
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.


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-babii caspa-

Report | 02/07/2017 7:04 pm

-babii caspa-

How do you find the time to be a nerd on the internet if you be working so much? xD High top converse or nah?
What you talking bout he's so humble rofl you jealy
True true. I used to work out actually. lol I like to feel the burn. No but really with everything happening the way it is, it's hard to fit in something else. I can't keep up with the responsibilities or commitments I already have. stressed
You still like cooking?! I think of you almost every time I am cooking a meal. I think of that time I told you I had never been cut (burned?) while preparing and you were so surprised at it. I can officially update that and say I have sliced the ever living wahmbulance out of my hand now. And been burned countless times. Well I can say from my own current predicament that you would probably be living at home with your parents. Unless you worked full time while also being a full time student and helped pay rent on an apartment with a roommate. It's possible but it is stressful and honestly I don't see how people manage it. I have 4 classes, no job, and I can barely keep up with everything. lol
OMGOSH emotion_kirakira that is so great!! Congratulations!! emotion_awesome Have you tied the knot yet? When was/is the wedding? Send picsss of it if I missed it yooo
The hardest part of college would probably ... if it's not trying to sign up for the classes you need (they fill up before I can even get to them) with a teacher that doesn't suck emotion_8c ... then it's probably, for me, keeping up with assignments. 4 classes that move at different paces, so like I have 2 papers due next week. Had a test today that I couldn't prepare for. Have to start reading new material for upcoming stuff. And then on top of that I have to go back and catch up on the videos and reading that I missed when hell broke loose in January. It's so difficult, and now that I don't have a car. I am having to work around my dad's work schedule to even get to class every day, and it's just been so crazy. I hope I will be able to catch up. Like I said earlier, I don't see how other people take more classes than me, work full or even part time...and especially those who have children. I. Don't. Know. How. They. Do. It. emotion_zombie
Oh, and my grandmother is preparing her house to sell it soon. So I don't know where Imma go when that happens. Sleep on the street I guess. Maybe my neighbor will take me in.
36.) What will/did you say in your wedding vows?
-babii caspa-

Report | 02/07/2017 7:03 pm

-babii caspa-

In other news.. The 2017 year started out with our dryer just stopping, and the washer overflowing. Washer is okay but we went without a dryer until like 4 days ago. (more on this later) I lost my car on Sun. Jan 15, the following Sunday I woke up to a phone call from my 2nd cousin. Both my great aunt and great uncle had been killed in the tornado that happened in South Georgia. So I had to leave that Tuesday for the funeral on Wednesday. Missed my classes (I am so behind in my work it's unbelievable). We got back and last Friday we had an electrician look at the dryer. It's not the dryer that is broken. We had to get a whole new power/fuse box. So the guy puts it in and turns stuff on. Come to find out later, when half of the lights aren't working, that the neutral powerline connected to the house was split and we had been receiving 210 on one side and 0 on the other (as opposed to the 110 or 120 that is supposed to come in on both sides). We thought that the outlets that weren't working were simply because the surge of electricity blew the plugs. Unfortunately, we didn't get a permit to change the fuse box so we can't ask the power company to fix it. Or else risk a fine of $10,000. We found out earlier that it is not the outlets that are shot. There is no electricity going to them at all. We'll see what happens. P.S. Have you ever had to shower in absolute darkness? It's like temporary blindness. Sooo..yeah. oh and my oldest brother is in a rehab but now has a bench warrant out on him, also my grandmother put up her property to bail him out. Her property is on the line if he doesn't show up to court. surprised
-babii caspa-

