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Adventures in Apathy

Nobody in the world cares less than me

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Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

People who helped me

First is Darktower 666: she collected more cans for me than everyone else combined. w00t Darktower.
My wonderful wife Angel_of_Morning_Light donated more than just cans, also gold and her time into getting me cans.
Thanks to everyone who sold me cans and next to nothing prices, like Loneek who basically finished my quest for me. And thanks to Fujita_Makos for his donation right at the end.
I can never thank you all enough.

OOOOOO!!! And of course thanks to Unexistant for my bitchin Katana.

Another round of thanks to all the people who donated to me. Thank you to my wonderful wife Angel_of_Morning_Light who helped me more than I rightfully deserve. And Thanks to all the GREAT AND WONDERFUL questers on Une's thread. Y'all know who you are AND how great you are. And thanks to the Legion of Helpers for their very generous donations. And of course thanks again to Unexistant for his incredible thread.

Avi art

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My very first avi art ever. It may be just a sketch, but I think it's awesome. Fujita_Makos is awesome, check out his store.
User Image
Fujita_Makos is awesome. Look up his art thread now!!!

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^bigmerc soul calibur3 style.


View All Comments

Blood Stained H3art Report | 06/12/2015 6:20 pm
Blood Stained H3art
Miss you guys, if you or angel ever come back here. You can find me on Ernya, under the name B0o. I left this place long ago.
Blood Stained H3art Report | 02/05/2013 4:56 pm
Blood Stained H3art
I miss you guys, I wish you would come back even if it is just to give me your facebook.
Blood Stained H3art Report | 07/09/2012 9:47 am
Blood Stained H3art
heart I miss you and Angel. Gaia just ain't the same any more without the regulars. D=
Blood Stained H3art Report | 07/26/2010 6:52 pm
Blood Stained H3art
Happy Early Birthday! I miss you and Angel! <3
Blood Stained H3art Report | 03/22/2010 4:16 am
Blood Stained H3art
What are you doing lurking?
Blood Stained H3art Report | 02/12/2010 6:59 am
Blood Stained H3art

That I do, and I miss you and Angel. Come back soon. heart
ii Emo Miisery Report | 10/04/2009 8:21 am
ii Emo Miisery
bigmerc88 Report | 10/04/2009 12:55 am
bigmerc88 Report | 09/24/2009 9:17 pm
Blood Loves Me!
Blood Stained H3art Report | 06/23/2009 7:34 pm
Blood Stained H3art


nosce te ipsum
I am an agent of entropy and a purveyor of truth
Want something? I have things. I can get anything. Send a PM asking for a thing.