
Tha name is rebecca_becky_rebecky_.
im only 4teen!
i DONT have a boyfriend.but i sure am looking!
i am an eighth grader.
i have as much fun as possible .
i dont like to keep grudges.
to much to be dealing in this one life i have.
i have a friend a best friend ,dalila ,
she holds all of my secretos in her hands.
i trust her and only her.
my words that will surely come out of my mouth wuld be
"shut tha ******** up!"
i am mean, not something i like about myself but
oh well i have to deal wif it. i have a bad temper.
BUT; besides all the bad thing, Ha!
im a really AWSOME person to hang with.
i've been told that im not normal, wierd, crazy, & loud
im... im jusss me so
if ya wanna kno me not be scared say sumfin.
or ill find yu hahah.
pm/ comment (: