
awesomesauce_xx's avatar

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Birthday: 02/20

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Jake Gyllenhaal

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I'd tap that. <3

Things I would like be able to follow/believe:

[x] Sometimes its best to forget how you feel and remember what you deserve.

[ ] No matter how far wrong you've gone, you can always turn around.

[X] No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

[ ] There's no excuse for the need to take your own life away, everyone passes through some rough obstacles if life, just face them as they come along, there's always a way to overcome those obstacles, and learn from your experiences.

[ ] Don't compare yourself with anyone in this word. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.

[ ] Don't worry about knowing people, make yourself worth knowing.

[X] If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten
-Anthony Robbins

[ ] Embrace those who love you and whom you love,
and rid yourself of those who will only bring you down.

[ ] You deserve better.


A tad about me. :]

OKAY, so let’s start off with...
I’m not the most awesome person you’ll meet, but I’m pretty damn close.
Welcome to my profile!

I’m actually pretty good at listening...Well, reading if anyone needs anything.
There’s near to nothing you can do to make me hate you,
I actually have enough issues of my own, so I won’t be one to judge yours.

Few facts about me:
- I’m Canada, so automatically I’m pretty much super awesome, eh?...y’know, with all my maple syrup and riding polar bears to school and all that jazz.
- Black cats automatically love me. So I got one. His name is Tyr (pronounced “Tear”). Tyr is the god of war in Norse mythology. He’s fat and took down a crow; I think he deserves that title.
- Bugs also love me. I hate them. It’s a love hate relationship.
- I enjoy mostly any form of music, platform games (Mario), Photoshop, drawing, and reading.
- The one reality show I actually follow from every episode is Big Brother.
- I'm a Gleek, I la-la-la-love Dr.Who and the Seeker.
- And I have a knack for ******** things up and I'm pretty ******** far from okay.

If you want to know more..Add me. ;]
Since I sound oh so appealing, right?


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Dekoda DeSoto Report | 08/11/2010 5:51 pm
Dekoda DeSoto
I always need a snack after 8. xD

True... but he's still hawt. Heheh. I know, right? Charlie just makes up for everything in that series. xD OH I KNOW!! I wub Eric. biggrin
Buahahaha. I used to have an outside cat, but we don't know what happened to her. Cause we got two dogs, and then she just disappeared. xD The dogs didn't get her, but I'm pretty sure she didn't like them.... I miss her. ;~:
Awah.. I wanna cuddle your cat, now. x3 Eheheh.

Heheh, thank you guy, for the $20. xD Life saver. Dude, take me with you to Vampires Suck. biggrin Lawl-cakes.

Man, I do, too. WE call her reverse oreo. xD Lawl. That's weird, cause my reverse oreo is asain. xD I love it when my friend Marta rants about things. It's so ******** hilarious. You'd die laughing at her if you ever heard her. xD No kidding. I dunno why, but I love it when people cuss. Not annoying little kids, but like.. people our age and older. They just sound so FUNNY for some reason. Lawl-cakes. biggrin Yay, attack.muffins suits meee~ Hizzah!!

I already miss it. xD Oh, well... [sigh] ******** school. And it gets REAL ******** HOT. Somewhere around 98 to 100. Yeah, try walking a half mile in that crap, which I did today. ... And ride in a crowded bus. FUN! Hahah, I laugh at your brother. HAHAHAHAAHA!!! xD

X_Ryu Hayabusa_X Report | 08/10/2010 10:52 pm
X_Ryu Hayabusa_X

I cannot play Shooting Star, due to it being just... soooo slooooow. I only play upbeat fast paced songs that I need to destroy my wrist keeping up with the pace of the song, or its not fun for me lol. The above link is a Naruto song I did learn however.

Thats my Caramelldansen except... that was just recorded horribly... I can do so much better. I always screw up because I know a camera is on me. I need someone to record me while I don't know I'm being recorded... Lol.
Dekoda DeSoto Report | 08/10/2010 2:37 am
Dekoda DeSoto
D'awww, no black peeps for yuuuu. So sorry. xD

Dude, I read the first 3 Twilight books before they became a total s**t storm with everyone, too. I LOVED it back then. (I pictured Edward with an emo flip, how WRONG I was. xD). But then the preps (this as when I was at the school with the horrible preps) started reading them and they thought they were sooo cool cause they actually read a vampire book, etc etc. I don't know why, but I hated Jacob. xD I hate warewolves in general. The ONLY two people I absolutely love in Twilight is Charlie and Jasper. Charlie cause I totally wish he was my dad, and Jasper cause he's HAWT. xD Oh, and he tryed to kill Bella, of course.

Tehehehe, I can totally see that happening. x3
... A guy gave up 20 bucks to save his spot? How desperate. xD I just wait for it to come on the internet and watch it then. (Did that with New Moon). Teh heh.

