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~I'm a 16 years old, female,and I'm in the 11th grade.
~I live in a little rinky-dinky town in the middle of no-where, and I love it. (Most of the time.)
~My friends are my life.
~I'm addicted to texting. You are now warned. (Well actually my phone in general. And I spazz when I don't have service, even if I don't need it.)
~I'm single (still). But someday me Edward will come and if not..Joe Jonas will do.
~I love music. All kinds, it really helps through the rough spots.
~I can't go a day without internet without freaking out.
~I'm obsessive.
~I like to feel safe, so if you make me feel safe, you'll have me for life.
~I'm on an emotional rollercoster, that I can't seem to get off of and its going straight into the ground.
~I am very easily hurt, so please don't play with my heart unless you know you will cherish it forever. "You've gotta bb good to me!"
~I am an active member of my schools drama club. I practically live in the auditorium. ♥Crew♥
~I'm on the National Honor Society, yet I'm the biggest blonde you will ever meet.
~Musicals are my favorite movies.
~I'm crazy.
~I'm shy until you get to know me (so I'm told) and then I'm just a nutt-job.
~I'm a nerd, freak, geek, whatever. Labels are for soup cans, not people.
~I love to be random with my friends. (Always remember two plus two equals fish!)
~I blush WAAAYY to much. *blushes*
~I get really really hyper sometimes. And then get really really sad others. I am the one bouncing off the walls at the beginning of a party then crying at the end.
~I have no musical ablities what-so-ever, but I enjoy making a fool out of myself screaming along to the radio in the car with all the windows down.
~I love little kids.
~I cannot, CANNOT, start to watch a movie and then turn it off in the middle.
~I quote my fav celebs/songs/movies/books/ect. Deal with it.
~I read Twilight before it was cool to read Twilight. ~I rock out to the Jonas Brothers.And I don't care what you think. And when I say *rock out* I mean *rock out*. Just ask Karson...lol ♥Joseph Adam♥
~Inside of me is a skinny girl just trying to get out, but I normally shut her up with chocolate.
~I hope/plan to go to collage to be a kindergarten teacher.
~I have many things I want to do in this life. Such as drive cross country in a converitable, go to Austraila, go to China, live to be 100, work up the courage to try sushii,learn how to play the guitar and the piano, go to Forks WA, and many other things that I can't think of right now.
~I bought Metro Station's CD before you had even herd of them. So...HA!
~I love how I can add Twilight to my favorite movies now.
~Chinese movies crack the s**t outta me. (not literatly. no worries)
~I get really queazy really easy! (Thats cute not stupid, JESS!)
~My Mottos: Hugs not drugs. Make love not war. Love is love. It is what it is. And then most JB lyrics.
~I love DDR even though I only get to play it a couple times a year and I thoughly suck at it. Its funn.
~My dad tells me to get a life on a daily basis. Just because I am always online, talking to friends, and texting. Isn't that, having a life?
~I try to be the best person I can be and if that is good enough for you then great! In the words of Johnathan Larson, "Take me or leave me!"

