I be the ALyMoNSTeR

BLaCk_OuT_326's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 03/26/1992

WhAtS I gOtS ON!!!!



Hello!!! I'm Aly!!! I have the idea that i'm pretty KewL but you can decide that for yourself....

DiS iS ME!!!!!!
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So I'm pretty Random all the time!!! I LOVE COLORS!!! (if you couldn's tell)

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*but I love me Sum Aaron More*


Name: Alyson E. Dodd
Nickname(s): AlyDee, mostly Aly
Birthday: March 26st, 1992
Birthplace: Birmingham, AL
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Changes too Much...You never know...
Height: 5'3
Lefty or Righty: Righty -AllTheWay-
What Do You Drive: My Bike
Color: Green, Blue, Yellow
Number: 13!!!
Band: All Of 'em
Music Genre: Unclassifiable! (heck yes)
Movie: Labyrinth, MirrorMask, Across The Universe...crazy amazing stuff like that!!!!
Actor: Gary Oldman
Kind of Movie: Action/Comedy
Cartoon: Fosters Home 4 Imaginsry Friends
Sport: Swimming
Fast Food Restaurant: Fast Food is ICKY beyond all belief!
Ice Cream: The Colorful Kind!
Cereal: PopTarts R better!
Candy: ALL OF IT!!(except most chocolate! EW...)
Drink: Grape or Apple Juice
Alcoholic Beverage: i'm a good kid and don't talk about my alcohol issues!!!
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: NO!!! okay yes...
Have any pets: YEAH!!!
Have a job: school!
Have a cellphone: heck yeah just got a new one!!! (same number ppls)
Have any special talents or skills: No! NEVER!
Have any fears: to many to count
Have a bedtime: Not yet!
Sing in the shower: Always
Want to go to college: not really
Get along with your parents: yeah for the most part
Have any piercings: nope cuzz i'm cool like that!
Have any tattoos: OH YEAH!!! HaHa NOT!!! (ah I make a Not joke!)
Swear: like a sailor!
Smoke: nope nope nope
Drink: shhhh...
Do Drugs: only with my Cereal!
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: Nope...Don't really care for the stuff!
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: nope I'm a good girl
Are you single: at the moment but I gots my eye on someone!
Are you in a relationship: no...DUH!!! ^
Do you have a crush on someone: um... Yes! as we speak I do!
Ever been dumped: Oh yeah!!!
Ever dumped someone: Nope i'm to nice!
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: Fruit (wiat is a potato a fruit?)
Black or White: White
Lights On or Lights Off: Lights On
TV or Movie: MOOGIE!
Car or Truck: BiKE
Cash or Check: CARD
Rock or Rap: R-O-C-K
Chocolate or Vanilla: Banana!
French Toast or French Fries: french fries (Potatoes...Duh!)
Strawberries or Blueberries: Snozberries
Cookies or Muffins: MUFFINS
Winter Break or Spring Break: WINTER
Hugs or Kisses: Both!!! I'm rather Affectionate...like a kitty purdy much
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: all the time!
Smiled for no reason: when do I ever have a reason?
Laughed so hard you cried: once or twice...a day!
Talked to someone you don't know: oh yeah!!
Drank alcohol: yes... but i'm not going to talk about my problems (HaHa Kidding there really is no proplem there... or is there??? hmmmm...)
Done drugs: um......
Partied 'til the sun came up: nope sadly...
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: mmhmm
How many languages do you speak: 3... English, Spanish, and Bad English!!!
Who do you compare yourself to: My sister
Ever regret anything: Yeah...
Do you like being tickled: no but it still happens
Are your fingers tired: not really...
Are you tired of this survey: yeah kinda
Are you happy: OH YEAH!!! (ALWAYS)

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Comment or the mutated llamas will eat choo!! >.<
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