
Ayoo_Sexii_bich's avatar

Birthday: 05/07

bearden bull
shawty got to much swagg
princess daisy chain
Amanda Rosine
furby bones

My sis dont fuc wit her!!! u WILL get ur a** whooped!!!

ABORTION KILLS AND IT WILL STOP ANOTHER LIFE FROM BEING TOUCHED!!! MONTH ONE: Mommy, I am only 4 inches long, but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby. MONTH TWO: Mommy, Today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me, you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home, though. It is so nice and warm in here. MONTH THREE: You know what, Mommy? I'm a boy!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad, too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me. MONTH FOUR: Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine, but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it, too. MONTH FIVE: You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby, Mommy... your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion? MONTH SIX: I can hear that doctor again. I don't like him. He seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy! Help me! MONTH SEVEN Mommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus' arms. He is holding me. He told me about abortion. Why didn't you want me, Mommy? EVERY ABORTION IS JUST... One more heart that was stopped. Two more eyes that will never see. Two more hands that will never touch. Two more legs that will never run. One more mouth that will never speak. If you're against abortion, put this in your profile

98% of teens would scream if Justin Bieber was on the top of a highrise about to jump. Post this message if you are one of the 2% who would sit on a deck chair with a packet of chips and shout DO A FLIP! A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle. Girl: "Slow down im scared." Guy: "No this is fun." Girl: "No its not please its to scary." Guy: "then tell me you love me." Girl: "I love you slow down." Guy: "Now give me a big hug" She gave him a big hug Guy: "Can you take off my helmet & put it on yourself its bothering me." In the newspaper the next day a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks were broke he didn't want the girl to know. Instead he had her hug him and tell him he loved her one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for the person you love copy this in your profile You really came all the way down here Andy Sandberg is my hero he is is single funniest man in the WORLD i like dane cook but Andy Sandberg is a comic genius. If you dont know who Andy Sandberg is ask me i just might find you and KILL you for not knowing but as i am killing you i will tell u who he is so you will know who Andy Sandberg is before you die scrach that as you are dying. My favorite SNL digital short by him would have to be Great Day if you havent seen it look it up on youtube pure comic genius remember that

My friends!!! <3

Ill always be beside you, untill the very end. Wiping all your tears away, being your best friend. Ill smile when u smile, and feel all the pain u do, and if u cry a single tear, i promise ill cry


Go to youtube.com and type in Can't Sing Psycho Girl Freaks Out...so Freakin funny it should be the first one

Go to youtube.com and type in 3 second dog video and click the first one I lov dogs but tht is funny.

Every GIRL wants a MAN that she can go somewhere wearing your SWEATS, your HAIR a mess, MAKE UP running down her face, eyes RED from crying and the first thing he says to her is "Baby your BEAUTIFUL." AND MEANS IT!!! =)

Grade me F= damn ur ugly D= ur parentz must be heated C- = ur just someone i dont want to talk to, okay? C= You're ok looking, but u need work... C = You're just average B- = You're kinda cute and your kool i guess B= You're cute. And you're a interesting person B = Preety damn attractive.I'd hit that A- = You're extremely attractive, and you're awesome A= DAMN YOU'RE SEXXXAY!! A = Gorgeous.. will you go out with A = SO HOTT will you marry me A = TAKE ME NOW ON THE TABLE AND ******** ME AND DONT STOP

love begins with a smile =)grows with a kissends with a teardrop =..( u kno 98% of teens say ``i luv u`` and dont mean it. paste this on ur stats or profile if you are in the 2% that means it... You never no what you've got, until its gone.... Take this seriously, i've ignored it. And now, I get what it means. Sex is A Sensation Caused by temptation. A guy sticks his location In a girls destination To increase the population of The next generation. Do you get my explanation? Or do you need a demonstration?