Report | 02/07/2017 7:00 pm

-babii caspa-

Happy Birthday, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year! lol
Have you finally seen Finding Dory? razz Suicide Squad...hmmm... if I remember correctly, it was okay. Some of the characters were kind of forced, not very natural. The plot wasn't the greatest. It felt kind of fast.
Oh gosh. I feel bad for you. Those people can be the worst to take orders from. Wow, sounds like you don't get any rest. How you stayin alive? blaugh Well you can complain any time you want. 12hrs is too long for real.
Oh I hear ya. I always wanted money, even at like 11 years old, and then I'd throw it in savings for when I had "bills" lol Whenever anyone would ask me what I was saving for I'd say, "just seeing how much I can get saved up"
Honestly, I try not to worry about it even though it frequently tries to pop in my head. I try to have faith and remind myself that where I am in this moment is exactly where I need to be. And then I check myself to make sure I am doing the things I should, not wasting time with meaningless things.
Even men with more experience would likely not be able to confirm what I've said. Women are just too complex I'm afraid. Oh good, at least she's not difficult in that aspect... Lol yeah I can't believe that actually.
I sure hope that you're not one of the douchebag BMW drivers who thinks they're above using blinkers/turn signals. emotion_donotwant What's the MPG? Oh, and while we are talking about cars... I got hit on Halloween. A girl backed into me on campus while I was leaving the parking deck. Insurance wouldn't cover the damage because it was on "private property". Luckily, her grandfather had sympathy on me and paid the $2000 worth of damage. I got the car back the week after Thanksgiving. Buttttttt, then on January 15th I was on my way home and I was rear-ended. Busted my tail lights out (one was dangling lol), forced open my trunk (wouldn't shut back). Woke up the next morning with minor whiplash, could hardly turn my head to the left. lol My 2006 Nissan Altima is totaled. The inspector said because the car was so old, it wasn't worth fixing. Cost of fixing it was more than the car was worth so they offered me 4900 for it. Even though I put 7k in it. I went to the hospital two days after the accident, they took xrays. I am okay but they prescribed me a muscle relaxer and pain killer. I couldn't get them filled because I don't have health insurance and something about the woman's insurance made it so they couldn't pay for it. Can't really explain that but yeah. I had a rental for almost two weeks, but the deal with insurance has been so crazy. I finally got the insurance money and am hoping to go tomorrow to buy a car from a private dealer. It's a 2009 Chevrolet Malibu. We've been talking the last weeks or so and I am hoping to close that deal tomorrow. 3nodding

Report | 10/04/2016 7:57 pm


Yea, I see them every so often in the city, I think they're mostly around the rougher neighborhoods and downtown on the weekends making sure all the drunk people in San Diego don't start acting too crazy haha.
I saw Jungle book and X-Men(guilty confession, I feel asleep during X-Men crying ) I liked jungle book alot, I think that's mostly because I used to watch the cartoon on VHS like everyday as a kid lol. I STILL haven't seen finding Dorey yet even though I really wanted to see it emotion_donotwant I think I just can't be bothered to go to the actual movie theaters anymore. What were your thoughts on Suicide Squad.
Oh boy, you don't even realize what you just walked into just now lol I usually wake up in the morning at 5am, get into work by 615am, go through all of our tool boxes to make sure everything is in them. THEN the fun really begins. We have an officer that is in charge of us, every time I talk to this man, it feels like I lose 5 years of my life. He INSISTS on making E. V. E. R. Y. T. H. I. N. G. so much more difficult and stressful than it needs to be. I am always being pulled into his office and bitched at for things that other people are doing or things that the night shift did the last night. After I do all that I go to a meeting where they pass what needs to get fixed, I go back to my workcenter and pass out the maintenance to the people that are there, make sure if they have appointments somewhere they get there on time, etc. etc. As far as fixing things goes, it really depends on what's broken but if it has wires or electricity going to it we most likely are in charge of fixing it. We check for power, broken wires, and make sure our gauges and everything work like they should. 12+ hour days are pretty common and we work weekends sometimes too. Pretty intense job sometimes and our helicopter breaks all the time. So lots and lots of work lol. I love to complain about work haha
It's kinda like, as a kid you always ask for toys or whatever, I've started asking for clothes and household things. Make me feel like an old man hehe
I feel the same exact way, thinking about the past and future really is a scary thing. When I think about getting out of the military I actually get pretty freaked out. Do you always feel like that or do you do something that makes it kinda go away?
I'll take your word for it, believe it or not I don't have lots of experience with women haha. She's not though, I can usually get her to talk things out when she gets mad at me(I think I make her mad alot emotion_yatta )
I drive a BMW 3 series emotion_dealwithit It's a manual and it gets pretty good gas mileage too
I'm a bit of an internet nerd and shut in. Hard to believe I know right? emo I always have a pair of red converse with me, so good mrgreen
It might sound a little weird but I actually hate how self-righteous he is, it annoys me stare stare
That's always hard, one tip or piece of advice though, getting started is always the hardest part. If you can get into a routine where you workout everyday it gets a whole lot easier to keep it going 3nodding 3nodding
It would be so much different, I think I would have gone to either culinary school, or the local community college and tried to transfer to a flight school. Hopefully I would be able to be doing one of those things and not still living at home with my parents. I wouldn't have met my current girlfriend that's for sure, I met her when I went to the Philippines last year. Speaking of which I'm going to be getting married to her! Since the last time we talked, I actually proposed to her and she said yes! eek heart
35.) What do you think is the hardest part of college?

