
blake_the_kid-emo's avatar

Birthday: 12/23

Winnie loves FELIX
The Dama Rossa

we love pandaz!!!!!!

We da fyest,funniest, n mos craziest siblings ul ever meet ;)

The heart is like a glass. It is very fragile. If u toy,play,fool,or mess around with it like a glass it will break n shadder n2 bits of pieces. wen ones heart is broken emotions erupt like a volcano.The soul will feel lost n despair. The human soul, heart, n emotion sre not things that should be toyed with. Becuz when mess with sum1 elses urs to will also meet da same fate.

Love is like a battlefield. dere r two sides that will fight but only one will emerge victorious.

wen u hav met sum1 4 d 1st time n u get along very well u think u will b best friends forever bt as time change so will your heart. In your mind you think you dnt wanna b with this person n that its better to stay friends but in your heart its tellin u you need this person 2 be more than friends n be ur life forever. you listen to your mind becuz your to scare to admit to your feelings.

Wether you are too far or near from your boyfriend,girlfriend, friends, and family you must keep tellin them how you feel about them and how much you love them. Even if you dont talk that much still tell them let them know that they are stil in your heart because once they are gone you will wish you would have told them "I love you. you are very important to me. i want you in mi life and in mi heart. i want our souls to be forever linked no matter wether its with life or death." Dont take things for granted then make urself regret it l8tr on becuz in the you will be a bigger regret yourself. Learn to love everybody and everyone that you hold dear to becuz they pretty much feels the same

pain,suffering,and misery. there things people say dis is what you feel in hell but u also feel dis in ur heart. you feel pain wen the person you love so much ripped your heart out of ur chest n crushes it. sufferin is al around ur heart the person u love jus made you realized it wuz dere. misery in the heart is when the person you love leaves you. stranded. alone. these are the worst thing the human heart culd bear. dnt make others bear it n u wont bear it neither

when you have fallen in love for the first time you think thats your soulmate but in reality that not the right person. The human heart and emotions are interesting things. Espicially dealing with love. When a person has found someone they thought is right for them it can leave a good impression on them. But when they have to go there seprate ways that...that passion is such a lingering feeling and its all locked up in your heart like an animal because you can't express it to the person you love. You may be able to forget your relationship with someone but your feelings....your heart they will never forget. wether your feelings for your 1st love doesnt show 98% of the time it doesnt mean it has went away. There are all kinds of people and all kinds of different hearts in the world, but there is only one kind that is right for you. Never be impaitent to fall in love. in do time it will come to you. Never go for someone cause of their looks and they dont hav a good personality. you want someone that will make you happy, someone who is committed to you, someone who will hold you tight and tell you how they feel about you. These kind of things are what will help you with your love life.

My grandmother...once said to me she said "Blake i see great things in you. GREAT THINGS. you have that heart that everyone needs, no one else has that heart except you. Now i know things have happend to you in the past but child thats your past not your future. When things like that bother you it weakens ya, and you gotta be strong. not for yourself but others too. there's gonna be a time when some1 need you and you are gonna have to be strong and brave. And ik how much of an emotional child you are" that part made me smile :) "but baby your emotions can be your strength but also your greatest weakness. you can let them be your down fall ok?" my grandmother was a very knowledgeful woman and now i gotta take on and use that knowledge that she gave me

As i grew up and saw how men treated women i told myself i'd never be like those baastards. but...that turnt out to be a lie. iv hurt alot of girls because i thought i could be the dream guy of every girl but boooy was i wrong and because of that i not only lost a lot of great girls(not many tho) i'v also lost my bwest friend tobi. and its ben hell without him. i'v found out who doesnt give a rip about me and how many ppl i'v also hurt . man my life just got even more worse. BUT like my grandmother told me you can get yourself in alot of situations you think you can't fix but you can fix em and its gonna take time. So thats what im gonna do is fix things and get myself back to the original me the REAL me that every1 loved and care im not just doing it for the people around but espicially for my self. THIS I SWEAR!


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