some about me

hi everybody my name is leticia, i am fourteen, i have nine brothers and sisters, between my mo's and my dad's house i am the oldest, i have a lot of pets between my two homes, when i grow up i want to be a small animal veternarian, i want to go to colledge at WSU or another veternarian colledge, i am a "A" and "B" average student mostly "B" average but same difference, i LOVE to play sports and i love to hang with my friends, family, and pets alot!i cannot stand to be left alone! i am a people and animal person, i am NOT mean, popular, or self-centered. Right now i am single, cause i cannot date until i am 15 wich really stinks but one more year so i guess i will make it. I am not sure on what else to say, so there was a few, or more things about me so until then i guess you will live with what i gave you so yeah