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Rest in Peace. Princess Ali. I wish you well in the after life realm. And come back happy.

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Name:Erik (Hopefully soon to be Ulrich.)
Age:19 (May 22nd gonna be 20)
Location:Constantine Michigan
Grade: College Fresh man
Hair/Eye Color:Hair black,Eye Brown

.Bonjour Tout le monde. My name is Erik Gincig. Soon, hopefully when I get on my feet, I'll change my boring old name to something... Less dull. Ulrich is what I have mind, but I might change that. Lol But who knows, I might just keep this bore of a name. Anyways. Like I said I'm Erik. I live in a small town of Constantine in the gloove state; Michigan. I work in a city above mine, about 15 minute drive away, called Three Rivers. Everyone knows basicly what it is.. If not.. You are Amish or livin under a rock. Lol I work at Taco bell... A stupid way to aproach it, but I'm not your average person. Each person has a affect on my personility. I mold into what I need to. But who I am as a person, is a sweet and caring guy. I love to take my friends out to eat, and drive around. Love to go to the mall, and going to parties.

Because I'm always about during the day, I'm often never home, UNLESS, I've been working. Man do I have weird hours. I work days and nights.

But anyways. Like you read above. I'm 6 foot and 3 inches, and pretty much getting back in shape. Lol. I'm not the muscle meat head type, but nor am I too skinny. But I'm a working progress. I drive a Tan 2000 Buick Lesabre, that I got for my b-day and grad gift. From my grandparents and my folks. So yea. Often enough I have to buy what I need or want, so it came to a shock.

Now I can't be who I am without my friends. Each one making a big difference one way or another. Also fun to be around for different reasons as well. I don't hang out with the same type of crowd. That would too boring. I need entertainment. So different types make quite enjoyable for me.

Raquel.. Rawr

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Hola Ghouls and Drools. This young feline, with the sharp fangs and claws is the all feared Raqual Anyways. This young Lass is a fellow employee of Taco Hell. Not much can be said about her. Besides the normal..."Oh how cute, and Awww." kinda thing. Lol. Na. She is drop down. WOW. lol Hard to not look at her. Smart, or atleast seems to be. Great looker. Um. A person you could actually talk to and be in with peace.. UNTILL she snaps. lol. For being a "short" person, which she isn't, is a strong mother....Yea... She could take alot, so fighting with her isn't a good idea. but she is still cool. Still fun to pick on. She and I are alike in many ways. One would be the fact how we express our feelings.. But unlike her, I keep mine private when I'm upset lol. But thats Raquel the Tiger, saying its "GGGggggrrrrreeeeat" lol. The little girl makes me laugh, smile, and just... Keeps the weirdness out... But I'm an idiot.. So its ok.

Oh watch boy and girls, she is taking by her man Andy, So watch ya feet. He loves his girl and she to her boy

Krissy Fry

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WOW! LOOK ITS A BIRD, ITS A PLANE! Oh snap its just krissy lol. Krissy is an amazing artist. You should see her art. Just outstanding. lol. The goof ball does amazing things. Like sit around and make me laugh. Though we have our times of hate toward eachother, I still love her. She is like the best friend a person could ask. though I highly doubt she would call me a best friend. lol But still she is cool. I can't believe how much she has grown since 6th grade. But she has. a vet wanna be.. Or something like that. BORING lol jk. But anyways. This girl is crazy! She sets up tents in her own bedroom! and HAS A WEINER DOG!wow. lol it has fluffy ears.. Anyways back to krissy. She is a cool person. She loves to talk.. And talk dirty. lol Which is AMAZING! lol. I mean the words that come out of her mouth would make most guys speechless. But I'm now use to it.. o.o like the words red dress and thong.. Long story. lol. But yea. I'll always remember her and the foolish stuff we had talked about. Because that's how life is with her, always something new and different.

SO to you kris. I want you to find someone. And be happy. Make a life, and stop beating yourself down. BE HAPPY! AND DON'T WORRY

Kyle.. M M mathers

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Lol OMFG.. Kyle Is the biggest Nerd you'll ever seen. He is great though. He has his moments of funniness.. (<- yea I made up a word.. And miss spelled it! =O what Now?) But yea. We've been friends since 1st grade. And still are. But that's how friendship is. And yet me and him still learn more and more about eachother.. Like he Can't type yet.. Can spend money on weird stuff.. And me being slightly cheep about s**t for me.. Others.. Idk.. but good luck chuck with that g/f of yas.

I'm into alot of things.

Anime Top 5
4)Full Metal Alchemist
5)Wolf's Rain

Fantasy Creatures Top 5
1)Winged Vampires
2)hybrid Angels/Vampires
3)Hybrid Vamp/wolf
5)Dark Angels

Fav shows Top 5
2)Star Gate Atlantis/Sg1/The big bang Theory/Two and a half men
3)South Park
5)Code lyoko

Music Top 5 Styles
3)Punk Rock
5)Rap/Hip hop


Viewing 12 of 30 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/30/2009 7:37 pm



Report | 08/29/2009 8:08 am


Lol, yeah, I know what you mean.

Report | 08/28/2009 10:00 pm


Been better. I got stuck by a bee today. It hurt really bad.
And school's starting for me soon. x_x

Anything interesting for you?
(Eh, my computer might decide to hate me and stop letting me be on the internet, so if I don't comment again, you'll know why.)

Report | 08/28/2009 9:41 pm


What've you been up to?
HardxCore Flavored Candii

Report | 07/25/2009 9:01 pm

HardxCore Flavored Candii

I made a new account.
Add it.
It's Nudelhirsch.
Pink perfume tea

Report | 05/08/2009 2:51 pm

Pink perfume tea

yo blitz, I made a new bleach rp if you wanna join it, youcan still use the same characters if you wish

Report | 05/07/2009 3:41 pm


    My summer break starts next week after I finish my exams. I'm sooo happy.


Report | 05/07/2009 2:58 pm


    Yeah, same. It's just boring.
    But it's almost summer, so I'll finally have other s**t to do. haha.


Report | 05/07/2009 2:55 pm


    Of course. =P
    Gaia life is good, I guess? Just sort of boring. =P


Report | 05/07/2009 1:38 pm


    I know! O:
    I'm good, how have you been?


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Float like a butterfly.....

Sting like....


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