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Whaas Hannin' Hoe .? Charlotte Be Thee Name ;
Mindd Yhur Own ; qet Off Minesz &Be REAL .
Take One Look At Whaa Yhu Lost &Dhen' $tepp .!
qive Respect &qet Respectedd .
Born &Raisedd N Oak Park
Raw a** Female // Open Mindedd // $tronqq // &One Ov Ah' Kindd .
iKeepsz Iht 115% Real .
Cashh Me Out August 20.

$tay Fckkinqq Whidd' Thee Realest . Never Been $cary . iHate Most Femalesz .
iTalkk Before iThinkk . iDo Alotta $hit i$houldnt Be Doin,
i$houldd $topp Buhh iDont Wanna
iRarely $tay Madd At People ; By Thee Endd Of Thee Niqht , iProlly Wont Ckaree
iqo After Whaa iWant N qet Iht On My Own
Aint NO Bitchh // Niqqa qon Holdd Me Backk .
Fckk Me Over .? Thaas All On Yhu , Yhur All Replaceable
iDo Whaa iWant When iWant . My Mindd // Mood Chanqesz' Alot &Very Fast .
iNever qive Up ; Ihtsz Ah $iqn Ov Weakness
Chancesz' Are ; Yhu Never Really Were Important ; &Yhu Never Will Be .!
iCkan Make Yhur Worldd Better Er Make iCkan Make Iht Fall Apart N Thee Endd .
Im Not Lk Everyone Else &How Dhey' Claim To Be,
Im Easy To Breakk ; Buhh Easir To Fix .
Judqinqq Me ; Makesz' Yhu $eem Obsessedd
Replace Me .? Impossible ; Yhu Wont Findd Anyone quite Lk Me
Addictedd To Thu Fast Life ; Ckant Keep Up .? $it Thu Fckk Down .!