when it wasn't even your fault? As you said in Chatzy, it isn't my fault, and it isn't your fault either. It's "that ******* b!tch who reported us." Everyone has weaknesses. It's just that someone found yours and reported you for it.

Don't cry. In fact, don't even let your eyes water. Tears are only meant to support a soul to heaven. The wont help anything else.
Aqua Reach Report | 04/12/2012 2:37 pm
Aqua Reach
I keep telling you. It was generous enough for you to give me an account and let me talk to my friends I haven't heard from in days/weeks/months. Sure it didn't last forever, but at least I got to. And besides, if it wasn't you that was reported, it would be me. Now that's even more effed up. Think about it, for S to give G an account, G gets banned, bringing S down with him/her/whatever gender I am. That's messed up.

Who knows? If being able to be unbanned was true, then I would have been MeleeSmash all over again. And maybe SmashBrawler7. And DX-Melee. And everything else I once was.

Heh. I wouldn't be too sure about them mailing you back in a few days. There are a few thousand members in dA who probably did the same thing. When I was Melee, the person told me when she reported me, and I was banned three months later. How about no more waiting? Keep drawing, rephrasing yourself, and getting prepared for our next accounts.
Aqua Reach Report | 04/12/2012 10:23 am
Aqua Reach
Don't worry. I hate dA since MeleeSmash.

Really, it's extremely unfair since no one's perfect, we all have our problems, and we do something bad once in a while. Someone else finds out and reports you, then you get banned forever? There should be the once, twice then you're out rule. And really, to be banned forever? dA seriously needs some work.

Nah, we shouldn't. Thank you though. That's really generous, but that would be super hard for us/them to tell who's talking to who, y'know? XDDD (And whatnot.)
Aqua Reach Report | 04/11/2012 10:39 pm
Aqua Reach
Heh. I decided that, no matter how long, I'll make a new account and submit two pieces of artwork I had already made (knowing that I'll be banned in the same day). My tag line would be "Search username", knowing that all my art would be gone on my profile knowing that I'll be banned by the time others are online. To get their attention, I'll watch them. (You would not believe how I got that idea from you. XDDDD) ((I saw a username on Shine's profile that looked similar to yours. I clicked on it and noticed she was banned, plus noticing that you submitted a piece of art. I searched the username up and saw the picture. XP))

XDD Yeah. XD
Aqua Reach Report | 04/11/2012 6:31 pm
Aqua Reach
Things are going well. rolleyes -sarcasm
I wish I could talk to a few people I can't talk to. :

By the way, the last account I saw you had gave me some ideas. Thanks. XD

Man, I'm just an otaku who says "I fight for my friends" when I actually can't. XD


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this is mainly randomness XP ssooo i MIGHT put up stories... might not... i donno XP

One Step At A Time Remix

Wind Waker-Comatose

Grey Nightmare
Aqua Reach

my awesome big sister~!! i luvs her~ <3 Even though we don't got along very well a good majority of the time, she is still awesome, and has been putting up with my s**t for years, even though I'm the worst sister ever. I still appreciate what she has done for me and the other 2.

This is Aqua Reach, she is one of my closest online friends I have. If we where in a team, man we be snappin heads and breakin necks LIKE A BAWSH!! XDD She is one of my closest friends, and I really like that she has been there for me. She is a really good friend, and it means a lot to me.

Just showin off a bit of my work, as well as some of my friends work as well. ^^