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Neo Relevant Report | 11/19/2008 9:56 pm
Neo Relevant
Its some place in Edison. Sorry to hear about your money situation. Hopefully with this job and the other one I'd be getting enough money so as to not having to worry about it for a while. Yea I can't forget your dad's side of the family. I don't necessarily have to wear protective gear besides a pair of gloves and layers of clothing. Overall it's a decent and easy job. The hot cocoa, I do wish I had the chance to make before work; I never have time to make any in the morning. I wake up at 6 and have to be at work around 8. The way I see it is that it could be worse. I had an overnight job for a while and that wasn't too bad; with the exception of having no life. h and the I-pod nano I heard was going for like $30-$50. I only know this cause my friend has one...luckily I got an 80 GB video I-pod to rub in his face....except I barely have any sngs and plan on selling it. Personally it has no meaning behind it if there is almost nothing in the memory banks.
Neo Relevant Report | 11/19/2008 3:29 pm
Neo Relevant
The other job is at a flower warehouse factory. It's really cold in there all the time and most of the time its heavy work. Thats cool that you got gauges...I would've had gauges too but I got too lazy. As for my b-day...I don't plan on getting anything but a backache, a migraine and a feeling that makes me want to kill myself(not literally.. but it does hurt). Maybe things will go better with my baby but hell I don't know what'll happen...
Neo Relevant Report | 11/14/2008 7:42 am
Neo Relevant
Yeah I kinda don't have that keyboard anymore. The one that I mentioned on the comment before this one was an even crappier keyboard that's smaller and made of no creativity. It kinda sucks but I do plan on getting a new one in the near future anyways. It's good that you're becoming a teacher cause you've always seemed to be very creative when it came to designs and other sorts of artwork. Sorry the you didn't get that art stand/table. It would be a good idea to try to get one cause you are going to be an art teacher. I had a feeling that you'd get better. I guess I got a little better but I still need a lot of work if I want to get anywhere with my art. I know how you feel about the writing process. It's as if you were being so bombarded with other things that you had to do that on your free time ( If there even is any free time. ) you just don't have that feeling to write anything down (story-wise). Well I'll tell you what, the best way to fix that is to wait until you feel it. Then don't let anything get in the way of you writing...unless it's work that's involved, then you just jot down a quick memo to remind you later. It sometimes works with me on occasions.
Neo Relevant Report | 11/13/2008 12:06 pm
Neo Relevant
Yeah I haven't been to a con since when we went... not that I didnt want to go or anything. I just always had work and never planned ahead with a cosplay outfit. I was too intent on making a DOMO costume but hopefully all will get better and I would have the time to make it for this year cause I do plan on going this year, Supposedly they changed the venue to somewhere in somerset or somewhere closer. I've watched some anime here and there cause I got the Anime on Demand but I rarely watch any cause they just don't intrigue me as much. It's always the typical story about school or something along the lines of Mechs. Besides that I was watching Gurren Lagan only because it was on the Sci-Fi channel and I was bored. About the drawing and writing stories, I was actually drawing last night. Lately I've been having the urge to draw and play on the crappy little keyboard in my room. I've felt like writing stories but I still feel the same way I've always felt...I never feel like writing down any of my ideas. Are you still going to school to be an art teacher?
Neo Relevant Report | 11/12/2008 4:25 pm
Neo Relevant
Sorry to hear about the whole car issue. It's gonna be a tough one getting a car. On a side note used cars aren't too expensive. Thank you. I appreciate any compliments towards my baby. The shotgun wont be necessary cause she's only 2 months and already she's kicking, punching and headbutting. She's gonna be a fighter. My mom is doing alright I guess... and my family ... well lets just say that things could go better but it's ok for now. But the way I see it is that things are going to be cool.
Neo Relevant Report | 11/12/2008 11:54 am
Neo Relevant
It's good to hear that your brother is doing good. That kid was pretty awesome even though he was just a baby. I'm also glad to hear that your dad and stepmother are doing well too. I guess I would've been one of the people to say that you should keep your hair long. But it probably looks good on you anyways. When you get a car be careful with just about everything and always make sure to take care of it as much as possible. I've had tons of problems and still sometimes do have these situations.
felix goddess of wrath Report | 11/11/2008 12:45 pm
felix goddess of wrath
no problem
Neo Relevant Report | 11/10/2008 2:29 pm
Neo Relevant
yeah. But i never really went back to them. I sort of never really updated my friendslist I just added people I never really decided to delete anyone from my account. It's so old that I just don't bother looking at the list I sort of just go on. So whats up with your life?
Neo Relevant Report | 11/10/2008 2:17 pm
Neo Relevant
yeah. I've been working there for over a year now. I was planning on staying with a full time job but I still have another job that I'm working at currently. So basically I'm working two jobs. Besides that everything is ok. I honestly didn't want to speak to you for a long time. But I don't know if holding a grudge would make for a healthy lifestyle. A lot has happened since then. . . so how has your life treated you?
Neo Relevant Report | 11/10/2008 1:19 pm
Neo Relevant
yeah it has been a while. But I figured that you wanted to never hear from me again so I didn't bother contacting you. I'm doing fine. And as for the baby comment. Thank you.



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