
hi there smile
My Name is Blair, i am not a student at the DWMA (Death Weapon Meister Academy) Nor am i some sort of a witch, i am simply just a Cat with Magical powers that just dresses like a Witch...im usually here at the academy to be of service to anyone when they need it...well that's all i have to say!!
toodles <3

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Blair (ブレア, Burea) is a cat. She has strong magical powers, however, she has stated explicitly that she is not a true Witch but a mere cat. Later on, though, in Chapter 42 of the manga, it is revealed that she is a Cat Monster (化け猫 Bake Neko in Japanese).


In cat form, she is basically a black cat with large yellow eyes, ears with pale bushy tips and a long curly tail, but she wears a smaller version of her witch's hat and a collar with a round bauble that has three triangles etched into it to resemble a jack-o-lantern's face.

In human form, she takes on the appearance of a young, tall woman with large breasts and an alluring figure. She has short violet hair with long strands on each side of her face that curl up and around to resemble her tail. The bauble she wears in her cat form can be seen below her neck. She has a set of purple catlike ears with pink tips instead of human ears, which are initially hidden by her hat. Her black witch's hat coils around at the end and retains her bright yellow cat eyes. She also has a curled up purple cat tail that resembles her cat form one. Her lips are curled like the shape of a "3" to represent those of a cat. She also has two little sharp fangs in her mouth in human form like cats.

She dresses in many types of revealing clothing such as tank tops and bikinis, but her signature witch outfit consists of a black-blue dress that shows off her shoulders and wraps around her neck, long, open sleeves that reveal her hands and shoulders, a short skirt with a white frill and long high-heeled boots that curl upwards at the toes.

Inside Eibon's book, in the first chapter of the book, Lust, her gender was changed as well alongside the other characters (although her cat form didn't look different in male form). Her seductive figure is carried on even to the opposite gender, and she appears as a highly attractive young man with a well-muscled build with black pants tight on the knees and matching shoes, an opened shirt showing her bare chest. Her witch hat remains but it is shorter, more like a top hat or a fedora but the top still has the curly tip. The bauble on her chest that resembles her cat collar has now turned into a necklace and she has also got a belt and a second, thin belt hanging down to her left.

Blair is very good at understanding other people and even showing kindness to others who are troubled. She is always looking for some fun, whether it is harmless or not. Playful and fun-loving, she is quite an affable person. She is well endowed, which is used when she flirts with Soul, usually by appearing out of her cat form in little to no clothing. Blair has no shame in her naked body in the presence of males such as pulling down her towel in front of their guests. This is most likely due to the fact that, in her cat form, she is always naked. Blair is even seen having bubble baths in bathtubs often which suggests that she enjoys taking baths. This is ironic because of the stereotype that cats dislike baths. However, she is always in human form when she bathes.

Magic: The theme of Blair's magic consists of Halloween-themed attacks and defenses, as reflected by her incantation, "Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin" or "Pum-pum-pum-pumpkin". Even though Blair is just a cat with strong magic and not a true witch she has been shown to be strong enough to deal with the evil spirit The Flying Dutchman all by herself while in her cat form, as well as defeating five Mizune. Blair has demonstrated the ability to manipulate both of her sleeves at medium range as weapons and telekinesis on inanimate objects. She was also capable of easily overwhelming both Maka and Soul in his weapon form at the start of the series.

Magic Familiar: Her hat "Zwan" can be manipulated into a hand on her command and used to grab onto enemies.

Transformation: Blair has the ability to transform into a her cat form and human form at will.

Skilled Combatant: In her Cat Form, Blair was able physically beat the Mizune Sisters. Though she's a skilled combatant, she's is no where in the league of Maka, Death the Kid, Black Star, Frankenstein, etc.

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rukia kuchiki1222

Report | 11/12/2013 1:45 pm

rukia kuchiki1222



heart Pum-Pum-PUMPKIN!! heart


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