
HI!!!My name's Ginny, but usually people call me Birdy! biggrin .I'm 15 years old turning 16 in November and I'm a freshman in high school! I'm very unique...I love to be outside with nature and I love animals.I love the rain,it's my favorite type of weather...
I like a lot of movies,especially Little Miss Sunshine, Clue, Juno, and Magnolia.
I LOVE MUSIC!!! XD...I couldn't live without it! =D :] XD
I like to read,write,draw,be creative,be outside,watch tv,go on the computer,watch movies,and hang out with friends and family.My friends and family are the most important things to me.
I like to have fun and i like to be happy =D
and....that's all i can think of for now.lol. =] =D XD
OH YEAH!!! and I'm pretty random too ;D heart

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Total Value: 2,043,440 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Labu Necklace
Labu Necklace
Fallen Wish 8th Gen.
Fallen Wish 10th Gen.
Fallen Wish 12th Gen.
Queen Bee
Gin the Kitty
Year of the Tiger
Dreamer's Dust
Kitty Slippers
Audrey's White Long Gloves
Elegant Veil
Sexy Present (Valentines Day 2k9)
Missy Pearl Ribbon
Deluxe Cat Ears
Mona the Platypus

This is my dream avi that I'll probably never be able to actually make.. sad
If you could, please donate!! heart heart heart

This section is for my best friend Ryu(Mike).He's my best friend on Gaia and he's always helped me out when i needed help and can always make me feel better! *huggles* i love ya bud! ;D

This section is for my sister! She's the best! We always do fun retarded stuff together and she's wicked funny and random! Love you Sis!!! <3

This section is for my baby! biggrin My boyfriend and best friend! He's the best to talk to and i have so much fun being with him. I think of him always and i always miss him whenwe don't talk D: ...I love you Mark!!! :3 <3 heart heart heart heart heart

Hey Everyone!! I'm not going to be on Gaia for a while because I really need to focus on school right now and get some things started and straightened out and such. I'm sorry everyone and I'll miss you all! Hopefully I'll be back soon! Bye Everyone!!!! =] heart heart heart


Viewing 12 of 51 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/18/2009 8:52 pm


hello birdy!!!! birdy want num nums????? birdy num nums??????? -throws num nums at birdy-

Report | 05/26/2009 3:00 pm


awww... sowwie i havent talked muccch latelyyy *huggles you not letting you go* i miss you iggy, how are things? aww.. why a new account?

Report | 05/16/2009 11:14 am


<--- this person loves you (no homo)
<--- this person would never hurt you
<--- this person is a true friend
<--- this person has your back
<--- this person is always their for you

i want you to know that you are amazing,

if i dont get this back, i understand.

but i have a game for you. Once you read this comment, you must send it to 15 people that you really care about, including the person that sent it to you.

if you receive at least 7 back, then you are loved

*Don't Delete

Report | 05/05/2009 2:36 pm


aww... go iggy!! *huggles you back* i knew you could do it ;P, hehe sameee xD what snew ;3?

Report | 04/29/2009 5:53 pm


awww... alright iggy *huggles you back* you do good at school okie ^^? i'll miss youuu, best of luck ;3

Report | 04/29/2009 2:37 pm


friend is an overly used word...are you on?! i serioudly didnt think you would be. where are you?

Report | 04/29/2009 2:20 pm


lmaoim good baby what about you????!!!!!!!!

P.S-whos MARK?!!! lol lexi cant keep her mouth shut smile

Report | 04/25/2009 8:00 pm


aww! thats soooo cuuuute iggy ^^ *huggles you* hehe he must be some rad dood huh ;P?

Report | 04/25/2009 7:49 am


hehe i've been fineee, just work work at school ya know? and you know, my schedule is usually, Holly Holly Holly school Holly Holly Holly school, ya know ^^? and you iggy? hehe i missed you too buddy what you been up to?

Report | 04/24/2009 6:08 pm


Nothing really ^^ you?


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