
.: x full name-Angel
.: x height-5'4
.: x hair color-brown with red tips
.: x real hair color-blonde
.: x eye color-ice blue
.: x birthday-11-16-1990
.: x age-15
.: x grade-10th

.: x name of school-WHS
.: x nicest teacher-Mrs.B
.: x meanest teacher-Coach Piggly Wiggly
.: x best class-Agri
.: x best subject-English
.: x worst class-U.S.History
.: x worst subject-U.S. History
.: x what do you think about PE or athletics?

.: x taken by who?No one
.: x for how long?
.: x why do you like him/her?
.: x is he/she older than you?

.: x for how long?since september
.: x planning on doing anything soon?depends on him

.: x drink-F.U.S.E
.: x ice cream flavor- Choclate
.: x smell-Axe Phoneix
.: x sport-Football
.: x channel- Music Channels
.: x celebrity-SEAN PAUL!!
.: x memory-last weekend
.: x candy-gummi wormsXD
.: x show-too many
.: x animal-chihuaua

This or that
.: x roses or daisies-roses
.: x cell phone or AIM-Cellie
.: x mall or movies-Mall
.: x tv or computer-Compie
.: x cat or dog-dog
.: x rock or rap-grrr
.: x water or milk-water
.: x shorts or pants-shorts
.: x dinner and a movie or walk on the beach-walk on beach
.: x blue or pink-blue
.: x color or black and white-black
.: x friends or family-friends
.: x baseball or basketball-basketball
.: x coke or pepsi-pepsi
.: x bright or dark-dark



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^^Tis I^^ PM me if you think I'm cute
PM's: 0 sad crying