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Rikku Thief FFX

Report | 05/16/2010 4:10 pm

Rikku Thief FFX

Hi Axel. ^^
Bishounen Fangirl

Report | 05/01/2010 8:36 pm

Bishounen Fangirl

hello axel, i must say you are on fire ;P
smexy to the zexy

Report | 05/04/2009 3:05 pm

smexy to the zexy

83 *poke*

Report | 03/23/2009 1:52 pm


Perhaps Axel's detection skills may have been put to better use detecting his precious blondling sneaking his nappy off from time to time or something else! It hadn't been long before his castle had been destroyed and the boy himself had grown rather upset. Uh, the very sound of the flurry's voice caused the twerp to turn slowly and glance with teary teal eyes. "A..mission?" He sniffled, why would the Superior want to give him a mission after he'd messed up the last time?! Was he trying to make him get killed on the job? Even if Xikes had a strong bond with Xemnas' second in command... it didn't mean he had a strong bond with the superior.
What'd he do? Sit on it? The very word's caused a rather hurt and agitated look to cross the boy's face before he jerked his gaze away from the emerald eyed flurry. "No. Whenever someone finds me building they come in and knock it down!" He sniffled again, wiping his eyes, "Roxas kicks it by 'accident', Demyx uses my sippy cup of juice and sends it flying in like a torpedo." The way he prattled on made him frown even more, "So I was tryin' to protect it and I... I tried to hard and it went boom." He hiccuped, wiping his eyes yet again before digging out the sad legos that had fallen in and attempting to rebuild. "No use crying over spilled milk... they'd say, but it wasn't spilled and it wasn't milk, it was my knocked over castle!" Poor little twerp... it was hard not to squeeze the cream filling out of him.

Report | 03/23/2009 1:24 pm


Where was Xikes? Where he normally was when no one wanted to play with the brat. In one of the many den-dwellings of the Castle, seeing as there were over fourteen! Though the boy had settled on the seventh den, a few clanks and clicks here, he went on building his precious castle of legos. Blue, green, yellow, red, all the lovely little blocks piled into a rather basic, prime-colored castle with a little fence of similar multicolored legos about it. "Mnn," He pouted, reaching into his little container of legos and tugging out a handful more. (8D Cos it's like the mary poppins box of legos) before building onto an attempted triangular roof before he heard his name, "Aa?" He looked around, frowning in fear and clinging to his lego castle in hopes to protect it, though in his notion of protection, he squeezed a bit too tight--popping off several foundation blocks and causing the castle to collapse inwardly! "A--Aa--Oh no!" He whimpered, teal eyes searching over only to see the outlining square remained. Poor little Xikes-chu. Bottom lip trembling, his shoulders slumped in sulking. The twerp didn't even try to rebuild! He just sat there and stared at the demolished palace, not even giving more than the previous 'aa' to Axel's call...
Rikku Thief FFX

Report | 12/28/2008 2:56 pm

Rikku Thief FFX

I just might soon ^^
Demy Aoko Shadowplant

Report | 12/03/2008 5:48 pm

Demy Aoko Shadowplant

yeah diapers Axel, and I like Demyx too
and if I could find pictures of either, or both, in diapers I would be forever happy
Hirosuke Asakami

Report | 06/09/2008 2:54 pm

Hirosuke Asakami

you are very skillfull at rping axel! very nice job on the avi~su!
SeIf Destruct

Report | 03/14/2008 11:26 am

SeIf Destruct

Kind? No, Axel would most likely be seem as... conniving at best! Though Roxas knew better, he knew the teasing and lovable side of Axel that wasn't just composed of fire and brimstone and the occasional chakrams! The kindness... the gentleness the boy was offered by the Flurry was enough to get him wondering before the crimson locked man had admitted his brotherly infatuation with the little blonde. Roxas was... rather fortunate to have a friend like Axel--one who cared, who wouldn't taunt or jeer at him for his problem. Had Roxas come to learn that he, the blonde key of Destiny, was Axel's main reason for not being as everyone else was after the Re-birth, that he still remained lively and teasing, he would have been touched! Ha! The idea of... Roxas being anywhere remotely near being Axel's son, it was too funny to bare. The two were indefinitely like brothers over anything else, even friends. And Roxas rather liked it that way, seeing as Nobody's... didn't have families, he was secretly ecstatic to have a brother like Axel. Soft, gentle strokes had nearly lulled the kid into a light sleep, nuzzling against the man with soft whimpers in response to Axel's plea for him not to cry. Now... sneaking into the blonde Key's room just to play with his hair, that might have brought on a rather mild smack to the fiery-locked male with genuine embarrassment. Soft and delicate the tresses were, and Roxas honestly didn't mind him playing with his hair, he actually... in fact liked the feeling!

