About yours truly

Hello there~ heart

As you probly already know, my name is Benimaru Nikaido.

Before I begin with my small and quick explanation of myself I would like to just send out a little love to anyone who's taking the time to read this. You're a doll and I love you already.

First off! Why don't we start of with a little about me, because come on and tell the truth. The only reason you're here is to know more about me, correct?

I am yes in fact a boy. A boy that is into boys. But not to disappoint you ladies, there will always be love and affection for you. Now on to disappoint you boys (well and girls too I might add) I am sadly taken already, yes as melancholy as it may sound that the great Benimaru has finally settled down with the beautiful Ash Crimson. Not only on Gaia, no also in real life, so I suppose the chances of snagging me are slim to none, sorry guys, I'm a loyal boyfriend.

I also am an elitist meaning I'm very much into proper grammar though I do allow a few minor slips here and there. We are not all English teachers and I understand that. Just give me your best and you'll have my respect. I will also RP if you ask me too so don't let this deter you, I'm a nice guy.

I'm also on Gaia as much as I can be, though with being in college and all it's hard to do so. Also if you're wondering this is, yes, just another account of mine.

I am usually a very happy person. I don't get angered easily and I am overly affectionate to people I do know. The only real times I have a temper is when something isn't going well with my college projects or it's a hot day. I hate the heat and it makes me cranky!

If your wondering what degree I'm going for in college that is my BA in Game Art (me and Ash go to the same school) and it is tiring at times but it is a load of fun just like college should be. I love to draw as well so if you're willing to do an art trade let me know and we'll talk details. I also sell art at times but you'll have to try to bribe me into it a bit since school and work do take up most of my time.

Through all of this of course I do play a lot of video games. Name the game and I probly would have played it (or probly not I'm not made of money you know) I love fighting games and shooting games the most.

Now to what I don't like and do. Now here is where you have to listen~ heart

I don't accept random friend requests, you don't go up to random people and ask them to be your friend in real life right? Well don't do it here! At least attempt to talk to me for a while before adding me.

I do donate to random people sometimes but mostly all my gold donations goes to my friends. As seen above you have to talk to me and get to know me before you become a friend. Also don't mess with my buddies, they're my friends and I do get very protective. I also don't like people who use Leet or txt talk. I do not like it. I hate it. It's making kids more idiotic than they already are. Do not do it to me.

Well I believe that is it. If you've made it this far then I congradulate you, your such a sweetheart to travel this far. Now I can think of you as a friend which is all any body ever needs right? Drop me a PM we'll chat for a while, take care!

Sankyuu~ heart