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Uh-oh. Hello Doctor, lovely morning, isn't it?

What in the name of Bane are you doing in my vegetable garden?

Err... ^_^; Well, Doctor, I had the most awful time sleeping last night. The Gremlins were celebrating my greatness by playing gongs 'till dawn. I just couldn't interrupt their merry-making, but at the same time I-

What in the 7th adjacentworld?! Why do you have my prize radishes hanging out of your ears!?

Eh, well, I was just getting to that, Doctor. You see, I didn't want to interrupt my precious gremlins, but at the same time I couldn't sleep. Then I remembered that you had a lovely row of lumpy vegetables that would make the most lovely earplugs and I-

YOU! YOU'VE RUINED MY RADISHES! ARGGHH! You're standing on my tomatoes!

Yeah, they're really squishy. Very nice to stand on. Why, my dear Doctor Harrow! Please, you're turning red; don't be so upset with me. Look, I've pulled the radishes out of my ears. Really, they're quite fine.. a little waxy maybe.. but I'm sure that it'll make them sell better and-

Why?! Why must you vex me so!?

...I'm not trying to upset you. Look, to thank you for the use of your radishes I baked you a pie. It's in my pocket here... I'm afraid that a gremlin got in it and made a mess but-

Everytime! You always are getting in my way!

Eh, now, that's not true, Doctor. Who's constantly sending me letters to join their 'Institution for the Fanatically Insane', eh? I did ask you to stop sending those.

That is for your own bloody good! You need serious he- ARGGHHH! You've ruined my pumpkin!!!

Oh, that's what that is. Or was. I thought it was a rather hideous dragon egg. So I destroyed it. I can't have dragons hatching about and going after my gremlins now... sorry about that.

You see?! You see why you need help? THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS GREMLINS OR DRAGONS!

o_o; My dear Doctor, please take a breath! I have told you many times that gremlins exist. When I went on holiday they even sent you a postcard. So thoughtful!

...that was in your handwriting, Azellica.

Pssh, you can't expect gremlins to know how to write English. Of course I wrote it.

I want you out of my garden now! And first thing tomorrow, young lady, you are going to Forthen's Institute! Whether you like it or not!

Whatever you say, Doctor. Have a lovely day! ^_^


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Azellica's Chewed-up Journal

A rather tattered leather brown book with several gremlin-sized teeth marks embedded in its cover.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/29/2010 7:19 am


I am terribly sorry for my bad grammar and spelling in the previous comment. I am feeling somewhat under the weather today. I intended to say "what was a futile attempt?"

Report | 03/29/2010 7:18 am


Nevah! ...but was is a futile attempt? You haven't been on Gaia for so long, after all. rolleyes

Report | 01/26/2010 7:16 pm


You should post...not that this will do anything about that since you don't come on Gaia anymore anyway.... rolleyes

Report | 10/14/2009 8:27 pm


Oh, /ouch/. ^^
If me and Yushi ever start up that rp, you should totally come on and post for it!

Report | 10/12/2009 9:20 pm


YOU CAME ON GAIA!! eek 4laugh

Report | 07/12/2008 3:49 pm


herm, yes, well...the British are coming!

oh wait...you are British...how does that even work? O_o - treason! Ha ha! I kid, I kid


Report | 03/28/2008 2:22 pm


Dude, you should write a new journal entry. They're awesome...which means you need to come online!



Report | 12/23/2007 7:41 pm


I learned how to knit! xD
Cest le Troll

Report | 12/19/2007 1:51 am

Cest le Troll

Yeah hi. :3
Arsenic Sauce

Report | 11/18/2007 9:04 pm

Arsenic Sauce

Man... stuff is going down these next months. Wl's, HI's, FD's, G4's, ... we are screwed...


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Insanity is just another dimension of reality. Or so the gremlins tell me.