If you belive in Jesus Christ, put this on your profile. This is the simplest test: If you love God and Jesus and your not ashamed of it, then copy this and put it on your profile and God and Jesus will look down at you and SMILE. A white man said "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man stood up and said "Listen sir...when I was born I was BLACK!" "When I get sick im BLACK!" "When I go out in the sun im BLACK!" "When im cold im BLACK" "When I die i'll be BLACK!" "But you sir...when you are born you were PINK!" "When you grew up you were WHITE!" "When you get sick you're GREEN!" "When you go out in tthe sun you're RED!" "When you're cold you're BLUE!" "And when you die you will turn PURPLE!" "And you have the nerve to call me colored!" The black man sat back down and the white man walked away. Copy this on you're page if you think racism is wrong.

Her dad was drunk Her mom was an addict Her parents kept her Locked in a attic Her only friend was a little toy bear It was old and worn out And had patches of hair She always talked to it When no one’s around She lays there and hugs it Not a peep of sound Until her parents unlock the door Some more and more pain She’ll have to endure A bruise on her leg A scar on her face Why would she be In such a horrible place But she grabs her bear And softly crys She loves her parents But they want her to die She sits in a corner Quiet but thinking “God why?Why is My life always sinking” Such a bad life For a sad little kid She gets Beaten and Beaten For anything she did Then one night Her mom came home high The poor child was hit and slapped As hours went by Then her mom suddenly Grabbed for a blade It was sharp and pointy One that she made She thrusted the blade Right in her chest “You deserve to die You worthless pest” The mom walked out Leaving the girl slowly dieing She grabbed her bear And again started crying Police showed up At the small little house Then quickly barged in Everything was quiet as a mouse One officer slowly Opened a door To find the sad little girl Lieing on the floor It must have been bad To go through so much harm But at least she died With her best friends in her arms If you dont put this on your profile then it proves you have no heart u kno 98% of teens say ``i luv u`` and dont mean it. paste this on ur stats or profile if you are in the 2% that means it... You never no what you've got, until its gone.... Take this seriously, i've ignored it. And now, I get what it means.

A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle...~ ~girl:Slow down im scared. ~guy:No,this is fun! ~girl:No its not,please slow down!? ~guy:Then tell me you love me. ~girl:I love you!Now slow down!! ~guy:Now give me a big hug. ~She gave him a hug. ~guy: Can you take off my helment and put it on your head, its bothering me... ~In the newspaper the next day,a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it,only one survived. The truth was, that half way down the road,the guy realized that the breaks were broken and he didn't want the girl to know. Instead,he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time. Then,he had her put his helmet on so that she would live,even if it meant that he would die...

