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BlackAngel2012's avatar

Birthday: 02/24

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Black Angel 2012's Random life happenings

random life happenings


TEEHEE ninja I LOVE NINJAS!! ninja



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Sednos Report | 09/12/2008 5:01 pm
you read all of it? I LOVE YOU!
and omg its my sisters birthday and shes being a spoiled b***h >< i hate today, its so horrible, but then again i got my tights today there cute well there socks but w.e there black with rainbow hearts on it!! and they go up to my knees! there pretty and im going to order a kick a** dress thing from hot topic when i get the money and then ima wear it to school and everyone will be all OMG look at that girl with the awesome dress and cuteeee tights! it will make me go all awwwww *blushh* and then all the popular peoples will be all OMG she so did not just wear that today and ill be all oh yeah bitches i did =OO and they will be all gasping and spittin tea outa there mouths and ill laugh like a maniac hahaha, wow, im bored and its ******** hot in my room ><
Sednos Report | 08/30/2008 10:47 am
.gasp. YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME A HUG! you said you was xD them pancakes was good! your a good baker person, and well yeahhh you can take my pills if you want them so badly! and i didn't take em yesterday =O OMG! andd wow you texted alot, and um, that movie was good, BURN IN HELL YOU OLD MAN! and jeez it took me forever to get that poison apple thingy that that dude sent her in the computer cause it was cinderella and she ate a poison apple in the book and disney movie andd like it ruined herrr life almostt and then like 5 minutes after the scene i got it, i felt so special! and DAMMIT IM STEALING ABBYS POCKY! or however you spell it, and ya know what your going to a con with me because i want to go to one and you are like tha perfect person to bring cause yeah i don't know why and im writing a lot and i like it cause its intertaining, yeah im listening to ima robot, and omg i saw you like less than an hour ago thats like freaking magic, and oh my jesus school starts in like 3 days and ima get my butt kicked the first day and ima be all black and blue and purple and yeah ima tell you all about it! okay,

Okayyyy... im boreddd

HEllo i have something to say remeber me we met the other day, anyway i think your really greeatttt,
You are butter on bread if you were a sweater id wear you on my headd,
why is butter so good on breadd its you
just trying to let you know that i love you soo and that i let you goo,
just wanted to let you know that i love you so and now i let you goo,
just calling to say hello and something else they talk fast, oh well...
Alll the breadd in chinaa, rice in china,
Well i guesss you busy dong your hairr and something else you knock me out
so get back to whatever it is that your doing thats so cool somethingg..
Just trying to let you know that i love you soo and that i let you go
just calling to say hello and that i love yoiu so and that i let you go
just wanted to let you know that i love you so and that i let you goo
some other verse


Im not afraid of standing still im not afraiid of something
im not afraid of feeling and dieing something
without you yes i do it and i hope you do it too something
with out you yes i do and i hope you do itt,
Im not afraid of being sickk
im not afraid of putting the gun in my hand im afradd it wil hurt like helll, something tooo fast head hurts, damn....


so um yeah, i dont know what else to say..
I just lost the game!

Goodbye buddy with a gun xD

Sednos Report | 08/28/2008 7:07 pm
I think my happy pills are still in the cubord in my kitchen =O seriously i probibly will have to take them soon, my mom has not noticed that i have not been taking them bwahahaha. im so evil! i drew a smiley face on the pill container its pretty
Sednos Report | 08/28/2008 4:55 pm
No i didn't xD did you?
Sednos Report | 08/27/2008 9:08 pm
im a cupcake, yumm...
Sednos Report | 08/27/2008 3:44 pm

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