Oh, man, my two black friends and me always go at it. They're both guys, so when they call me a name, I'd start to pretend cry, then they'd feel bad and say they were just kidding. Then I'd come back with another joke and etc etc. Tee hee, Me always wins. x3

biggrin Mmkies, I added you! I be attack.muffins btw. xD Just in case ya didn't figure it out.
Ooooh... Kuro and I has Facebook, too. xD Facebook, you tell us everything we need. YOU ARE THE ANSWER!!! YES!!

Yayz!! biggrin
Well, I had to take a test in the 7th grade about them, and I passed. xD (Studied REALLY hard the night before) That, and the state names are kinda easy to remember... I just forgot cause when the hell would I even USE that info, ya know? I live in ********. That's all the info I need. Eheheh.

Dude, summer's almost over. xD In fact, my school starts back Wednesday. WEE!

D'aww, it's okie. biggrin I like having long comments on my page. xD

... I ******** hate it that capital I and lower case l look the same... Dammit..
Dekoda DeSoto Report | 08/09/2010 9:50 pm
Dekoda DeSoto
[Nod nod] Yesh, he ish.
Holy crap, I know. Two of my best friends are black. biggrin But they're like oreos. Black on the outside, white on the inside. xD But me loves them to deaatthhh.

For some reason, I KNEW that would be a Vampires Suck trailer. xD I totally wanna see it SO BAD. I hate Twilight, so that movie is gonna be great. I even read a parody of Twilight called Nightlight, I think. It was pretty good. :3

Hehehehe, yesh, like in Mean Girls. Dun worry, I love that movie, too.
Man, same here, whenever I call my friend a prep, she yells at me. xD She is, though. And a lot of the preps at my school are really nice. Some are even friends with me. It's just that one chick was a total b***h. xD
At my last school, the preps there were HORRIBLE!! I hated it there. >.<

Haha, okay, then. xD If you have a skype, tell me and I'll add you. Cause I can't call Canada (I dun have a cell phone, yet <.< ), and I doubt you could call here. xD
Oooohh.. I died a little inside. That person just sounds great. whee

Heheh, I know. ;D And knowing him, he'll get fed up with it fast and give in. Yay!

I FOUND A BACK TO THE STAR EARRING!! Yay, my life is complete. heart And yesh. xD When he told me, I was like, "Canada is so confuzzing." And he goes, "Yes, because of Canada's 13 provinces and America's 51 states." Then I had to think if it was actually 51 or 50 states here. Which is sad. xD American fail.
Teh heh, mine's only wavy when I wake up or get out of the shower. ;D Muahaha~

Same here! I just plain out don't have the legs for skirts. That, plus I just don't like them. xD But I have this black skirt that I only wear on occasions.
I'll just stick wiff skinny jeans, tank you. xD
OMG!! xD That's sad and funny at the sametime! "Most of my friends are dead." ... "What? Oh."... "Now all of my friends are dead." Pffft.
X_Ryu Hayabusa_X Report | 08/09/2010 7:56 pm
X_Ryu Hayabusa_X
Ah well yes, guitar, 6 string electric, what I play is very hard to learn. I have been playing a little over 2 years, I can play for like 3 hours and my fingers still won't hurt. Lol. It also doesn't help the difficulty of guitar when all I play is anime openings, K-ON songs in particular, which I mostly learn by ear, In fact I learn alot of my s**t by ear, Celeb Status for example, NO TABS WHATSOEVER. Oh I can also play an epic metal version of Caramelldansen that I am most proud of. I LOVE MY GUITAR.
And sorry about your request for that very depressing book .GIF, I specialize in building computers, not programing them.
Dekoda DeSoto Report | 08/09/2010 4:53 pm
Dekoda DeSoto
I know,right? >.<
And he used to be such a freakin sweetie, I don't know what happened. xD But he's an a*****e in which he manipulates words to hurt/scar you mentally.
And my school, mostly just jocks and preps. Man, one time in the morning (we have to go to the lunch room before classes start) the tables got switched around because there was gonna be something going on in the lunchroom, and my table (which consists of all my friends who wear black almost everyday) had to sit next to a prep table. And this one chick looks over at us and goes, "Great, we have to sit next to the emo table."
I turn around and go, "Great, we have to sit next to the whiny b***h table."
She gave me a look and turned back around. xD

Hahaha xD I don't know if I have an accent. You'd have to talk to me and see. I love accents, too. But mostly British. Holy ******** muffins, I have a friend in the UK and he's so ******** AWESOME! I wub his accent SO MUCH!
He doesn't listen to mmmeee. xD I guess I could beg and annoy him till he does. That usually works. Yesh yesh! Help mehs! xD

Eh, they're a size 12. Not very large. Just a little bit bigger than the normal earring.
Holy s**t cakes, those are awesome!! My dad'll never get them for me. xD
Besides, I dun want my ears to look like they've been ******** several times over, so I'll just stick with this gauge. xD
And yeah! xD I lost one. Nothing in it right now, but I'm trying to find a back of an earring so I can put this star earring in. So GAY!!

