
My name is Morgan Noel :] I got the middle name bc of my birthday which is Decemeber 20 1996 :]
I ♥LOVE♥ doing people hair and makeup and all that fun stuff.
I have learned not to care what people think about me, its either you love me or you hate me, and really I love the ones that love me too :] haha
Some people go on about their best friend but really I dont think a friend can really be the best, I think family the best and thats why my cuz is prob my bestfriend.
Even though I love my friends I cant trust anyone bc they have all gone behind my back.
My mom and my dad are the best everrrr, and I love then to.
Im in 7th grade...intersting right?
I enjoy... playing softball, riding horses, listenin to music, being with my friends,BOYS lol, and ect.
I dislike...nerds, big words, S.S. and ect.
I have 2 sisters, Kassey, and Jaylin.
I have 2 step sisters, Amber and Ashley.
I have 2 step/inlaw brothers, Aaron and Timmay .
My hero's are... my dad, mom, sisters, brothers, grnadparents, family members, friends, my grandpa Joe :'[ R.I.P.
Wanna know more send me a PM :]