
Barrol would [Love] Signs AND Avi Art*Hint Hint* wink heart heart
(found in journal)

Barrol made the video in her media! Which means, Barrol drew the picture made in the video. Comment her on her drawing skills. Or message/comment her asking to see more of her drawings. ;D

Alrighty, now down to business, I'm Barrol, but you should already know that. You could say I'm a tomboy, I don't like girlie things a lot. x3For my nantionalities, I am probably the best mutt you will ever meet. ;] [No, I'm not telling you them, maybe if I'm really close to you and you are wondering and pm me] For my personality, you rgonna have to find that out yourself[if you haven't already], but to warn you, I am bitchy, and have a short temper. x"3 As for age, I am not a kid, but I am not an adult yet either. I live in a house with my mom, dad, and brother. I have the greatest friends in the world, there always their, their amazing, awesome, fun to be around, etc. I take french, so feel free to talk to me in french, but I'm not that good in it, so beware. My future profession I still have no idea, so don't pressure me damnit....That's all I got for now, and thats all you should know. xD But if you want more, maybe i'll tell you in a pm[most likely I won't tell you though. ;] ]

Click Here Now for my awesome avi art to buy! I need the gold! Dx
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Likes: boys, music, WWE, lots of disney movies, comedians, Dane Cook, french[yeah, I like speaks different languages], japanese, GERMAN[! I want to learn it! D": ], summer camp, friends, videos games, soccer, football players.....thats all I gots for now. <333

Dislikes:people[lots of people, keeping it general xD], losing[anything, games, items, etc], skirts/dresses, makes-up, girlie-girl[acting like it], silence, not listening to music, ONLINE DATING[its stupid, never gonna happen, just over-all idiotic]...thats all for now. ;]

I, Barrol O Monkeys, touched these wrestlers:
Shannon Moore[released! - miss/love!]
Stevie Richard[relased - missed]
Michell McCool
John Morrison
Big Show
Jeff Hardy(x3)[I love him and got his autograph]

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I've wanted these bad-boys for a long time now! D: Help?


My lovely journal!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/14/2011 8:11 pm


Hello, Tabbi. c :

Report | 01/08/2011 8:08 pm


He lives an hour away from me :/ and quit his job so he has no money to come see me... and sorry hun but theres no sleeping with him for me xD ahaha

you pervert....

Report | 01/08/2011 7:35 am


well, I'm not so good at the moment.. I miss my boyfriend.. alot... I haven't seen him in a week but that's normal .. the only problem is he leaves for the army in a month and a half..
Depression mode... but besides that I'm fine... how are you?
I also got my dog to cuddle with me all night! It was bad a**! haha

Report | 01/06/2011 7:44 pm


Dude! awesome! and no I didn't .. your older then me!

Report | 01/04/2011 10:44 pm


Hey hey there barrrolllll! :]

Report | 12/22/2010 12:04 pm


Yeahhh, I only really remember yaku, emi, bad, you, dori, and a few other people... I was sooo not that popular, you;re just imagining s**t man. and yeah, I just got out of a horrible relationship and into an amazing one... guys are stupid though most of them don't even understand how females work, with this one you should just date his best friend and be done with it LOLOLOLOL nooo, I'm joking..... Yeah,I'm just rambling.. and don't worry about talking to much.. I like reading haa. I never really get in trouble at home anymore... it's more like "oh you did something wrong? ... just go clean my car or something.... haha

Report | 12/19/2010 10:15 pm


Oh i know... hell I never was creative with my "naughty dares" xD haha and yeah badnice is really Anthony. He and I never stopped talking.. I remember yaku! I don't know what happened to him.. and I remember red.... but he was a fake profile cuz he said his name was Alex Evans and what not and trust me.. he was not xD I never met him or anything he just showed me pictures and said it was him which I know is a lie cuz the guy he showed me is a model who lives in canada.
Anyways, yeah It's been forever.. and Yeah I have a car, she's my baby... I love her more then I love my boyfriend... haha she's perfect even if her a/c and ignition is slightly screwed up... And I know what you mean, I don't want to be out of school yet either.... it's just .... I don't want to be out on my own... to pay for school and my car and what not.. god it's going to be horribly expensive.... unless I mouch off of my boyfriend xD which I won't ..... I'd feel bad..
Hey! How have you been with school and family and what not?

Report | 12/19/2010 2:11 am


Oh yeah, dude one more year and I'm done with high school.... my life went..... reallllyyyy weird...... like .. really weird.. and got interesting when I got a car.... Deffinitly not what I expected and yeah I know! I'm still friends with "badnice" and "emi_undead (mid) "....we did have good times :] I kindof miss it.. everything was so simple and funny xD our idea of "naughty" was like "I DARE YOU TO SIT ON HIS LAP! AND MAKE OUT WITH HIM!" lolololololololol .. how silly :]

Report | 12/16/2010 9:30 pm


How has your life been my dear?!

Report | 12/16/2010 9:29 pm


Well, don't know I just quit everything ... I didn't mean to it kind of just happened... it was really odd...but yeah anyways I remembered gaia online and went and figured out what my name/password was and just logged back in.. I had 54 messages/// And my lifes been pretty fantastic lately....


Check my art thread:
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