
Bardock was first debued in the Dragonball Z special "Bardock the Father of Goku" and his name is a pun on the Burdock herb, and in the manga, his name was litterally spelled 'Burdock'. He is the leader of Bardocks elite, consisting of Fasha/Celipa, Tora/Torah, Panbukin/Shugesh and Borgus/Totepo. He was born a low class warrior, and died with a power level in the ballpark of ten thousand (10000) leaving him close to an elites strength, close to king Vegeta's as it is commented on by Malaka. Bardock and his crew succesfully conquered many planets, untill bardock was jabbed in the neck, giving him phsycic powers, and he passes out. After a conversation with Zarbon and Dodoria, Frieza decides to kill the Saiyan race, starting with Bardocks team. Frieza orders them to seize the planet Meat, however when they arrive, they are attacked and killed by Dodoria's elite and Dodoria, with the exception of Bardock, who was left in a healing tank on planet Vegeta. When he awoke after having visions of Vegeta's doom and Goku's early years, Bardock awakes and follows his allies to Meat. He finds everything on the planet dead, including his men other than Tora. After Tora tells Bardock of Frieza's plan to destroy Vegeta and the Saiyans, and his fear that they are too powerfull, Tora dies in Bardock's arms, and Bardock wears Tora's blood soaked armband around his head, giving this feature deep emotional ties, and backstory. Dodoria's elite appear after, and Appule luanches an energy volley at Bardock, thinking he is dead, until a scouter reading informs him Bardock is directly above him. Bardock kills Appule, and tricks one of the soldiers into killing one of his own. As he is about to finish one off, he has a vision of Goku facing Vegeta, allowing the enemy to grab hold of him. As the enemy is about to punch with enough force to kill, Bardock does a flip, allowing the soldier to kill, yet another of his comrads, leaving only him and Bardock. Bardock easily sweeps aside this enemy, and as he is about to leave, is blasted by Dodoria's Chou Makouhou. Later Dodoria realizes the Saiyan is still alive, however Frieza allows him to land on Vegeta. Bardock attempts to raise an army, but fails as the other Saiyans assumed he was just angry that he was defeated on an interplanetary raid. Bardock decides to confront Frieza on his own, Luanching his famous "Final Spirit Cannon", only to have it absorbed by Frieza's infamous "Death Ball" attack.

Appearance - Bardock features a scar on his left cheek, as well as a green scouter on his left eye. He also sports green and black armor without shoulder pads or a front leg guard, but does have two side ones. He wears greyish black pants, with red leg warmers on his shins and green and black shoes. He also has one red arm band from the elbow to the wrist on each arm. Bardock is ussually imagined with Tora's blood soaked armband tied around his head, but only wears this toword the end of the special. Bardock has similar hair to Goku, standing on end at the sides, and he has a some-what muscular physique, and tan skin.

Abilities -
Ki blasts.
Flight - Is his ability to fly, as most of Frieza's soldiers do .
Final Revenger - Appeared in games as a special, in which he punches his opponant into the air, beats them in some form, and knocks them back to the ground.
Final Spirit Cannon - His ultimate ki attack, in which he eminates a white-blue color ball of ki in his hand, this is what he tried to assasinate Frieza with.
Power Ball - Is used to create a synthetic full moon to become Ozaroo.
Ozaroo Transformation - He has a tail and is shown in this form at the beginning of the special.
Divination - Is his phsycic abilities
Heat Phalanx - A game only attack, where ki is used to heat his hand as he punches his foe.
Saiyan Spirit - A game only attack, where he luanches a combination of ki based punches.

Extra - It is important to note, that Bardock is the father of Goku and Raditz.


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iOfficial Goku

Report | 09/09/2010 6:42 pm

iOfficial Goku

you are now the vice captain of the bardock guild we need more people in the guild


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