3 girls escaped from prison. A brunet, blonde, red head. The 3 girls hide in a sack of patatoes in a barn. So the policeman came looking for them. The policeman kicked the bag with the brunet in it she said "Wolf." So the police man said "Oh it's just a stupid dog." He kicked the one with the red head in it she said "Meow." He said "Oh it's just a stupid cat." And he kicks the one with the blonde in it she says "PATATOS!" Boy: I missed you at school today, why weren't you there? Girl- Yeah, I had to go to the doctor. Boy- Oh really? Why? Girl- Oh nothing, annual shots, thats all. Boy- Oh. Girl- So what did we do in math today? Boy- You didn't miss anything that great.......just lots of notes. Girl- Ok, good. Boy- Yeah Girl- Hey, I have a question...... Boy- Ok, ask away. Girl-........How much do you love me? Boy- You know I love you more than anything. Girl- Yeah..... Boy- Why do you ask? Girl-................>silence<.......... Boy- Is something wrong? Girl- No, nothing at all. Boy- Ok, good. Girl- ..............How much do u care about me? Boy- I would give you the world in a heartbeat if I could. Girl- You would? Boy- Yeah.........of course I would >sounding worried< is there something wrong? Girl- No, everything is fine...... Boy- Are you sure? Girl- Yeah. Boy- Ok.......I hope so. Girl- ..............Would you die for me? Boy- I would take a bullet for you anyday, hunny. Girl- Really? Boy- Anyday. Now seriously, is there something wrong? Girl- No, I'm fine, your fine, we're fine, everyones fine. Boy- ............Ok. If your sure. Girl-......................Well, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow at school. Boy- Alright, bye. I LOVE YOU. Girl- Yeah, I love you to, bye. THE NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL: Boy- Hey, have you seen my girlfriend today? Friend- No Boy- Oh. Ok. Friend- She wasn't here yesterday either. Boy- I know, she was acting all wierd on the phone last night. Friend- Well dude, you know how girls are sometimes. Boy- Yeah........but not her. Friend- I don't know what else to say, man. Boy- Ok, well I gotta get to english, I'll see you after school. Friend- Yeah, I gotta get to science, talk to you later. THAT NIGHT: -ring- -ring- -ring- -ring- Girl- Hello? Boy- Hey. Girl- Oh, hi. Boy- Why weren't you at school today? Girl- Uh.......I had another doctor appointment. Boy- Are you sick? Girl- ..................Um I have to go, my mom's calling on my other line. Boy- I'll wait. Girl- It may take a while, I'll call you later. Boy-........Alright, I love you hunny. very long pause< Girl- (with tear in her eye) Look, I think we should break up. Boy- What? Girl- Its the best thing for us right now. Boy- Why? Girl- I love you. click< THE GIRL DOESNT COME TO SCHOOL FOR 3 MORE WEEKS, AND DOESNT ANSWER HER PHONE. Boy- Hey dude. Friend- Hey. Boy- Whats up? Friend- Nothing much. Hey have you talked to your ex lately? Boy- No. Friend- So you didn't hear? Boy- Hear what? Friend- Um, well, I don't know if I should be the one to tell you...... Boy- Dude, tell me! Friend- Uh....call this number....433-555-3468 Boy- Ok............ BOY CALLS NUMBER AFTER SCHOOL -ring- -ring- -ring- Voice- Hello, Suppam County Hospital, this is nurse Beckam. Boy- Uh.......I must have the wrong number, I'm looking for my friend. Voice- What is her name, sir? (boy gives info) Voice- Yes, this is the right number, she is one of our patients here. Boy- really? Why? What happened? How is she? Voice- Her room number is ..646, in building A, suite 3. Boy- WHAT HAPPENED?! Voice- Please come by sir and you can see her, goodbye. Boy- WAIT! NO! *dial tone* BOY GOES TO HOSPITAL, AND TO ROOM ..646, BUILDING A, SUITE 3. GIRL IS LYING IN THE HOSPITAL BED. Boy- Oh my God! Are you ok? Girl- .................. Boy- Sweetie! Talk to me! Girl- I.......... Boy- You what? YOU WHAT? Girl- I have cancer and I'm on life support. Boy- .....................>breaks into tears<...................... Girl- They're taking me off tonight. Boy- Why? Girl- I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. Boy- Why not? Girl- I didn't want to hurt you. Boy- You could never hurt me sweetheart. Girl- I just wanted to see if you felt about me as the same I felt about you. Boy- ? Girl- I love you more than anything, I would give you the world in a heartbeat. I would die for you and take a bullet for you. Boy- ........... Girl- Don't be sad, I love you, and I'll always be here with you. Boy- Then why'd you break up with me? Nurse- Young man, visiting hours are over. BOY LEAVES, GIRL IS TAKEN OFF LIFE SUPPORT, AND DIES. But what the boy didn't know is that the girl only asked him those questions so she could hear him say it one last time, and she only broke up with him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks to live, and thought it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died. NEXT DAY The boy is found dead with a gun in his hand..with a note in the other... THE NOTE SAID:I told her I would take a bullet for her....just like she said she would die for me... ___________________________________________________ Copy and paste this if you cryed at this story..If you didn't cry, copy and paste it anyway. Why? Because the girl and the boy would have wanted that. And, because...I SAID SOO. i would do the same thing for some one i love AYou never no what you've got, until its gone.... Take this seriously, i've ignored it. And now, I get what it means.

