
bieberfever957's avatar

Birthday: 12/03


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Me skate Boarding Down my aunt's driveway hill on her birthday


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_♥___♥___♥_ oη yoυr
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I Adopted a Chibi!
Loves:Harry Potter, Me and Justin Bieber!
No Loves razz eople who are mean to her me or anyone she loves!
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Meyer/CullenAnimeCast-9.jpg[/IMG]
I Adopted a Twilight Chibi!
Loves:Me and Justin Bieber and Jacob Black/Taylor Lautner
No Loves:Edward and anyone who is mean to me or her
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!

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I Adopted a Bat Girl!
Loves:me, Justin Bieber, anyone who is nice to her but has an evil side
No Loves:people who are mean to her and me, and TRUST ME she WILL find you!
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!


User Image
LOOK!!! I adopted a chibi!!!
Likes:Me and everyone who is nice to her but are also EVIL!
Dislikes:Anyone who is soft and gurlie and is mean to her or me and TRUST ME she WIll find you! (:
DUDE!! Adopt one too!!!


User Image
LOOK!!! I adopted a chibi!!!
Name:Brieeanna, Melanie, Alexander (from top to bottom)
Age:1,2,5 (from top to bottom)
Likes:Me and anyone who is nice to them or is EVIL like them!
Dislikes:anyone who is ugly rude or mean to me or them and they will find you! (:
Owner: Me(Bieberfever957)(Annaliese)
DUDE!! Adopt one too!!!

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I Adopted a White Fox!
Loves:me and Justin Bieber
No Loves:mean people
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!

User Image
I Adopted a Fox!
Loves:Me and Justin Bieber
No Loves:everyone who is mean to her and me and Justin Bieber
Owner:Bieberfever957(Annaliese) (ME!)
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!

User Image
I Adopted an Alien!
Loves:Lilo me and ZJustin Bieber
No Loves:mean ppls
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!

This song is perfect right now for me and Bethanie! ily Beth! perfect for me and RawrzBeth


Hi my name is Annaliese. I'm also known as Anna or Annie. I enjoy ballet, gymnastics, swimming, shopping, soccer, volleyball, Singing, dancing, and hanging out with my best friends. I love ALL of my friends; Willie, Ashley, Jade, Jade D, Lia, Harriett, etc. There are many more btw,(If it is any buissness of yours!) Well I have ALOT of family and I have a couple of them on gaia, My cousin Wyatt; TheEmoholic-------And my sister Amelia; AmeliaElliott-------I love both of them! They are awesome, but also awesomly annoying at sometimes. But then again, Everybody is at some point. But overall I am just a fun, loving, cute, easy going(most of the time), cool, awesome, and pretty person! Oh ya and I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Justin Bieber (Hence the name) So if I sound like a cool person then you should add me, but if you are gonna be a hater, then just leave me alone. And if you have a problem with Justin Bieber just PLEASE KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!


|...........| Put this on your
|...........| page if you have
|.......O...| ever pushed a
|...........| door that says pull
Put this on your page
if you have ever
Pulled a door that said

put this on your page if you LOVE Justin Bieber!

put this on your page if you hate Robert Pattinson!

put this on your page if you think Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift make a bad couple!

put this on your page if you like the song bedrock!

put this on your page if you think that you are hot!

put this on your page if you love yourself!

Eenie Meenie By THE ONE AND THE ONLY Justin Bieber!!! Ft. Sean Kingston!!!

One Time By THE ONE AND THE ONLY........ Justin Bieber!!!!!!!!!!

Baby By THE ONE AND THE ONLY Justin Bieber!!! Ft. Ludacris!!!

Me singing part of "I'm Awesome" By Spose! 9Not my real singing voice)(this is just a joke)(I was sick)(I have no rights to the song)(will be removed apon request)


View All Comments

ObeyStefanieBoo Report | 09/21/2011 7:29 pm
You want 10000000 copy/paste this on ten gia profiles logout and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!really works!!!!!!
loljustinb21 Report | 09/16/2011 2:17 pm
Ok lolz we have bieber fever heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Master swagger12 Report | 04/30/2011 10:41 am
Master swagger12
sweatdrop heart do u wanna be mine 4ever heart sweatdrop
Master swagger12 Report | 04/27/2011 5:33 pm
Master swagger12
ty redface
Destiny Purple Report | 04/26/2011 6:03 pm
Destiny Purple
Yep! biggrin Doesn't Ur Avi? Lol
Tu Madre Krispies Report | 02/06/2011 12:59 pm
Tu Madre Krispies
i'm kinda confused, but i'm not trying to play anyone. especially u beautiful wink i'm just lookin' for some lovin' if u no wat i mean wink but if u want a relationship with the lovin i'll b more than happy to do it 4 u ;D
X_x Ayoo NewBoy x_X Report | 02/06/2011 9:41 am
X_x Ayoo NewBoy x_X
o thats the way how old are u
X_x Ayoo NewBoy x_X Report | 02/06/2011 6:16 am
X_x Ayoo NewBoy x_X
ummmm so ah wats goin on
X_x Ayoo NewBoy x_X Report | 01/30/2011 9:41 am
X_x Ayoo NewBoy x_X
X_x Ayoo NewBoy x_X Report | 01/29/2011 2:23 pm
X_x Ayoo NewBoy x_X
i no rite


<3LOvE,YOuR'S tRULy, @nn@2215!*!*!*!*!

