About the girl behind the screen

Have a nice day!

I'm not gonna say what my name is, but if you're smart enough, you can figure it out. My lips are sealed when it comes to my age as well. I like the color orange, but not pink. Or brown. Both are ugly.
Cats are my favoritest (yes I know I spelled that wrong) animals, and I love them. Dogs... not so much. I don't like them. I'm not afraid of them, I just DON'T LIKE THEM.
I have gray/green/blue eyes, sometimes with brown and yellow. They change. In order to scare little kids, I say they predict the future. It's funny to see their eyes widen when I tell them that the brown means "something big will happen today!" or something like that.
My hair used to be blond, but it darkened to a light brown. It's about six or seven inches past my shoulders now, but I may cut it soon.
I have a touch of ADHD. I can get hyper sometimes. Bear with me, for I'm not sure of what I will say or do.
Music is my LIFE. If anyone dissed music, I will personally berate them with words until they lay at my feet, begging for mercy.
I'm a bookworm, I'll admit it. Tell me a good book and I'll read it.
I like anime and manga, although my friends make fun of me for it. Back off, betches. I read what I wanna read and watch what I wanna watch!
I can get emotional over the tiniest things. If I sudden vanish, I'm either being yelled at by my parents, caught on Youtube by anime, or my internet died. Or I just poofed. ;D
This entire thing was written when I was drinking lemonade. AKA I was hyper. Excuse the randomness.
Oh, yea! I'm random! mrgreen


Old dream avi(s):
User Image
User Image
User Image

Current dream avi:

User Image
Total Value: 50,768 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Smashing Cities
Garden Shovel
Elegant Blue Gloves
Alice's Black Boots
Black Baggy Jeans
Platinum Gray Pinstripe Vest
Blue Eye Stripe Tattoo
Superior Form
Red Sleeping Cap

Random Avatars that I make when I'm bored:
Now who doesn't love rainbows?
User Image

Cat woman! (You know, the part where she's almost dead, but then the cat brings her back to life....)
User Image

Random petsitter! ^^
User Image

Moon goddess!
User Image

heart Donators heart :
MooncheeseSundae: Phoenix Circlet O_O
Yay! You rock! mrgreen
AND a Shadow Spirit
Dude! You totally and utterly ROCK!

L33T_M4573R_L4RG0: Devoted Pawn xD
Thenk ye. You remembered!

Irreplaceable Kisses:
Grace of Aphrodite and Long Stem Red Rose

Runnaway Luv:
Blue Fur Bra and White Stockings

Kazuma Of The Wind:

And finally,

Ask me what my name is, I dare you.
For those of you who can't take a hint, this means DON'T ask me what my name is.


Guess who?

-AyEmAyAreAy-'s avatar

Last Login: 09/19/2015 6:53 pm

Registered: 08/11/2006

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/04

What I'm wearing

No items equipped.

Reach me

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  • Send Message
  • Trade Items



View All Comments

Aftis Sinfel Report | 07/13/2011 6:33 pm
Aftis Sinfel
Aftis Sinfel Report | 10/12/2010 2:04 pm
Aftis Sinfel
Lol... Yea dude, I haven't been looking at much on gaia other than the actual RP. This is good though! Now we're closer to having a full cast. smile
Aftis Sinfel Report | 10/11/2010 9:40 am
Aftis Sinfel
Just join with a minimum for now! Anything would be good, then later when you can actually gedt on for a while, it'll be the way i should. biggrin
Aftis Sinfel Report | 10/06/2010 7:34 pm
Aftis Sinfel
So... Does you think you can join RP yet? :O
It feels so incomplete without you and Neo. sad
Sucrose Father Report | 08/22/2010 6:21 pm
Sucrose Father
thats too bad, you should try to get on more there's talk of some RP's being remade, it'd be cool if you could be a part of it ^^
Sucrose Father Report | 08/17/2010 8:52 pm
Sucrose Father
can't complain... cept' my sunburn kinda sucks XD
but I should have expected that going camping.
well it's good to see you're still around ^^
Sucrose Father Report | 08/17/2010 9:49 am
Sucrose Father
heya! =^.^=
it's been awhile, how have you been?
Kaguya_Kosshi Report | 06/04/2010 8:58 am
Happy Birthday Amara!
Hope you had fun breaking your fingers in pinball!
--Kap-N-KAMiKAZE-- Report | 06/04/2010 1:59 am
I always have this... this obsession, I guess you could call it for being the first to wish someone a Happy Birthday on their special day... Seems that time has passed, and I s'ppose I should apologize... Although, I've only met you recently.... Err... yes, well anyway, it's probably far from "the stroke of Midnight" as of when this comment gets through, but nonetheless, I hope you have a Happy Birthday Gre-- Amara. :]
xxxI'll refrain from calling you Greg on your special day. ;D

Best wishes and whatnot, and about earlier, there's no need to trade today on your day aye? No hurry at all unless you want to. God forbid I force someone to do something on their birth's anniversary. Haha. What else... ? I think that's it.... Well, ah, again, Happy Birfday from Shadey. :3
Sucrose Father Report | 06/03/2010 11:04 pm
Sucrose Father
heys happy birthday!!
hope you have an awesome one =^.^=

Cool stuff... I guess

  • Gramster Gladiator[121]
  • Lawn Gnome Clipper[122]
  • Pink Flamingo Fighter[125]
  • Mushroom Cannon Thumper[128]
  • Air Fluff Deflater[131]
  • Garlic Picker[134]
  • Skeeter Squasher[137]
  • Taiko Drum Banger[152]
  • Kokeshi Doll Trickster[158]
  • Goof Course[221]
  • Close the Barn Door![223]
  • Durem Blockade[224]
  • Hallowed Ground[246]
  • Ranch Hand[250]
  • Barton 3[251]
  • Ninja Trials[252]

*gasp* Stalkers!
