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    Hello, fellow Gaians! My name is, Dinesh. I am a 24 year old male, nice to meet you. Things about me..well, I am an anime, manga and comic book fan. I am also a huge gamer. When I'm not studying or working, I am usually locked in my room playing video games or watching anime, or doing both at the same time, haha. Truth is, I'm a pretty boring person. I don't really go out. I'm not much of an outdoors person.
    Other than that, I am a university student studying Computer Engineering. I have already completed my diploma and I am now pursuing my bachelor's degree.
    If you want to know more about me, feel free to ask.


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Report | 11/08/2013 2:39 pm


Dee-san, how are you? Again... it's been a long time since Rinny has been on. *EPIC FAIL* She is sorry, well I hope that your midterms went well and that life is going good for you... Rinny wishes she could say that same, but she always manages to bounce back. SOMEHOW.

Hopes to hear from you soon!

Report | 11/02/2013 11:15 pm


Awww...you do love me. I wuv you, too...

Report | 11/02/2013 7:41 pm


*glomps* heart

Report | 10/15/2013 3:35 pm


Tech Expo? All Rinny can say now is NEEEEEEEEEEEERD! Tee hee, just kidding. <3 No, that would be pretty awesome to see one up close in action... those things are incredible! Rinny's brain hurts just thinking about the epicness of technology and how crazy things will be in the future. Possibilities are becoming endless! Is Dee-san hoping to one day be the creator of something someday? Ohhh, Rinny bet you could do wonders! Just don't forget the little people when you become famous, okay!? XD

Well, Rinny is glad that things are going well and she hopes that you do well on your midterms Dee-san! Just remember she will be here to wave about and flail her mighty pom-poms of encouragement if you ever need some cheering up/motivation! Hopes to hear from you soon! <3

Report | 10/10/2013 8:35 am


Rinny is still here! Sorry, Dee-san *cuddles*... Living the adult life without her computer hasn't been as easy as she thought! *le sigh* For the moment she is borrowing her roommates computer until she saves up and buys a new one. The Baron finally gave up a few months back...

SO!? How have you been, Rinny misses talking to you. <3

Report | 09/02/2013 7:33 pm


Dude, where ya been? You never call, you don't write, whats up with that?

Report | 04/18/2013 2:45 pm


Dee-san! *huggles* <3

Report | 04/12/2013 7:38 pm


Lol. I read that one a long time ago. Poor Tyco...I would go crazy if I had to deal with Gabe.

Report | 04/12/2013 11:47 am


Yes she did. She hasn't gotten any games yet. She is still looking. Zeboyd games does classic style games with off color humor. The Penny Arcade game was written by the creators of The Penny Arcade web comic series. Definitely off color humor there.

Report | 04/11/2013 6:56 pm


Problems with them?