The Emoholic
Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber

I love you Justin Bieber!

I love you too, Annaliese!

This is My BFFL,
Love ya Hales!

This is wyatt!

In case you
haven't noticed
I like Butterflies!

I also LOVE Soccer!

white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK " "When I grew up I was BLACK, " "When I'm sick I'm BLACK, " "When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, " "When I'm cold I'm BLACK, " "When I die I'll be BLACK." "But you sir." "When you are born you're PINK". "When you grow up you're WHITE, " "When you're sick, you're GREEN, " "When you go in the sun you turn RED, " "When you're cold you turn BLUE, " "And when you die you turn PURPLE. "And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away.. Put this on your page if you HATE racism

Remember When Getting HiGH Meant Swinging At A Playground? The Worst Thing You Could Get From A Boy Was Cooties? M0M Was Your Hero? DaD Was The Boy You Were Gonna Marry? When Your Worst Enemies Were Your Siblings? Race Issues Were About Who Ran Fastest? When War Was A Card Game? Life Was Simple And Care Free? Remember When All You Wanted To Do Was Grow Up?

it says: you cant spell slaughter without laughter

95% of all teen girls would go into a panic if Edward Cullen was on a 247 foot building to kill himself. Copy and paste this if you are one of the 5% who brought popcorn, a chair and shouted "DO A FLIP"

I love you Annaliese!

Spell Your Name And See What It Means; A: hot B: loves people C: good kisser D: makes people laugh E: has gorgeous eyes F: really wild and crazy, adore you G: very outgoing H: easy to fall in love with I: loves to laugh and smile J: is really sweet K: really silly L: smile to die for M: makes dating fun N: loving and caring O: has one of the best personalities ever P: popular with all types of people Q: hyperactive R: good boyfriend or girlfriend S: cute T: very good kisser U: is very sexual V: not judgmental W: very broad minded X: never let people tell you what to do Y: is loved by everyone Z: can be funny and sweet at times A:Hott U:Is very sexual T:Very good kisser U:Is very sexual M:Makes dating fun N:Loving and caring

scroll sideways and see what happens!

two of my AWESOMEST GUY BFFS! lol just kidding! but they are really awesome friends!

This is my BFF Bethanie! I love you Bethanie! Thanks for being really understanding

and strong and helpful through this whole ordeal and stupid situation! It truly means alot!

This is MMEE!!

me and Justin!

*FAKE FRIENDS: Never ask for food. TRUE FRIENDS: Are the reasons you have no food. FAKE FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr./Mrs. TRUE FRIENDS: Call your parents Mom/Dad. FAKE FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong. TRUE FRIENDS: Would sit next to you saying "Damn... we ******** up... but man, that s**t was fun!!" FAKE FRIENDS: Never see you cry. TRUE FRIENDS: Cry with you. FAKE FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. TRUE FRIENDS: Keep your s**t so long they forget its yours. FAKE FRIENDS: Know a few things about you. TRUE FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you. FAKE FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing. TRUE FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowd's a** that left you. FAKE FRINDS: Would knock on your front door. TRUE FRINDS: Would walk right in and say "I'M HOME!" FAKE FRIENDS: Are for a while. TRUE FRIENDS: Are for life. FAKE FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough. TRUE FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say, "B***h, drink the rest of that! You know we don't waste s**t." FAKE FRIENDS: Will talk s**t to the person who talks s**t about you. TRUE FRIENDS: Will knock the f**k out of them. FAKE FRIENDS: Will read this. TRUE FRIENDS: Will steal this. *Steals it*

Girl:hey Boy:uhm?hi. Girl:whats up? Boy:nothing,is there a reason your talking to me? Girl:Well I sort of like you. Boy:??? Girl:do you like me back? Boy:well uhm your 2 years younger then me. Girl:Oh. Boy:yeah. Girl:Okay well i gtg. Boy:Bye ......... 2 weeks later The boy saw the girl on the news,she hung herself.She left a note that said,"age shouldn't matter.I will always love you.". ....... 1 week later The boy was on the news,he hung himself too,but he wrote on the wall and said,"I was wrong.Age shouldn't matter.You were right.I love you forever and always.". if you Believe that age shouldn't matter,post this on your profile

