You Read?

The Names..Bear.. Ninja Bear.
Remember it.

As you may have already noticed,
I got hacked! :3
Basically this is my;
"Account in which I play on if I feel like making an effort."
This is my muck around account.
Acting stupid and such. ;D
But yeah.
How suckish is that my MUCK AROUND ACCOUNT
Got hacked.
Just mean.
Feel free to CHILLAZ with me.
I dont care.
As long as you dont crank ma style. ;D
Psh. Who am I kidding.
A few things on me would bee....
I have the attention span of a piece of toast.
Thats about it.

Love, your's truly...
Retard. <3

Things that come up in a serious conversation..

-Do you have any Kool-aid?
-did you get yourself checked?
-I have moose-aids
-Will you go to prom with me.
-Is this a temper-pedic
-Wait what..?
-How long will this be?
Do you wanna play sherades?
-Do you want a tangerine?
-Do you think were gonna have a baby?
-How old are you?
-Im bored.
-Are you taping this?
-Im your cousin.
-Is this what you call sex?
-I wanna see a ninja bea- Oh wait.
-Trust a doctor.
-Let me go get my bong
-Im transsexual
-Can you pay me now?
-Im just here for the cake.