If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile. DON'T JUST IGNORE THIS because in The Bible it says if you deny Him, He will deny you in front of His Father in the Gates of Heaven. This is the simplest test: If you love God and you are not ashamed of it, copy this and put it in your profile. God will smile at you

Guy- "Can we have sex right now? Girl- "Can we do what?" Guy- "You know, can I be your first, finally?" Girl- "Um...no." Guy- "Why?" Girl- "Because, 1. you have a girlfriend, who happens to be my friend..." Guy- "So, if you don't tell, I won't tell." Girl- "Besides that, I'm waiting for someone special. Someone that I want to be with for the rest of my life to be my first." Guy- "I'm not special to you?" Girl- "You're my friend. That's all." Guy- looks forward and keeps driving. 25 minutes pass... Guy- starts to run his hand up the girl's thigh. Girl- moves his hand, "Don't touch me.". Guy- tries to kiss her. Girl- screams, "Would you stop." Guy- continues trying. Girl- moves to the back seat Guy- parks on an abandoned street and gets in the backseat with the girl. Starts to kiss her. Girl- pushes him off and scoots over, "Please, don't do this." Guy- "Don't do what, I know you want it, I can see it in your eyes." Moves over to her and starts to unbutton her pants. Girl- pushes him harder and says, "No, don't." Guy- getting aggravated, punches her and tells her to stop "playing hard to get". Girl- crying, continues to fight. Guy- punches her harder, pulls her pants off, and holds her down. Girl- screams as he penetrates her, "NO, please don't do this to me!" Guy- puts his hand over her mouth. An hour passes... Guy- pulls back and wipes himself off. Girl- sits on the corner of the seat, crying. Guy- looks at her and says, "You better not tell anybody about this. If you're really my friend, you won't tell anybody about this. You know I love you." He reaches out his hand to touch her cheek. Girl- pulls back, "Just take me home, now." Guy- says, "Alright." Gets in the front seat and drives her home. 2 months later... Girl- "Doctor, what's wrong with me. I haven't had my time of the month in 2 months." Doctor- looks at her, "You haven't been having your "time" for a reason." Girl- looks at him and says, "Why?" dreading the answer that she was sure to receive. Doctor- "You are pregnant." Girl- faints. The story gets out that she is pregnant, and people start looking to the Guy. He claims that it isn't his because she was sleeping with every guy in the school(which was a lie). He goes to her and tells her, "I'm telling you, if you lie to people and say that I raped you, I'll kill you." The Girl is completely devastated. First, he took her virginity and got her pregnant...then he lied about it. So completely depressed...the girl commits suicide by drug overdose... Girls, if this story touched you, put this on your profile under "No means no" Guys, if this story pisses you off, put this on your profile under "I'll kill any ******** who does this to my girl or any girl"

Girl: Do I ever cross your mind? Boy: No. Girl: Do you like me? Boy: Not really. Girl: Do you want me? Boy: No. Girl: Would you cry if I left? Boy: No. Girl: Would you live for me? Boy: No. Girl: Would you do anything for me? Boy: No Girl: Choose -- me or your life. Boy: My life. The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says... The reason you never cross my mind is because your always on my mind. The reason why I don't like you is because I love you. The reason I don't want you is because I need you. The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left. The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you. The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you. The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life

98% of teens would scream if The Jonas Brothers were on the top of a highrise about to jump. Post this message if you are one of the 2% who would sit on a deck chair with a packet of chips and shout DO A FLIP!

There were 3 blondes on an iland and all 3 had 1 wish. So the first blonde wished that she can get off the iland, her wish was granted. The second blonde wishies she can get off the iland, that wish was granted. The thrid blonde wishes "I wish my friends were here to help me get off this iland." No affence to blondes cause I blonde on here and in real life.


My Hugs

My Other Account, ---->

Her Husband

Username: ii the names michael ii

Im X-Step_Off_My_Swagg-X....Js

Bestie For Life

Good Friend

My Other Account

My Husband

My Daughter

My Twin/Bfb

Ninja Buddy
/Bfb/My .B.I.T.C.H.

ii the names michael ii

Me And Aj

My Bestest Guy Friend Ever

Tyler's Girlfriend<
My Bestest Friend Destiny<3

My Bestie And Her Bf<3