Girl- I had to go to the doctor. Boy- Oh really? Why? Girl- Oh nothing, annual shots, thats all. Boy- Oh. Girl- So what did we do in math today? Boy- You didn't miss anything that great.......just lots of notes. Girl- Ok, good. Boy- Yeah Girl- Hey, I have a question...... Boy- Ok, ask away. Girl-........How much do you love me? Boy- You know I love you more than anything. Girl- Yeah..... Boy- Why do you ask? Girl-................>silence<.......... Boy- Is something wrong? Girl- No, nothing at all. Boy- Ok, good. Girl- ..............How much do u care about me? Boy- I would give you the world in a heartbeat if I could. Girl- You would? Boy- Yeah.........of course I would >sounding worried< is there something wrong? Girl- No, everything is fine...... Boy- Are you sure? Girl- Yeah. Boy- Ok.......I hope so. Girl- ..............Would you die for me? Boy- I would take a bullet for you anyday, hunny. Girl- Really? Boy- Anyday. Now seriously, is there something wrong? Girl- No, I'm fine, your fine, we're fine, everyones fine. Boy- ............Ok. If your sure. Girl-......................Well, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow at school. Boy- Alright, bye. I LOVE YOU. Girl- Yeah, I love you to, bye. THE NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL: Boy- Hey, have you seen my girlfriend today? Friend- No Boy- Oh. Ok. Friend- She wasn't here yesterday either. Boy- I know, she was acting all wierd on the phone last night. Friend- Well dude, you know how girls are sometimes. Boy- Yeah........but not her. Friend- I don't know what else to say, man. Boy- Ok, well I gotta get to english, I'll see you after school. Friend- Yeah, I gotta get to science, talk to you later. THAT NIGHT: -ring- -ring- -ring- -ring- Girl- Hello? Boy- Hey. Girl- Oh, hi. Boy- Why weren't you at school today? Girl- Uh.......I had another doctor appointment. Boy- Are you sick? Girl- ..................Um I have to go, my mom's calling on my other line. Boy- I'll wait. Girl- It may take a while, I'll call you later. Boy-........Alright, I love you hunny. very long pause< Girl- (with tear in her eye) Look, I think we should break up. Boy- What? Girl- Its the best thing for us right now. Boy- Why? Girl- I love you. click< THE GIRL DOESNT COME TO SCHOOL FOR 3 MORE WEEKS, AND DOESNT ANSWER HER PHONE. Boy- Hey dude. Friend- Hey. Boy- Whats up? Friend- Nothing much. Hey have you talked to your ex lately? Boy- No. Friend- So you didn't hear? Boy- Hear what? Friend- Um, well, I don't know if I should be the one to tell you...... Boy- Dude, tell me! Friend- this number....433-555-3468 Boy- Ok............ BOY CALLS NUMBER AFTER SCHOOL -ring- -ring- -ring- Voice- Hello, Suppam County Hospital, this is nurse Beckam. Boy- Uh.......I must have the wrong number, I'm looking for my friend. Voice- What is her name, sir? (boy gives info) Voice- Yes, this is the right number, she is one of our patients here. Boy- really? Why? What happened? How is she? Voice- Her room number is ..646, in building A, suite 3. Boy- WHAT HAPPENED?! Voice- Please come by sir and you can see her, goodbye. Boy- WAIT! NO! *dial tone* BOY GOES TO HOSPITAL, AND TO ROOM ..646, BUILDING A, SUITE 3. GIRL IS LYING IN THE HOSPITAL BED. Boy- Oh my God! Are you ok? Girl- .................. Boy- Sweetie! Talk to me! Girl- I.......... Boy- You what? YOU WHAT? Girl- I have cancer and I'm on life support. Boy- .....................>breaks into tears<...................... Girl- They're taking me off tonight. Boy- Why? Girl- I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. Boy- Why not? Girl- I didn't want to hurt you. Boy- You could never hurt me sweetheart. Girl- I just wanted to see if you felt about me as the same I felt about you. Boy- ? Girl- I love you more than anything, I would give you the world in a heartbeat. I would die for you and take a bullet for you. Boy- ........... Girl- Don't be sad, I love you, and I'll always be here with you. Boy- Then why'd you break up with me? Nurse- Young man, visiting hours are over. BOY LEAVES, GIRL IS TAKEN OFF LIFE SUPPORT, AND DIES. But what the boy didn't know is that the girl only asked him those questions so she could hear him say it one last time, and she only broke up with him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks to live, and thought it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died. NEXT DAY The boy is found dead with a gun in his hand..with a note in the other... THE NOTE SAID:I told her I would take a bullet for her....just like she said she would die for me... ___________________________________________________ Copy and paste this if you cryed at this story..If you didn't cry, copy and paste it anyway. Why? Because the girl and the boy would have wanted that. And, because...I SAID SOO. i would do the same thing.

This is one of my bestest friends ever!!!