The boy had managed to crack a small, tired grin toward the flurry in response to his questioning! Was Roxas attempting to smile for him? Either that, or... he just thought the question, the idea was funny. It was... nearly unfathomable, the words that Axel expressed, Roxas had never even thought on the word of love, he never thought he himself would recieve it over anyone. Had he known the affect his own words would leave on the fury, he might have even grinned wider. He could never honestly picture Axel... crying, though, it was a very special and impactful moment for the flurry and the key. Roku's kiss was returned no sooner than he had pressed his lips against Axel's! The kid would have thought the flirt would've been in some sort of shock from it anyway, but Axel... was Axel! Crazy, it was one of the perfect word to describe him in Roxas's mind. Cute, the word countered, and the boy scowled something fierce, cute! Of all things! Marluxia called him cute, he got it occasionally from others, but now Axel!?! The boy growled mildly, only choosing to reach up and once more tug on a few astray lockes of crimson playfully, "Don't call me cute." He ordered, nuzzling the flurry's cheek gently as Axel had leaned back, causing the boy to grip at his robes for reassurance. "U-Uu," He sunk into the flirt's arms as he had gently began to rock him. Weary was an understatement, the boy was flat out ready to conk right then and there! Resting his head against the flame dancer's shoulder with a relaxed sigh. The boy... didn't want to nap earlier. Though he could care less right now! A blanket--... it was then he'd realized he was naked except for the diaper and black tank top! "A-Aa..." He nuzzled him further, "No... I'm fine," Well, he might have been then! But he was heated and flustered from all the embarrassment, he was happy to cool down. "Uunnmm..." His breaths grew short as he passed into a light half slumber. A teddy bear... now there was a thought, Roxas surely would have cherished it--not that he'd ever tell anyone that.

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SeIf Destruct

Report | 03/13/2008 8:05 pm

SeIf Destruct

[align=center][color=#8198c5][b][i]I[/b][/i]t was hardly unfathomable that Axel wouldn't have noticed the boy's despair, the kid was down right miserable! In the Organization, it was unfortunate that the only one who knew [i]everyone[/i] was the Superior--Xemnas. He, or DiZ, were the only ones who had full knowledge on them! [i]Together[/i], [i]best friends[/i], words that meant the world to Roxas. In all honesty, the boy hated being alone, and despite Axel's constant teasing and whatevernot, the boy did indeed enjoy his company, and wouldn't trade it for all the Sea Salt Ice Cream in the cosmos. 

The swat... had been very unwelcomed, and the boy's expression was nearly [i]priceless[/i], cute beyond compare! But inside, the kid was somewhat hurt.. Mmn, if [i]only[/i] Marluxia had realized the nearly unmendable scar he'd left on poor Roxas, if only he'd stopped [b]before[/b] it got to that point, before he [i]broke[/i] the poor key. Perhaps Roxas wouldn't have wet himself in the first place--and perhaps he'd be saved the trauma he was currently enduring then... Though, most likely not! Marluxia was only one factor of the boy's bed wetting that time, the boy [i]had[/i] drank a lot before hand. Yes, Roxas.. had his own secret stash of drinks, grape, in fact along with a small few emergency bars of the delectable sea salt ice cream. Always prepared in times of danger--or lack of ice cream, he was! Roxas... didn't realize how fortunate he was that Axel [b]was[/b] the only one who was aware of his problem. He hadn't honestly thought on it too hard, seeing as beforehand he never really had time! Missions could be such a headache! The boy was half tempted to whine out the childish response [i]You hit me![/i] to the action the Flurry took, it wasn't as though Axel'd never taken the blonde key down a few pegs himself with a dose of spanks, but the boy was just too miserable at the moment to have wanted to say otherwise! Sorry? Axel was... [i]sorry[/i]. He wasn't doing it to hurt him, either it seemed! The boy only chose to tear his gaze away from Axel, looking down as though trying to mask his hurt. And so... the explanation began. And Roxas was half tempted to tune all of it out. They [i]liked him[/i], he begged to differ. Just the thought of Marluxia... well... that was a very [b]different[/b] sort of like if there ever was one, and Roxas wasn't really able to understand that kind of like! For all he thought, Marluxia [i]despised[/i] him and was only torturing him. As for everyone else? It's not... as though he honestly spoke to them a lot. Demyx was his amusement from time to time, but nothing more or less. Though, he had no doubt they'd all take turns in making up snide remarks and cruel jokes and songs about how Roxas was a [i]bedwetter[/i], ugh, he could hear the mocking chants now!
The boy had nearly been moved by what Axel was saying--though... he didn't finish, less the boy was no more moved! No, the boy was only hurt, miserable, and every utmost and in between. The tears had grown, and with it did his soft, childish sobs that were barely above a volume of minimum level. And ugh, onto the bed they delved, and the boy took no time or hesitation before curling up and allowing his sobs to escape, though not before he had nearly whined out the flurry's name in a childish pitch. As Axel had called back with nearly the same childishness reflected in his voice, the boy only curled evermore tighter into his little ball, his sobs growing more... audiable. And just like that--up! and sitting in the flurrys lap the boy had been shifted, and he'd taken no more than a few seconds for the boy to swiftly cover his eyes with the narrow, soft flesh of his arm, keeping his sobs to a minimum.

[i]Roxas[/i], the boy hiccuped at hearing his own name. Lack of oxygen, most likely; however, he only chose to press his arm evermore tightly against his moistened lashes. The odd embrace he was drawn into did strike him as surprising, and soon enough