About Krista, Bish

. My name ish Krista.
. Favorite color's orange.<3
. I'm not preppy. B] Deal with it foo'.
. I like all kinds o' happy country music, rock, punk, techno, rap, and so on.D< So, no catagorizing me as a nice girl who probably goes to church every sunday just cause of the music I listen to. )< Kay? OKAY! <3.
. I love LIFETIME, it is so ******** addicting. ;_;<3. Sucks you in, boi.
. You can consider me as a "good" person. Don't do drugs or anything. ^^;
. I have 2 cats, and 2 dogs. LUFF THEM ALL SO MUCH. C:
. I really don't play the piano a lot but I still do? o<
. One of my biggest goals that I have is to meet all of my good friends that I have made online at some point in meh life. You know.. before I get old, wrinkley, and die. D:
. I like to go shopping but never alone and I'd never drag someone who doesn't like to go, with me! O: Like my mom does. xD 'Specially when Livia's over. o.o She helps carry stuff in. Roflmao.
. I'm usually a nice person to talk to unless I'm just in a bad mood. )= If that happens just like.. I don't even KNOW. lol. Stay away? Usually I hint but oh well.
. I like playing VIDEOGAMES. Sha ******** yeah! <3.
. Music = Ish luff. I don't know what I'd do without it. Like seriously. o_o...
. I like milk. O; Moooo! And icecream. C: (Wtf what sound does icecream make? ;O? )
. OH YEAH! My birthday is April 2, 1992. Yeah that's right I'm 14.
. I like to read, [********] you too. ):< <3.
. I like BIGBIGBIG sunglasses! The little ones don't shield my eyes like I like them to. >->. So, YEAH! <3. BIG sunglasses fo' me! CB
. Hmmf, You know what else! I like to take pictures. )< Is that a crime? NO WAY! I like to take them of nature 'n' stuff. n.n <3. They're so beautiful. I know I know, it sound stupid but I like it. =)