My Favs (As of 7/28/08 )
Fav Musical/Broadway Show/Movie: RENT
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Fav Musical (movie): Across The Universe
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Fav Non-Musical Movie: August Rush
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Fav Band: Jonas Brothers ♥
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Fav Jonas Brother: Joe Jonas♥
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Almost, and so close, Fav Band That They Deserve A Spot: Simple Plan
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Fav Book: Twilight (and New Moon, and Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn)
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Fav TV Show: Moonlight
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Fav Character from a Book: Edward Cullen
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Past Obsession: Mitchel Musso
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Current Obsession: Joseph Adam Jonas♥ (umm....duh...)
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Oh and I am working on a list of funny quotes that my friends say. I will put the speakers initials after it and then their gender so I would be A.J.f.Oh and to those of you that don't know me in real life and don't know my friends these prolly won't be funny to you but I don't really care because they are funny to the people that matter.....
#1. "Is there a point to this movie or do they just sing?"~E.P.f
#2. "I get to be a fairy! Flutter flutter flutter *flaps arms*"~A.H.f
#3. "You are blindiest!"~J.P.m
#4. "I am defanitly wearing heels!"~E.R.m
#5. "Don't make me go Mary Quince on you!"~A.H.f
#6. "You're being self-destructive." "I didn't kill anyone!"~Mrs.P and M.G.f 11/29/07
#7. "I acually reemebered to take something out of my locker.." "It must have been bec....." *Both start laughing hysterically*~A.J.f and E.P.f 12/1/07
#8. "Ya, I get my photograph licked!"~E.R.m 12/4/07
#9. "Its Shakespeare, of course its skechy!"~Mr.M 12/4/07
#10. "I'll be good, I promise. Wait...no....thats a lie."~D.C.m 12/6/07
#11. "I'm glitter glue retarted!"~A.J.f 12/11/07
#12. "Cut" *ow* "Crunch!"~J.P.m 12/11/07
#13. "Which bottom?"~K.A.f 12/12/07
#14. "Is this about garlic?"~Mrs.P 12/20/07
#15. "This is a two year old jacket!" "That must have been a big two year old!"~ N.T.m and Z.A.m
#16. "Too bad the 'clock' cut off his 'anntenas'."~K.A.f
#17. "Go crazy nuts with the Crayola."~Miss.M 1/24/08
#18. *After a flat almost fell on like 3 people* "We need a new house!"~E.R.m 1/25/08
#19. "So.....Old Navy."~M.P.f 1/28/08
#20. "No service, no service, no service, thats a wall! No service..."~B.E.m 1/28/08
#21. *About an article that we read in health class.* "....all his friends and then his girlfriend turned on him." "Sounds familiar."~N.H.f and Z.A.m 1/29/08
#22. "Hes teaching them how to build." "You take a hammer and a nail and go BANG!"~D.P.m and S.W.f 1/30/08
#23. "Take me! Hide me, stop singing that damn song and blindfold me!"~E.R.m 1/30/08
#24. "Ya, the person building my colemn was drunk at the time."~S.W.f 2/10/08
#25. "I need someones foot."~E.R.m 2/10/08
#26."I don't wanna drink the demented soda!"~J.C.f 2/20/08
#27."Do what you do, mwah, mwah...."~Mr.M 2/20/08
#28. "The road looks pretty dry in some places...." "You are NOT taking your motercycle out!"~D.P.m and B.P.f 2/23/08
#29. "This is what being in the middle seat does to me." "It turns you into a gnome?" "Yes, an emo gnome. Oooo thats fun to say, emognomeemognomeemognome....."~S.W.f and S.J.f 2/25/08
#29. "PEACHES!!!!!!!"~S.W.f and A.J.f 2/25/08 (BTW, don't ask abt this one, way inside joke.)
#30. "First there were SparkNotes, now there is SamNotes." "Oooooo I should totally do that!!"~Mr.M and S.W.f 2/25/08
#31. "You know a couple of people from that school were trying to figure out if my beard was real?" "Really?" "Ya, its multi-colored."~E.R.m and A.J.f 3/1/08
#32. "....remember to call her!" "Dylan, call me!" "I will!"
"What?"~ Judge, Girl in Wait Wait Bo Bait, D.P.m and E.R.m (in that order) 3/1/08
#33. "Does this guy KNOW what language he is is speaking?"~A.B.f 3/4/08
#34. "...because he was getting burned in that hot, hot sun."~C.M.f 3/28/08
#35. "Ooooo, turbo sperm! I think I'll name him Jeffery."~K.D.f 4/1/08
#36. "Are we gonna stare at each other again?"~T.D.m 4/7/08
#37. "Thats like interpertive banding."~E.R.m 4/9/08
#38. "Holy hotness!"~A.Z.f
#39. "You fight like Allison." "Is that a good or bad thing?"
"Well, either way I lose."~C.M.m and A.J.f 5/28/08
#40. "...isn't it fun to be in a wheelchair?" "Not really."~J.L.m and A.J.f
#41. "The Titanic? I saw that movie! It sucked because I knew the ending."~S.W.f AKA: Peaches!
#42. "Jess, why am I getting wet? Ohh yeah! Its raining!"~A.J.f 8/12/08
#43. "Jordan! Leave the bubble wrap alone!" "It goes, POP!"~J.L.f and J.L.m 8/12/08
#44. "Thats like throw some water on it and watch it sizzle!"~S.W.m 8/13/08
#45. "Ewwww. Fuzz-bug. Ewwww."~Emily.?.f 8/30/08
#46. "Did I just run over a freshman?"~A.H.f 9/5/08
#47. via text message: "his pants were really tight too and u culd see his cute butt lol"~S.S.f 9/7/08
#48. "He might not make it out with all of his clothes...."~A.H.f 9/9/08
#49. "There goes the leg!" "There goes the head." "Its rollin' rollin' rollin'..."~KA.f, J.H.m, and A.H.f 9/10/08
#50. "When he says 'picket fence' hes so HAWT!"~S.S.f 9/14/08
#51. "Knowing me I wouldn't have know they were filiming and would have walked by him and thought that guy looks really familar."~D.C.f 10/27/08
#52. "He didn't hold on!"~J.L.f 11/18/08
*NEW* #53. via text message: "Lol i know i was...Never trust someone whos name means half...what kinda name is that?!?"~S.S.f 1/22/09

I am starting a new section, for the most am-az-ing friends a girl could ask for. This is for you:

*Steph*-God made us cousins because he knew our parents couldn't handle us as sisters. I am so glad that we are family forever and ever. You are perfect. You get all the crazy stuff I do and don't mind when my spinners whack you in the head a million in one times when we're folding towels. haha. And way back when when we had our monkey vocab. You thoughly crack me up and I can't go a day without talking to you. Mucho loves. I'd do anything for you. Even give you all my posters.

