yeppyepp thats me, TRUST ME IM NOT LIKE MOST GIRLS!
i do what i do, and i am who i am. dont like it? guess what? i really dont give a ********. if you cant accept for me the way that i am then thats your loss not mine.
i pretty much do whatever i want when i want to cause mi madre spoiled me. i know how to have a good time when theres something to do. i love to party its what i do.
i dont give a ******** what you gotta say about me, if you dont like me for who i am then its your loss not mine.
art&photography are passions, music&video games are musts. kingdomhearts&hellokitty are the s**t.
if you take the time to look at my page, then at least take the time to say whats good girl? i mean i will talk to you, ill talk to just about anybody. so TALK!
theres a boy, that never fails to make me smile. i love him, hes pretty much amazing. =]
well peace.
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this is the boy that never fails to make me smile. -->