
My Backround: Well i don't know what to say or where to start so I guess i will just say what i have to say then I will go on from their. Well I am VERY weird from what i get from all my friends that I have in school that tell me this. I have many different personalities for each person its weird when i get to know you i decided on what kind of personality i should make myself in your eye's and half the time i don't even mean it thats the funny thing about everything. I am also I like to to be around with other girls i don't mean to sound weird but i do because when I am around wiht another girl they just know how to get things out of ya and half of the time its a bad thing but they always get it out of you. And i don't want to make myself sound gay but if you are i have nothing against it its cool. Another thing about me is that I dress emo even though i am not that emo but emo people are awsome want to know why because THEY HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN THEIR and know what its like instead off braging like some people do about how their life sucks so much and how they try to be a wanna be emo freak. YOU KNOW WHAT IF YOU WANNA BE EMO GO AND ASK ONE HOW TO BE ONE AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS. well anyway thats kinda my backround except i don't want to brag but I am known as a pimp in school and i love to write poetry and it because of my friend ShadowofIce and if you get the chance to meet him he is a great guy not only in guy but in real life trust me i know this.

Likes: I LOVE DRAGONS ANYTHING WITH A DRAGON OR TO DO WITH A DRAGON I LOVE IT. i also like books like Eragon and Eldest and many others. I also Love games like Devil may cry from which you know by now lol. I love funny people you can never hate then unless they do it to put you down perpously.

Dislikes: I don't like posers that much even though i don't mind it if its not a big thing. I also don't like people that put down other people even though we all do it but when someone does it in a offending way and they know what they are doing to that person i jsut want to jump in and flip out even though usually i wind up keeping my cool.

Hobbies: My Hobbies hmmmmm this is a hard one because I have alot well i will just start. I am a big poetic writer even though i may not be that good i don't care its one of the best things you could do with your life and i don't care what people say. Another thing i love to do is not only write music but play it on my eletric guitar and its a ESP LTD f-50 look it up and all the other guitars. I also like many others in this world am a big realy big gamer even though this game is not that good try it its called Devil May Cry and those who have not tryed it and are gamers I tell you try this game its not that great but it has the best story for me.

Movies: Well i am not a big movie watcher unless it looks good or the beginning of the movie looks good or something. Well movies like FF7 advent children is the type of movie i like not because its anime and dont' get me wrong i like anime it just dosn't realy intrest me unless i like the story line or it goes with i game that i though was realy good.

Weakness: Now everyone has a weakness and me I for one have one and I don't care if anyone knows because more you are afraid of that fear the better chance you are of conquering it trust me on that. Well me one weakness out of all is the darkness if you look in my journal you will see why. Its not me being alone but just the fact of whats their its just creepy. One other weakness of mine is silence and being alone. The most fear i have is no music. No music is like killing me because every peice of music to me basicly has a meaning and when you think of that it puts the music into your head.

Favorites: My favorite things are playing music as you could see by the weaknesses things but also listening to it but some music I don't listen to just because it sucks lol. My favorite thing out of all things in the world is to daydream about things while listening to music when you time it right and put the story in your head its like a movie in your head never knowing what is going to happen next because you are making that story up while timing it up with the music its the best then i write it down in poetry style and if you say my poetry style it is all in story type form. And yes poetry is my other favorite thing thats one thing i could do at any time. Next to everything else is gaming when you play games everything is put aside and all those thoughts and bad thigns are realesed in killing or thinking or what ever you are doing to me its the killing type games along with the story that makes you want to cry and like i said DEVIL MAY CRY 3 best game ever i don't know what you think but to me thats the game of mine.


Viewing 12 of 15 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/07/2009 7:33 pm


Ah this is the second time you've disappeared on us! If your not going to get on gaia or at least messenger and talk to me then I see no reason why your on my friends list. Please get back on soon because I'm going through my friends and I'd hate to loose one.

Report | 06/27/2008 10:13 pm



Report | 06/01/2008 9:35 pm


the lost rider what makes you sad and Ryan get back on gaia i know you have the internet now cus your a WOW nerd so come on gaia every once and awhile
this rainbow lover

Report | 02/01/2008 7:13 pm

this rainbow lover

I hate seeing others as sad as me.

Report | 12/03/2007 7:34 pm


i am the allmighty CLUCKMO and why the hell aren't you back yet

Report | 10/21/2007 8:12 am


Ryan get your lazy a** back online

Report | 09/26/2007 6:53 pm


come on man get back online

Report | 09/17/2007 6:29 pm


Corgo im going to kick you in the nuts during gym tommorow

Report | 09/05/2007 10:55 pm


Please come back soon you know we all miss you.

Report | 07/25/2007 4:51 am


n****e ********