
Errrmmm... my name is Michelle but people call me Ellie or azul but wtvs call me watever you want lol but don't insult me kapish(:I love Traveling,walking ugh running is not reaaly my thing hmm lying in bed wondering if it's worth it to get up nnd go pee ahhh yepp I'm very lazy I stay up late every night and release it's bad idea every morning Result= crankyness!! I go tolleson high school bleeeh school is awesome except for (classses,teachers,tests,rules and HOMEWORK O__O you failed too?? Yeahh..WHOO!! High 5,sometimes there is no next time ,no time outs,no second chances.sometimes it's just now or never best friends you fight, I fight. You hurt, I hurt. You cry, I cry. You jump off a cliff I get on a paddleboat and save your stupid a**.,"hey do you have...Mr." " dude I sit right next to you in that class!! Join if you can't control saying "like" or "dude",.life is too short to be stressing yourself over people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life smile when I was little,I would fall asleep on the couch and wake up in bed, the older I get the less I care what other people think.YES!! I got this, I studied all night.*reads #1 WTF!! Is this?! Bieng nice tonpeople you don't like isn't called two face it's called growing up. When I open a pack of bread I skip the first slice cause it's ugly.when guys stop a girl from yelling by kissing them it's cute(: treat your girl right or another guy will,today I caught myself smiling for no reason..then I realized I was thinking about you<3..,your in a relationship stop flirting with other girls!! Laughing so hard you don't even make any noise.,I like you LOL jk I love youxD, my head says "who cares?" but then my heart says "you do stupid"I can stay up the whole night just to talk to you,I'll always be there for you wether I'm sad :,(> sad or biggrin because I love you biggrin there's 6,697,254,041 people I. The world but I want you<3 there's plenty of fish in the sea but you're my nemo ♡ hey what the five fingers say to the face?.,.....SLAP!! The world can't end in 2012?! I have a yogurt that expires in 2013 ok I don't like you so stop talking to me,look,shut the ******** up. I'm in no mood for you s**t haaha...I can't let my toes hang off my bed because I feel like something will eat them.D:, guys are dicks girls are bitches face it everyone sucks. Actions speak louder than words.so put your words into actions and let the while world hear what you have to say-Michelle Gonzalez