BeMuled MissBeth

BeMuled MissBeth's avatar

Last Login: 09/20/2024 2:28 pm

Registered: 05/25/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Ontario, Canada! ^.^

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Miss Beth's next quest is ... complete! Thank you to all who donated directly or who purchased from my store! 4laugh

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Thank you so much to those who helped me finish this quest!

Will post a new quest …. when I eventually come up with something, sweatdrop 4laugh

Oooh ... a little ol' space just for lil' ol' me? Yayness! 4laugh

Well, I'm a pocket sized cutey with a penchant for mischief, and I have no designs to change my ways! Not even when I'm 90, fraggit! *giggles*

I have way too much fun being me, being 44! (woot! *dons party hat and noisemaker*), and just being alive, gosh darn it! 4laugh (Hmm ... does that sound a little Ron Bruise-ish to anyone other than me? *winks*)

Just for the heck of it ... here are pics moi one and moi two!

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I love manga, manwa (I think that's how the Koreans spell it o.O), anime, Nihongo (I'm still working on the syllable library, but I'll be learning words soon enough!), Japanese culture, all things English (*daydreams of long beaches, rain, warm jumpers ... and curly haired, sweetly accented men ....... *purrs*), and ME! *big smile* Oh, lots of other stuffs too, but you'll just have to get to know me!

***In Addition!***

The Kawaii Not Manifesto

And so it is resolved, seeing that the ENEMY is all that is sad and gray and includes all those who are taking themselves a little bit too seriously (frankly speaking), we do anti-solemnly swear to devote ourselves mind and body (plus whatever other bits might be lying around at the time) to the KAWAII NOT REVOLUTION!

Be cute, be crazy, be free!*

And it is agreed that among our resolutions are the following. We will:

1. Draw smiley faces on everyone and everything.
2. Know the cute side of weird, and the weird side of cute.
3. Embrace the round, the soft, and all that's a little off-kilter.
4. Know that nonsense is the best sense.
5. Celebrate that life is sweet and sour.
6. Believe that it's okay to revel in the lame - we can't be cool all the time.
7. Understand that we're all mad here.
8. Recognize and enjoy the big softie that lives inside.
9. Never suffer ennui ... but instead have cherries jubillee!
10. Surrender unto the Squee!!!

By working together to freak people out (in the cutest way possible, mind you), we resolve to bring the KAWAII and NOT to all people.

Who is going to speak up for those inanimate objects that can't speak for themselves? We are! I'm sure we see pretty clearly into their cold, black hearts.

Above all else, we shall believe that anything, any time, anywhere can be cute ... sometimes you just have to work harder to see it.

So in the final estimation, we draw but one possible conclusion ....

Cute and Crazy
of the World, Unite!
And Save the World
from Itself!

*Because things can get too serious sometimes, and if you don't find something to laugh about, the pressure will just build and build until it blows your head clean off your body. Is that what you want? A spurting geyser of warm, red blood where you head used to be?

This little bit of fluff brought to you from the book "Kawaii Not", and is my motto in life. 3nodding 4laugh

Signs! I have my verreh first signs! 4laugh
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Colour me!

This will likely just be my random stuff spot. Like old memories that've resurfaced, silly ideas I might have in my little kitty head, and things of the like. Who knows.


View All Comments

mothmallow Report | 12/09/2023 1:27 pm
thank you so much!
SPIT CASUALLY Report | 12/06/2023 11:36 am
Thank you so much! blaugh
IDTS Report | 12/03/2023 3:19 pm
oh my gosh THANK YOUUUUUU. i love this one and rarely wear it but it's so soft lol
thank you so much redface
oO-Ui-Oo Report | 03/08/2022 1:24 am
Super super cute avvy.
MintyMiDraws Report | 01/13/2022 12:49 pm
    Thank you~ cat_redface
Jiynn Report | 12/15/2021 4:25 pm
Happy Holiday to you as well emotion_bigheart
egg Report | 12/14/2021 4:17 pm
Thank you for the gift ^ ^!!!
mooshy Report | 12/14/2021 12:45 pm
awe you didnt have to!!
Jiynn Report | 12/13/2021 1:28 pm
Thank you so much for the gift ~ Ur avi is super cute as well emotion_bigheart ~ Happy Holidays emotion_kirakira
mooshy Report | 12/13/2021 12:16 pm
send wishlist items and then some random stuff you might like


New quest! Any and all help is appreciated!
Current quest:

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[Animal] Cream Cat Fur ... owned!
[Animal] Fall for Autumn Beanie ... owned!
[Animal] Bat To Spoopy School ... needed!
[Animal] Sesame Donut Darling ... needed!
[Animal] Dream Buns ... owned!
[Animal] SeongMi Cathartic Doll ... owned!