The step away from his broken form had been heard, and Roxas thanked every star in the sky that Marluxia had withdrawn. The boy choked and heaved, sobbing against the cool solid, white wall, just hoping, wishing that Marluxia--or... he himself would just disappear. Roxas, come to me, the boy had trembled, shaking his head profusely, the boy's sobs continued to grow, surely echoing twice the sound of the first sharp blow he'd recieved earlier. "I-Iie--m-mou ii!" He choked, he didn't want to be near Marluxia, he didn't want to hear his voice. All he wanted in that moment was to escape, or for someone to save him from the Assassing who had cleaved his pride and his dignity. Ugh, it seemed he honestly had no choice, for soon enough Marluxia was once more twisting the boy harshly, causing him to cry out and squirm mildly with what little strength he had left to get away from the pink-haired menace. "Iie, onegai, M-Marluxia--J-Just leave me alone, please!" The way the boy begged, sobbed, it was obvious he just wanted to get away from him. Though did... Marluxia listen? Not at all! Instead, he had... complemented Rokuroku's adorable sobbing form. The boy thought he could die in that moment, giving up any hope of living through this experience. The boy had felt his chest lock up, his stomach gripped with the icy ache of fear as Marluxia had cupped his childishly chubby face into his hands. "A-Aa," He hiccuped, recoiling as strongly as he could as Marluxia's tongue had come to grace his tear written teeth, "A-Aahnn," He groaned weakly, trembling rigidly, "Yameru...o-onegai.." He whined, only for his hope to be redeemed by hearing... that oh so, familiar voice. Marluxia! The boy's puffy red ceruleans had snapped open as he attempted to twist and gaze toward his beloved best friend, "A-Aakuseru," He choked down a sob, attempting to free up a hand and extend it toward his spikey tressed best friend. His eyes went wide as the ringlets of fire soared toward them, causing Marluxia to deattach himself from the poor defeated boy. Finally, hearing his name called the boy had been swift to climb to his feet and stumble forward weakly, nearly tripping over his own two feet as he reached the Flurry of Dancing flames, gripping onto his matching robes tightly. Wait--had poor Rokuroku left his pants where he collapsed? Yes! He had! And the feeling of the robes falling against his searing tush was what had made the poor boy fall forward and catch himself on Axel's onyx ensemble. "A-Akuseru!" He sobbed harshly into the crimson tressed male's robes, his voice regaining its smaller hope back from the horrendously destroyed sound he expelled earlier. Not saying it was completely healed, no no, his voice... was still very broken and distraught, "A-Arigatou, Akuseru..." He choked, nuzzling his face further into the man's robes. Thanking him? For what? For saving him from any more of Marluxia's torture, of course! Had Axel come earlier, the blonde's clinginess wouldn't be half as... clingy. His smaller, reedy arms coiled around Axel's waist as though dear life depended on it. The poor kid, he'd suffered so very much! He felt so terrible, so... destroyed that he was only able to stand by holding weakly onto the Flurry. The boy's sobbing never ceased, and neither did his trembling. What had Marluxia given poor Axel to deal with? Nothing the red head wouldn't mind handling, but even Axel had to understand the boy was broken and not in any form to be played with right now...


[O.O OMG Not at all! ;-; Ty! My poor Roku needed a savior!!! -clings-]