Report | 06/13/2016 5:35 pm


I would say it's maybe less about being lenient and more that none of them are out watching the freeway lol. I totally get it though if they out there waiting on you to speed past them.
I'm glad someone close to my age has actually seen that too haha, I love going to see disney and pixar movies heart heart
really? I didn't think i was so secretive about my job emotion_facepalm It's not all that crazy, It's just super old so our stuff breaks ALL the time! Inside It's a fun job though emotion_yatta
Yes, it's funny cause I actually needed one crying I feel so old sometimes
How old were you back then actually? You had to be in Elementary at that time right? eek I don't like thinking about the past most of the time crying
I wonder what it is that attracts the crazy? rofl
I like the way you said "doesn't submit like they should" I kinda get where you're coming from but at the same time, by the time you say that you're already mad at me for whatever I did. When you say whatever do what you like it's just like...ok great now I have to deal with her being mad at me no matter what, she's not gonna wanna talk anymore and just keep saying do what you want. I know what I'm doing! I just think it's funny that men and women are so different from each other but we some how end up together mrgreen
That's a really nice car I think eek eek nicer than my car probably mrgreen
Such meme very funny cant go wrong with that, converse?
Batman cause he's a rich playboy with no superpowers and superman is annoying, I really really hate superman and Captain America emotion_donotwant
32.) One thing you could change about yourself physically
I'm forgetting what questions I've already asked emotion_0A0

Report | 04/08/2016 4:58 am


Not really haha, you rarely see cops on the freeways here, my friend was doing 100 right past a cop and he didn't do anything emotion_yatta
For sure, I'll miss the hell out of them when I leave though, we're all gonna be getting out right around the same time too.
Him holding onto that old guys d**k was probably one of the funniest things I've seen in a movie for a long time haha. Deadpool was really good too, that was probably the funniest scene in the movie just from how it looked emotion_dowant Have you seen zootopia? That's a pretty funny one too, when they go to talk to the sloths rofl I think you would like it.
I have a very basic understanding haha, I told you I work on the electrical stuff on helicopters before right? If I was to talk to him I would probably understand most of it, for my job though it's mostly dealing with gauges and stuff like that. we also only have 28VDC, 26 VAC and 115VAC. I'm not sure what kind of power they have in homes honestly razz I'll show you a picture of the inside someday, it's wires going everywhere and to everything.
Seems kinda ******** to me,you'd think they would at least give a reason for a denial, hopefully they'll accept it next semester
haha like a regular bath towel, thanks granny emotion_awesome
You know I don't think it really clicked until now that I've been talking to you since before you were a teenager haha. I'll definitely let you know if I'm ever around Atlanta
It really doesn't feel like it was 8 years ago does it? If I remember right we met in that car hangout thing. It's pretty interesting looking back at what we used to talk to each other about eek you're a real life detective haha. 2008 seems like it was forever ago crying
For some reason I really can't picture you playing any games razz
That's good, just remember stay away from crazy lol lol
Blue eyes are pretty emotion_bigheart
ok, so when you guys get mad and then just be like "whatever, just do wahtever you want" and refuse to talk about it like I always know the reason you're mad. ughhh by far what I hate the most haha
Sweet! what kinda car did you get?!
31.) favorite outfit?