~_~ I dun knooooowwww. There's no A? Cause he just told meh. ;D Ahaha~
Oh yeah, he's real awesome. In fact, he sent you a PM last night. :3 Apparently, he DID have a Gaia xD Ah, fail.

Haha, I dun have the money to go to a salon. xD Plus, there isn't one anywhere near my house, so I couldn't go to one if I wanted to.
I never really do anything special with my hair. xD It's just plain brown down to the middle of my back right now. I dun have to straighten it cause is semi-naturally straight. ;D Yay~
Even though I've dyed it black two times before, but that was a long time ago. x3

I KNOW, RIGHT?! She's a ******** whore, but her clothes are amazing. xD
Vans are the s**t. I have some ova there. [points to the end of my bed]
Eeeehhhhh I just hate leggings. And skirts. xD RAWR!!
X_Ryu Hayabusa_X Report | 08/09/2010 4:24 pm
X_Ryu Hayabusa_X
You know it!
And Celebrity Status FTW. I can actually play that on a real guitar! biggrin
X_Ryu Hayabusa_X Report | 08/08/2010 10:12 pm
X_Ryu Hayabusa_X
Ah hah... smooth... I left that message on the wrong profile.
X_Ryu Hayabusa_X Report | 08/08/2010 9:53 pm
X_Ryu Hayabusa_X
WUOT? Not have a gaia?? Are you daft woman?? Of course I have a gaia! All must be knownst to my greatness!!! BWAHAHAHAHA. And is my avatar not epic?? I am all white and ominous!
Dekoda DeSoto Report | 08/08/2010 1:54 pm
Dekoda DeSoto
Haha, xD So it's like a, "I hate him, but as long as he ain't dead, I'm all good." Well, I guess I feel the same way about this OTHER guy. >_> Even though he's a total a*****e in every way, shape, and form.
He's so ******** hott, though. xD Like, emo/scene hott. Mmm...
But I hate him~.

I would, but there's a problem with that. xD See, he lives all the way up in Massachusetts and I live way down here in Alabama. So I'd have to mail him a wash off tattoo of my name and try to force him over the internet to make him put it on.
And he doesn't listen to me all that much. xD
[Nod nod] I have a friend at school who is just gorgeous. But I wouldn't date him, cause he reminds me of the person in the first paragraph. But I don't hate my friend (he isn't the kind to hate easily, trust me, I tried >_> )
Oh, I gauged my ears. But I lost one of the ends to one of them, so only my right ear has the gauge in it, now. xD Which SUCKS.
I wanna get my lip pierced, but I'm pretty sure my beau won't let me. xD
[Shivers] I can only imagine what it would be like to eat ice cream while my tongue is pierced. Ooo, makes my tongue feel weird just thinking about it.

He told me, but I can't remember. I think it starts with a D? ._. I'd have to ask again. xD
Well, he has his reasons. Not really my place to tell about his business (much x3) so if you guys talk, I'm pretty sure he'll tell you about it sooner or later. he's 20, btw. :3 Met him when he was 19. HOW THEY GROW UP SO FAST! crying
Mmm.. I'd have to say that my style is around the scene area. Cause I cut my own hair so I could have that flip thing. The only shoes I wear are converse and skater shoes. Man, I ******** hate Mylie Cyrus or however the hell you spell her name, but her clothes brand is the s**t! I bought some of her high top converse-looking shoes and they're just so ******** awesome. They kinda look line the shoe on my avi if that cat wasn't blocking the view. xD
And only skinny jeans work with me, even though I'm not really skinny. xD Cause if I wear anything OTHER than skinny jeans, people at school look at me weird. So I guess it's expected of me to wear them. ._.
Ugh, I ******** hate leggings, though. Those piss me off, for some reason. >___<

My dream avi :)

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So cute. x]

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Favourite quotes. :]

"You're only unique until compared."

"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I wrote down “happy”.
They told me I didn't understand the assignment
and I told them they didn't understand life."

“First defense against evil ..... Open your damneyes" -Reese, Forever Knights

"Nobody knows the age of the human race, but all agree that it is old enough to know better."

“How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four; calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.”

"If you can't solve it, it isn't a problem - its reality."

"Depression is merely anger minus the enthusiasm."

"People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain."

"There's nothing scarier than getting what you want, because that's when you really have something to lose."
