
I like Roleplaying with literate gaians. Though I make exceptions when it comes to friends and their friends. To be honest I think most everyone should be able to post at a semi-lit to literate standard. We all have passed gr.four and five.

I'm into Horror movies, and scareing the hell out of my friends.

XD Nicki (Skittle~x) would know all about that.

I'm not as into Barton town as I am Commerce. I have three main characters. Danite, Clauz and Alexander. Each are of personal tastes. I'v even typed up a few profiles for you. i'm searching for images for them.

Name: Danite
Age: looks 19-20 Actual age is 153
Race: Half Dark Demon, Half Vampire
Home: Oblivian Runes
History: Danite's past as a thief were quiete complicated. Injury and pain was something he was used to after being alone for five years. His home in Oblivian Runes was desolate, and a scarce place to live. Danites only brother was killed in an ambush and he was forced to leave his homeland.
Powers: excede over darkness and fire
Personality: Danite is blunt with his friends and just as sarcastic. Other then this he can be quiete mysterious and considered dangerous to others.

Name: Alexander
Age: Looks18-19, is actually 320
Race: Vampire
Home: A run down abandoned building for most of his life.
History: Alexander had three sisters and no parents. After his youngest sister was born his parents left and did not return. He soon after found a clan that had accepted him. He became one of the most silently feared.
He came upon a girl named Nicki in his work. She'd stolen a precious book from the clan and fended off the others the clan leader had sent after her; even slaying one of his closest friends.
Powers: that of a normal vampire enhanced
Personality: Dark, and hidden. Alexander has only ever shown emotion to one..

Name: Clauz
Age: 24
Race: Human
Home: Shadows Crypt
History: Clauze had one blood sister, Nicki. He and his sister were attacked daily and struck still with fear living here. It taught each strength and to trust none. After his parents deaths, he left Shadows Crypt and lived stealing with his sister. Once each spread apart, he found a wife and had a child named Zoe while growing in power. Clauze was good willed and did everything to protect his family. He and his wife Claira were killed in an ambush, by the very demon who had slayn his parents.
Powers: He wielded an demonic sword
Personality: Clauz was easy going and relaxed. Not to bothered by anything.


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