*Emma*-God made us best friends because he knew our parents couldn't handle us as sisters. Thank god for our 7th grade english teacher. I don't know what I would do without you. You have been the best friend I have ever had.I love all our inside jokes. "HIT THE SASUAGE LADY WITH THE GOLF BALL!" lol. You hate my obsessions but you deal with it. I love you more than you will ever in your life know. I'm sorry that I always complain to you, but its because I trust you. I never want to loose you ever ever ever ever ever. When I found out you were moving schools, it crushed me. But a friendship like ours can't die just because one of us moves. Remember that, always.

*Alli*-Again I don't know what I would have done without meeting you. We have the most random debates, and shared crushes. And been totally OK with it. Hell, I almost dated one of your ex's. Always remember 2 plus 2 equals FISH!

*Jess*-"Is this obsession gonna be bad?" hahaha. You first words when I told you about Joe. Always the bitter truth. I love that. We suffer though Drivers Ed togther and laugh like banshees when cars run over bysicalists and yell "HE DIDN'T HOLD ON!" You helped me for many days when I was on crutches, even though you spilled Dippen Dots all over my kitchen. lol. You sleep like the dead and I hate wednesdays beacause I can't smack you. Sorry I promised no more heartbreak this year...We girls just can't live without our Donkey Kongs. wink

*Laura*-Best online BFFL ever! I met you hear on gaia, and even though I have never meet you personally you are a great friend. I love how we share our obessions with Twilight and Rent. And bawled our eyes out the day that it went off Broadway. Thanks for being so awesome.

*Sam*- OMG, this kid is the funniest guy ever. Thank godness for OSV. I love how I can call you up and tell you I am working the next day and you call Kim and schdual yourself. I love your random convo's while you are driving and grocery shopping and I tell you to buy chocolate and you actually do. I can't stand talking on the phone and you like the only one I can actually hold a convo on the phone with. Don't be so down on yourself, you have great friends (if I do say so myself) and would die if they didn't have you.

*Brittany*- I think I spelled it right that time. Even though you are 2 grades younger, your a BFF for life. I'm gonna miss you in 2 years when I am at collage. I love your tackle hugs and random texts, even though the hugs sometimes hurt and you are mean to me sometimes. I wuv you!

*Karson*- Hahahaha. I miss you so much this year. With no classes togther. I miss Bio with all of the gang and our vampire teacher. I miss our "D.K.E." and all our jokes about him. And how we could just give each other a look and know what the other was thinking. I love how you make fun of me when I am running around the aditorium with my iPod on going nuts listening to the Jonas Brothers. Gawd, I'm glad we're in this play togther. I trust you with things that I can only talk to my family about. So thanks, for being so totally fabously cool.

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So guys I love you, to the end all be all. Thanks for putting up with me.

YAY! This is me in cartoon form drawn by the fabulous Meggies Masquerade. Thank you sooo much!
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me yup. be jealous of the sunglasses wink
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This is my fav picture right now. I dunno why but it breaks my heart...
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thingers i have made on photobucket, that i like:
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Beena92's Life

The Exciting Life Of The One And Only...ME!!!!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/05/2012 8:10 pm


Ahahaha. I am THE last ONE!!!!!!

That is all. thanks. =]

Report | 08/27/2009 6:56 pm


What u said was really cute beena!

Report | 02/17/2009 12:26 pm


OMG OMG OMG!!! i can get on gaia agian *cheers* lol...

Report | 02/02/2009 5:49 pm


Your Profile Rocks Serious Casa

Report | 01/03/2009 9:46 am



Report | 11/28/2008 6:36 am


YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333 i love him!!! >.<

Report | 11/24/2008 5:44 pm


awww... well it's a bit warmer here... User Image the snow left. but OMG twilight was AMAZING!!!!! i love jasper now User Image lol... all the guys were so HOT!!!!!!!!! >.< it made me happy.

Report | 11/21/2008 11:41 am


lol... yay!!!!! i wish i could see it tonight but me and my sisters are babysitting. User Image OMG and it SNOWED here!!!!!! trust me that's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it hasen't snowed in like..... 3 years....

Report | 11/20/2008 2:02 pm


what's up????? are you going to see twilight this weekend??? >>>>>.<<<<<<

Report | 11/13/2008 12:24 pm


o coolio


^^Just Want You To Know^^