Report | 01/31/2016 8:28 pm


Oh yea, I watched this video the other day. It's a game with commentary over it, it's kinda a sadish game though. Just wanted to share
Part 1 Part 2

Report | 01/31/2016 8:12 pm


Merry Christmas and happy new years to you too smile
Oh man I don't think you could survive in Southern California. The posted speed limit is 65 but traffic goes 80 lol rofl
It's hard to say really. Only time will tell, I thought I had some life long friends in High School but I don't really talk to them. I hope so, I've known some for 3+ years. I think some of us will keep in contact.
I know exactly what you mean. I don't even know how I found some of the artists that I listen to sometimes. It's hard to find good music sometimes cry
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse or whatever it was called? Pretty funny, that Dolly Parton scout leader mrgreen
Sketchy, I wonder why your house has that problem :O Sounds like it's got to do with the electrical company more than anything if you're getting surges unless if course you guys are the only ones with that problem. I know a little bit about it because of my job :p It's an expensive problem to have sadly
That's weird, they tell you why they denied it? My grandma said it's never to late to go to school, even if you can't go now I'm sure you can go again later as a part time student at least smile . stay positive about it!
lol so southern it hurts. I miss it sometimes, I don't think it's possible to find southern food here crying crying
Yea, I try to be a giving person, as much as I can at least. It's not always the best cause I usually get taken advantage of. I like to think that it doesn't matter as long as one person that really needed got the help that they were looking for biggrin
lol I think I would do the same, I think we could make the most of it in poverty anyways
lol that's kinda a hard question...hmmm. I recently got a towel from my grandma if that counts rofl rofl
8 hours! shows how much I know about that area lol. It's been years since I've been back there. Not since I joined the military I think anyways
hopefully your house doesn't break that PS4 lol. What you been playing on it? Congrats to your granny! Have you met anybody yet?
29.) What color are your eyes?

Report | 11/18/2015 7:48 pm


Sorry I been gone for so long if you've been waiting on me sweatdrop

Report | 11/18/2015 7:47 pm


What do you mean? That's bad for my blood pressure, your slow driving is literally killing me lol. Can they get away driving that fast there? In southern California people go at least 80-85 on the freeway eek
I mean, everybody was cheering for him when he did it haha, he was a legend after that
Yes ma'am, they're like family. We all go through this bullshit together. I love em(no homo) razz
I used to listen to some stuff like that when I was in middle school, it's pretty cool to me anyway how there are so many different types of music and how diverse it can be smile
I've been meaning to see it, I downloaded it and everything but I haven't watched it yet. I have a 14 hour flight coming up... burning_eyes maybe I'll watch it then haha. Not a Taylor Swift fan I take it haha some of her music is like... a guilty pleasure of mine razz
surprised moms looks like a llama?!
oh man, that is like some super serious bad luck lol, did you find out how much it was gonna cost to fix it? it might've been a hard drive or something like that installed wrong or with some loose parts on it.
Not enjoying going to school so far? Gonna try and tough it out there or maybe going to a trade school instead? I don't really know what you wanna do emotion_8c
The crash? What crash?! (I say 3 months later)
Southern Girl lol, you just sound like you straight from the south sometimes haha
I think I would invest the majority of it, like 70%, donate a couple thousand to charity and use the rest to help my parents and other family out with some bills smile I like to give away money too much lol
27.) Would you rather be living in poverty with the love of your life or rich and alone?
Also, I might be in Arkansas and the area around there sometime this year, if you wanna meet up let me know smile


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