Malaysian chick

b u n g a - r o s e's avatar

Music of the month <3


My resume. haha, kidding~

About me? Y'sure you want to know?
Haha, of course i'll tell you. I love to share
with my friends. If strangers are seeing this....
"Oh well"

Okay, I'm Sarah. you can call me Ara. I'm a 17 just-finished-exam-student.
Available but not interested in relationships. I like vintage, Indie's or Japanese's type of fashion. I'm a Muslim (:. I love to eat CHAR KUEY TIAW. (Google it). I can draw? But, right now. I don't have a tablet, so I only use 3 items that is a pencil, A4 paper. & My dad's annoying camera. Haha, well. It's not I don't like the camera. It's just complicated to use. So yeah. Then, I'm a choosy person. & too senstive. But, I'm trying to change that. I easily fall in love & easily to break up with. I've never been to overseas before (Pity). Ohoh! I LOVE K-POP. My Imaginary BF is CheonDung. No one can defeat his ultimate cuteness + macho-ish look & I think that's only you need to know. In case if you want to know more. Just PM me (:

& Remember this what my mommy always say.

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We all are royalty. Because we are living in a place full of wonders that can only be used by us royalties. Our God is the king & we are the princess & princes (:


lovely guest <3


Kamu apa khabar? Sayang?? <3